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english stories книга.doc
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Feuille d'Album

1. Discuss some problem-questions.

  1. Does the boy seem a typical budding painter, the kind of person we usually associate with art? 82

  2. What do the largely external descriptions of the girl tell about her probable character and way of life?

  3. Do you think the young painter really fell in love with the girl or was it more the need of a companion, of a friend that made him think of the girl all the time?

  4. What, do you think, will the girl's response to the boy's words at the end of the story be? Think of a possible way to continue it.

  5. Why is the story entitled "Feuille d'album"?

2. Speak on how the character of the boy becomes revealed in 1) the incidents mentioned in paragraphs 2,3; 2) the way he kept his studio (8); 3) the way he made the list of expenses (9); 4) his fantasies about the girl (14).

3. Say if the description of the boy at the beginning of the story suggests something a) funny; b) mysterious; c) extraordinary about him. Choose one characteristic and explain how if s materialized in the further development of the story.

4. Explain what the writer means saying:

1. Why come to Paris if you want to be a daisy in the field? (6) 2. His heart fell out of the side-window of his studio. (12) 3.... the very way she walked as though she was eager to be done with this world of grown-ups ... (16)

5. Say if you agree or disagree with the following statements of the author and why.

  1. When one is an artist one has no time simply for people who won't respond. (5)

  2. ... the spirit of kindness dies very hard in women. (5)

6. Which of the following phrases could be said to be the theme of the story.

Loneliness in a big city.

A painter needs an inspiration which is just right for him. The need for companionship is a very real need.

7. Speak on or write an essay about your assessment of the story and your impressions of it.

Tactical Exercise

1. Discuss some problem-questions.

  1. How did the war affect John Verney, his wife and their relationship?

  2. Why did the reputation of cleverness condemned Elizabeth to social failure? Is the attitude to women who are considered clever or "deep" still the same?

  3. Why did John Verney hate his wife so much? Did he hate her as a woman, as a person or as a symbol of changed and changing life? What was the root cause of his hatred?

  4. Why is this century referred to (in John's thoughts) as "the century of the common man"? (17)

  5. For what effect did the writer use military terms in the story? (36, 37, 41)

  6. As you've observed the events of the story are mostly shown the way they appeared to John Verney. But was the real state of things actually like John Verney saw it?

  7. Do you find the end of the story suggestive of any follow up?

  8. Who of the two, John or Elizabeth, seems a more sympathe­tic character to you and why? With whom, to your mind, are the sympathies of the author?

2. Explain how the main characters become revealed in the episodes described in paragraphs pointed out in brackets.

Elizabeth – her first season (4); how she tried to explain to John the post-war situation in the country (15-16); in the way she told her husband about her visit to the doctor (42).

John – the days in the army (2); the fact that he married Elizabeth (5); his thoughts during the sleepless nights (21-22); the visit to the doctor (40).

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