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4. Taking words apart

Use an American English dictionary to find the following information.

1. All these words contain the word part mem-: memorial, memory, remember, memorize, and commemorate. What do you think mem- means? Write your answer.

________________________________________________________ .

2. Look up the word grave in a dictionary. Write down its most common meaning for each word form.

Noun: _______________________________________

Adjective: _______________________________________

3. Find two meanings of the word veteran, and write the definitions here.

  1. Practising sentence patterns

It would be very dull if every sentence in a piece of writing began with the subject. One way to get more variety of sentence structure is to begin with an adverb. Here are two examples from the reading.

Unofficially, the holiday has been extended beyond its military connection .... Originally, the holiday was called Armistice Day.

  1. Write a sentence about the number of stars on the first American flag.

Originally, .

  1. Write a sentence about the number of states in the U.S. right after the Revolutionary War.

Originally, ________________________________________ .

  1. Sharing ideas

    1. Issues

Debate these issues in small groups. Then choose one and write about it.

1. When we celebrate holidays honoring military victories and military heroes, are we teaching children that it's brave and noble to kill?

2. The U.S. has several territories, which are areas that belong to the U.S. but are not one of its 50 states. Should a territory and its residents be governed by people who live somewhere else? Can people and the land they live on "belong" to residents of another area?

3. What kind of behavior should be considered desecration of the flag? Is it desecration to wear the Stars and Stripes on one's jacket? On one's underwear? Should Americans be allowed to use paper plates with the stars and stripes on them? Where should one draw the line between decoration and desecration?

4. Love of country is commonly considered a virtue. Yet it sometimes leads to hatred of outsiders and to bloodshed. Would people be better off if nationalism were replaced by global feelings of love for all humanity?

    1. On a personal note

Write about one of these topics.

1. Compare the extent of free speech in the U.S. and another country you've lived in or know about. Compare what can and cannot be said publicly in each country.

2. Draw and describe a flag you think would be appropriate and attractive for the city, state, or country you live in.

3. Some people consider fireworks beautiful and exciting. Others say they are too noisy and dangerous. Do you enjoy fireworks demonstrations? Do you think they're a good way to celebrate a patriotic occasion? Why or why not?

4. Throughout history, millions of people have died trying to keep a particular piece of land part of their country. Would you give your life for that purpose? Why or why not?

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