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Business correspondance.doc
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Клише и выражения для писем-запросов:

-- We read your advertisement in… -- Мы прочитали вашу рекламу в …

-- We have heard of your products from… -- Мы узнали о продукции вашей компании из …

-- We are interested in buying (importing)… -- Мы хотели бы купить (импортировать)…

-- Would you kindly quote your prices and terms of delivery (terms of payment) for… -- Не могли бы вы установить нам цены и условия поставки (условия оплаты) …

-- Please send us samples of … (your catalogues, quotation) – Пожалуйста, вышлите нам образцы … (свои каталоги, прейскурант)

-- If your prices are competitive (the samples meet the standards, your equipment meets our requirements) we maybe able to let you have our regular orders. – Если ваши цены устроят нас (образцы будут удовлетворять требованиям стандартов, оборудование будет удовлетворять нашим требованиям), мы будем регулярно заказывать вашу продукцию.

Ex.10. Read the sample of an offer and analyze it.

Mr. Fred North

Purchasing manager

Broadway Autos

November 11, 2007

Dear Mr. North:

Thank you very much for your inquiry. We are of course very familiar with your range of vehicles and are pleased to inform you that we have a new line of batteries that fit your specifications exactly.

The most suitable of our products for your requirements is the Artemis 66A Plus. This product combines economy, high power output and quick charging time and is now in stock.

I enclose a detailed quotation, specifications and delivery terms. As you will see from it, our prices are very competitive. I have arranged for our agent Mr. Martin of Fillmore S.A. to deliver five of these batteries to you next week, so that you could carry out laboratory tests. Our own laboratory reports, enclosed with this letter, show that our new Artemis 66A Plus performs as well as any of our competitor’s product and, in some respects, outperforms them.

If you would like further information, please telephone or fax me: My extension number is 776. Or you may prefer to contact Mr. John Martin of Fillmore S.A.: his telephone number is 01 77 99 02.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Yours sincerely,


Fred Stock

Клише и выражения письма-предложения

-- As to your inquiry of … we are informing you that… -- На Ваш запрос от… мы сообщаем…

-- We enclose our catalogue with the latest price-list. – Мы прилагаем наш последний каталог с новейшим прейскурантом.

-- Our proposal is valid till… -- Наше предложение действительно до…

-- We deliver our goods on CIF (FOB) terms – Мы поставляем на условиях СИФ (ФОБ).

-- The price includes packing and transportation expenses. – Цена включает упаковку и транспортные расходы.

-- We can give you a 5 per cent discount. – Мы може м предоставить вам 5% скидку.

-- As you can see from our price-list, our prices are at least 3% lower than market prices. – Как видно из нашего прейскуранта, наши цены по крайней мере на 3% ниже рыночных.

-- The model … will meet most of your requirements. – Для ваших целей лучше всего подойдет модель…

-- We are looking forward to hearing from you soon. – С нетерпением ждем ответа.

Ex.11. Write on inquiry for some goods and an offer in reply to it.

Ex.12. Read the text, write out new words and learn them.


In the commercial world today fairs and exhibitions play an important role. Every year a lot of international, national and specialized fairs and exhibitions are held in different countries of the world. The number of countries and companies who take art in them is growing from year to year and the scope of fairs and exhibitions is becoming larger.

International trade fairs and exhibitions today fall mainly into two groups: specialized, concentrating on products of a particular industry, and general, covering many different fields. Lately business exhibitions have gained recognition too.

The display during these exhibitions includes a wide range of exhibits that show the latest achievements in different fields of industry, science and agriculture of many countries. They offer exporters an excellent opportunity to show what they have for sale, to make contacts and to learn about a market quickly and easily. They are also an ideal way of advertising and sales promotion. At international and national exhibitions commercial centers are established where participants can negotiate the sale and the purchase of different goods.

A fair or an exhibition is always an event which attracts both serious businessmen and the general public. Every day halls are crowded with visitors, who show much interest in the exhibits on display. During the exhibition business talks are held, a lot of transactions are negotiated, the contracts are signed.

Fairs and exhibitions are usually held under various mottoes:”People and Progress”, “Peace and Progress through Economic cooperation” and so on.

International fairs and exhibitions pave the way for consolidation of friendship among countries and nations. Every exhibition is eye-opening experiences for all participants try to give visitors a good idea of the country’s way of life and tourist attractions.

Our country is a regular participant of international fairs and exhibitions and has been a host to a growing number of them.

Ex.13. Give Russian equivalents to the word combinations:

To hold an exhibition (a fair); to fall into two groups; business information exhibitions; to include a wide range of exhibits; to show the latest achievements; in different fields; to offer an excellent opportunity; to make contacts; to learn about the market; an ideal way of advertising; to have for sale; sales promotion; to negotiate the purchase; to attract the general public; to pave the way for; along with; to give a good idea of; a country’s way of life; tourist attractions; a regular participant; to be a host to.

Ex.14. Agree or disagree, give your reasons.

  1. Fairs and exhibitions are very important for foreign trade.

  2. The number of participants has been about the same since the first World Exhibition.

  3. Fairs and exhibitions promote business relations between countries and companies.

  4. International fairs are not very popular with the general public.

  5. Our country is a seldom participant of international exhibitions.

  6. Fairs and exhibitions give the visitor’s no idea of the country’s way of life.

Ex.15. Answer the questions to discuss the details of the text.

  1. Do fairs and exhibitions play an important role in the commercial world today?

  2. What kinds of international fairs and exhibitions are held in different countries of the world?

  3. What does the display during these exhibitions include?

  4. What do international exhibitions offer exporters?

  5. Why do we say that an exhibition is a good method to advertise different goods?

  6. Can businessmen negotiate transactions and sign contracts during fairs and exhibitions?

  7. Whom does any fair attract?

  8. Under what mottoes are fairs and exhibitions held?

  9. Why do fair and exhibitions pave the way for the consolidation of peace and friendship among nations?

  10. What is the purpose of arranging exhibitions and fairs?

  11. Does our country take part in international fairs and exhibitions?

Ex.16. Say what you have learnt about different kinds of fairs and exhibitions and their business side.

Ex.17. Read the dialogue.

Last month Stepanov, an engineer from Belimport, had instructions to visit an exhibition of electronic equipment which was held at Olympia in London.

Belimport was interested in buying computers of the latest model. The Model R 800 computer of Wilson & Co attracted Stepanov’s attention. After he had seen the computer in operation he got in touch with Mr. Adams, the Sales Manager of the company to start the talks for the purchase of computers.

S.: Good morning, Mr. Adams. Here is my card.

A.: Good morning. I’m glad to meet you. How do you like our stand?

S.: Oh, it’s really interesting. We’ve had a happy chance to see your latest achievements in electronic industry. I must say you’ve made much progress in this field.

A.: Glad to hear that.

S.: Mr. Adams, your stand-attendant has just shown the Model R800 computer in operation. Is it for sale?

A.: Certainly. It’s an up-to-date model It was introduced into the world market six months ago and since then it has been a great success. So I’m not surprised in your interest in it.

S.: Yes, I was impressed by its efficient performance and I liked the finish too.

A.: The computer meets the highest world standards.

S.: But as you know, Mr. Adams, to buy a computer is only half the business. You must have your own operators and programmers to operate the equipment. I’d like to know if it will be possible to send our specialists here so that they could get good training at your plants.

A.: No problem to arrange this.

S.: And one more point. How long is the guarantee for your computers?

A.: Two months from the starting of the equipment, this is standard.

S.: Fine. As soon as I come back to Minsk we’ll send you our inquiry.

Ex.18. Say what you have learnt about 1. Stepanov’s visit to the exhibition; 2. his talk with the Sales Manager of the company.

Ex.19. a) Complete the dialogue and reproduce it.

A.: How do you like our stand, Mr. Stepanov?

S.: … interesting. … in the field of …

A.: Glad to hear that.

S.: … computer in operation. … for sale?

A.: Yes, of course.

b) Act out a similar dialogue. Suppose you are interested in the Model 4A engine.

Ex.20. Translate into English.

  1. Наша фирма ежегодно принимает участие в Ганноверской ярмарке.

  2. В сентябре в Дели состоится выставка белорусских товаров. Она расскажет посетителям о достижениях промышленности и сельского хозяйства в нашей стране.

  3. Мне необходимо связаться с фирмой «Браун энд К» как можно скорее.

  4. В этом году мы собираемся представить на рынок новую модель компрессора.

  5. Международная книжная ярмарка пользуется большим успехом.

  6. Выставка в Белэкспо привлекла внимание бизнесменов и обычных посетителей.


Ex.21. Ask and answer as in the model.

-- Does your company do good business?

-- Yes, many contracts are signed by our company every year.

Prompts: to place orders; to receive inquiries; to conclude transactions; to receive offers; to establish business relations.

Ex.22. Ask and answer as in the model.

-- Have you signed the contract yet?

-- Yes, it was signed two days ago.

Prompts: to make a contract; to reserve an airway ticket; to reserve accommodation at the hotel; to discuss the terms of the contract; to establish business relations with French companies.

Ex.23. Ask and answer as in the model.

-- When are you going to sign the contract?

-- It will be signed next week.

Prompts: to discuss the matter; to test the equipment; to study the contract form of Blake & Co; to arrange an exhibition of your goods; to send the inspectors to the Seller’s plant.

Ex.24. a) Read the model.

-- The goods were not delivered in time because the plant was heavy with orders.

b) Say why:

you didn’t send the documents to the Buyers; the engineers didn’t look through the catalogues closely; you didn’t send the reply to Brown & Co on time; nobody met your partner at the airport; the plant didn’t test the pumps on Tuesday; The Buyers didn’t accept your price.

Ex.25. a) Read the model.

-- The machines will not be tested next week because they are not ready for the tests.

b) Say why:

you will not sign the contract tomorrow; The Buyer will not open an L/C on time; your company will not export the model A pumps this year; the Seller will not deliver the goods on time; you will not complete talks this week.

Ex.26. Ask and answer as in the model.

-- Is TV equipment exported to many countries?

-- Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

Prompts: to test pumps; to produce cars; to import watches; to sell chemical equipment; to buy office equipment.

Ex.27. a) Read the model.

-- When was the exhibition opened?

b) What will you say if you want to know when they:

sent their reply to the Buyer; placed the order for Model A; invited the inspectors to the plant; reserved accommodation for Mr. Brown; showed the equipment in operation.

Ex.28. a) Read the model.

-- Where the exhibition of your goods beheld?

-- It will be held in Great Britain.

b) Ask your friend:

for what day they are going to make an appointment with Mr. Brown; what matters they are going to discuss during the talks; when they are going to make some modifications in their compressors; when they are going to send the documents to the Buyers; when they are going to place an order with Bell & Co.

Ex.29. Make these sentences Passive.

  1. We could not cancel the order because they had already sent it.

  2. The inflation affected our business in the Middle East very badly.

  3. We are printing our catalogues by Friday this week.

  4. We make compressors for those machines here.

  5. He has not fixed the date for the next appointment.

  6. We received this letter from Continental Equipment a week ago.

  7. We can pay you in advance if you want.

  8. They had to discuss the Contract before his departure.

Ex.30. Supply the correct forms of the verbs.

Mr. Blake, a British Businessman, (to call) at the Belarusian pavilion at the international exhibition which (to hold) in Minsk last month. He (to become) interested in the Model K2 machine-tool. After he (to see) the machine in operation he (to get) in touch with Petrov of Belexport.

Blake: Good afternoon, Mr. Petrov. Here (to be) my card.

Petrov: Good afternoon, Mr. Blake. Glad to see you in Minsk.

Blake: I (to come) here on business and I (to be) happy I (to have) a chance to visit this exhibition.

Petrov: I (to hope) you (to find) it interesting.

Blake: It (to be) wonderful. I (to impress) by the size and the scope of the exhibition. It is one of the largest exhibitions I ever (to visit).

Petrov: Yes, over 350 companies (to take) part in it.

Blake: Mr. Petrov, I just (to see) your pavilion. The Model K2 machine-tool (to attract) my attention. I must say your country (to make) much progress in the field of machine-tool industry.

Petrov: It (to be) a pleasure to hear that. It (to be) an up-to-date model. It (to introduce) into the world market at the beginning of the year and since then it (to be) a great success. A lot of companies (to show) much interest in the model.

Blake: You see, Mr. Petrov, we’d like to place an order with your company for this model and we’d like to negotiate the price for the machines.

Petrov: Yes, of course. We (to be) glad to establish business relations with your company.

Blake: When we (can, to meet) to discuss the matter in detail?

Petrov: What about Tuesday morning at 10?

Blake: All right. I (to be) glad to meet you on Tuesday. Good-bye!

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