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III. Answer the questions to the text:

1. What kind of buildings are usually autonomous?

2. What is an autonomous building?

3. What are the advantages of an autonomous building?

4. What are the disadvantages of living in a "house with no bills?"

5. Is an autonomous structure always environmentally friendly?

6. How does autonomy reduce the costs?

7. How is the problem of water supply solved?

8. Why does an autonomous building rely on renewable resources much?

IV. Fill in the prepositions and translate the phrases:

rely.........civil services

.........the expense of

have an effect.........psychology

be concerned.........


.........ground level


depend .........


V. Pick out the pairs of synonyms:

Conventional, involve, clear, shelter, basic, reach, independent, decrease, benefit, normal, fundamental, absolute, impact, security, advantage, reduce, autonomous, obvious, complete, construction, safety, include, attain, effect.

VI. Change the word given in brackets into the necessary form:

1. (History), architects searched for a magic ratio which represents the ideal of perfect proportion.

2. All (combustion) materials should be kept at a safe distance from a steel fire door.

3. The draught in the staircase tends to increase the (probable) of a small fire becoming a large one.

4. As both buildings have the same floor area and (high), they both have the same volume.

5. The system is to protect the client's interests by exercising (independence) control over the (contract).

6. Different types of fuel are used in different geographical (locate) and (situate).

7. The (strong) of a column is directly proportional to its (high) and inversely - to its (thick).

VII. Are you in favour or against living in an autonomous building?

Write a paragraph, listing your arguments. Make use of the words:


In my opinion/ view, Personally, As far as I'm concerned








On the other hand

VIII. Read the text and answer the questions. Translate text с and d.

Which house would you recommend for someone who:

• likes the idea of a room that reminds them of the sea? О Е

• generally has rasher extreme tastes? 1 .............

• enjoys gardening? 2.............

• wants to have a bathroom as part of each bedroom? 3......4......

• insists on a private lifestyle? 5..............

• is in a hurry to change homes? 6..............

• likes a lot of natural sunlight? 7.......8......

• needs a more natural environment despite their urban lifestyle? 9...............

• needs two individual houses attached to each other? 10.............

• prefers a more unusual design? 11.............

• enjoys heat from a natural fire? 12.............

• appreciates the work of skilled carpenters? 13......14....

• wants a house they can use as a business for tourists? 15............