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Scouting, also known as the Scout Movement, is a worldwide youth movement with the stated aim of supporting young people in their physical, mental and spiritual development, so that they may play constructive roles in society.

Scouting began in 1907 when Robert Baden-Powell, Lieutenant General in the British Army, held the first Scouting encampment at Brownsea Island in England. During the first half of the 20th century, the movement grew to encompass three major age groups each for boys (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Rover Scout) and, in 1910, a new organization, Girl Guides, was created for girls (Brownie Guide, Girl Guide and Girl Scout, Ranger Guide).

The movement employs the Scout method, a program of informal education with an emphasis on practical outdoor activities, including camping, woodcraft, aquatics, hiking, backpacking, and sports. Another widely recognized movement characteristic is the Scout uniform, by intent hiding all differences of social standing in a country and making for equality, with neckerchief and campaign hat or comparable head wear. Distinctive uniform insignia include the fleur-de-lis and the trefoil, as well as merit badges and other patches.

In 2007, Scouting and Guiding together had over 38 million members in 216 countries. The two largest umbrella organizations are the World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), for boys-only and co-educational organizations, and the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), primarily for girls-only organizations but also accepting co-educational organizations.

2007 marked the centenary of Scouting world wide, with member organizations planning events all over the world in order to celebrate the event.

Age groups and sections (Original age groups as developed by Baden Powell)

Age range

Scouting section

Guiding section

7 to 10

Cub Scout

Brownie Guide

11 to 17

Boy Scout

Girl Guide or Girl Scout

18 and up

Rover Scout

Ranger Guide

Around the world

Following its foundation in the United Kingdom (UK), Scouting spread around the globe. The first association outside the UK was opened in Malta, which is independent now but was a British colony at the time. In most countries of the world, there is now at least one Scouting (or Guiding) organization. Each is independent, but international cooperation continues to be seen as part of the Scout Movement. In 1922 the WOSM started as the governing body on policy for the national Scouting organizations (then male only). In addition to being the governing policy body, it organizes the World Scout Jamboree every four years.

Today at the international level, the two largest umbrella organizations are:

World Organization of the Scout Movement (WOSM), for boys-only and co-educational organizations.

World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS), primarily for girls-only organizations but also accepting co-educational organizations.

Scouting in Beiarus

The Scout movement in Belarus consists of an unknown number of independent organizations. There are at least five nationwide associations as well as some regional associations. In addition, there were at one time Scouts-in-Exile in metropolitan areas of the United States, and there are presently international Scout units in Belarus.

The initial development of Scouting in Belarus took place within the Russian Scout movement, as part of the Russian empire. A Scout organization was founded in Kletsk, and Scouts appeared in Nyasvizh and other nearby villages. In 1929, American Methodists helped found the Girl Scout organization in Vilna. It lasted until 1929, but by the end of the 1920s, Scouting had been banned by the Soviet Union, and Scout activities ended, with many leaders and members arrested and imprisoned.

Emergence of democratic principles in the mid1980s made possible the creation of alternatives to the communist pioneer organizations. Close connections were formed with Guide and Scout organizations of many European countries, when children from areas affected by the Chernobyl accident were invited to summer camps abroad during the Chernobyl Children's Project in 1990. Especially close links were developed with Cyprus, and between Minsk and the Guides of Lincolnshire. In 1992, Cyprus was officially appointed Link country to support the development of Guiding in Belarus, and in June 1993 the first conference of the Association of Belarusian Guides was held in Minsk.

European Free Alliance Youth

European Free Alliance Youth is a youth organisation made up of members who belong to organisations, movements or political parties that safeguard and promote the cultural, linguistic and national diversity of Europe. The EFAY therefore is an alliance of the youth branches of nationalist and regionalist political parties and organizations throughout Europe, who are actively engaged at the State-Regional and European level. Our members work towards a greater recognition of European diversity.

World Federation of Democratic Youth

The World Federation of Democratic Youth (WFDY) is a left-wing youth organization, recognized by the United Nations as an international youth non-governmental organization. WFDY, which describes itself as an "anti-imperialist, left-wing" organisation, was founded in London in 1945. WFDY was formed as a broad international youth movement, organized in the context of the end of the Second World War. But at the beginning of the Cold War, almost all Western organizations pulled out of WFDY due to its association with Soviet-aligned socialist and Communist parties It is generally considered to be a successor organisation to the Young Communist International.

When the USSR and the Eastern Bloc collapsed, WFDY entered a crisis. In the vacuum of power created by the disappearance of the most important member organization, the Soviet Komsomol, conflicts emerged on the character of the Federation. Some wanted a more apolitical structure, whereas others were more inclined to an openly leftist federation. WFDY did however, survive the crisis of 1989-1992, and is today an active international youth organization that holds regular activities.

The WFDY Headquarters are in Budapest, Hungary

The main event of WFDY is the World Festival of Youth and Students, The 16th WFYS was held in Venezuela 2005.

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