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Text Discussion

  1. Why do you think Karen Lovett considers competition for donations a nightmare?

  2. Discuss the problems fund raisers can face.

  3. How does Karen Lovett see the role of public relations firms in fundraising? Do you agree with her?

Over to you

  1. The following list sets out some of the different kinds of event that may be held for fund-raising purposes. Rate them beginning from the most efficient to the least efficient.

  • A ball, dinner dance, disco or barn dance;

  • Performances: for example concerts, stage productions, and other events which have a paying audience;

  • Film showings;

  • A fete, fair or festival;

  • Horticultural shows;

  • Exhibitions - including art, history, science etc;

  • A bazaar, jumble sale, car boot sale, or good as new sale;

  • Games of skill/contests/quizzes;

  • Firework displays;

  • A dinner, lunch, or barbecue;

  • An auction of bought-in goods;

  • Raffles or lotteries.

  1. Think of a non-profit organization in your native place which needs financial support. Suggest a fund-raising event to meet the needs of this organization. Make a plan for a fund-raising campaign.


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