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Summarizing. Complete the following sentences to summarize the text above:

1. Developing countries believe that free trade causes …

2. Many developing countries adopted… in the 1950s and 1960s.

3. The results of these protectionist policies were…

4. In recent years, many less developed countries have moved towards

5. Despite the advantages of export-orientated trade policies, developing countries face…


Are you also of the opinion that free trade leads to unemployment in developing countries?

35. Economics and ecology


Are you concerned about pollution and environment?

Key words and phrases

1. natural environment – навколишнє середовище

2. consumptionспоживання, витрачання

3. non-renewable resourcesресурси, що не підлягають відновлюванню

4. environmentally-consciousтой, що захищає навколишнє середовище

5. to preventзапобігати, перешкоджати

6. to abolish environmental restrictionsзнищувати природоохоронні обмеження

7. to strengthen restrictionsзміцнювати обмеження

8. to recycleпереробляти, використовувати повторно

9. taxes on sources of energy – податкі на джерела енергії

In recent years ecologists have been very much concerned about the protection of the natural environment, about the consumption of non-renewable resources, the creation of waste, and the pollution of land, sea and air. After reading the following text discuss how ‘green’ or environmentally conscious you are. Answer the following questions with Yes (because…), No (because…), or It depends on… .

  1. Do you believe that governments should do more to prevent manufacturers polluting or damaging the environment?

  2. Are you prepared to pay a higher price for products that you know are not dangerous for the environment?

  3. Have you ever stopped using a product because you know that it is damaging for the environment?

  4. Do you think environmental restrictions on industry should be abolished or relaxed because it leads to the creation of jobs?

  5. Do you think environmental restrictions should be strengthened even if it leads to unemployment?

  6. Do you make an effort to recycle these?

* paper

* aluminium drink cans

* batteries

* vegetable waste

* glass bottles

* plastic bottles

* anything else

7. Do you use public transport (or a bicycle) wherever possible?

8. Do you make an effort to use as little water and energy (electricity, heating, etc.) as possible?

9. Do you believe that there should be higher taxes on sources of energy?

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