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Unit 3.doc
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Активизация грамматики.

1. Поставьте глагол, данный в скобках в –ing форму. Обратите внимание на употребление

Participle I и Gerund.

1. USP Reference Standards are recognized as official standards in the U.S., and their use is

effective in (to demonstrate) compliance with legal requirements.

2. Laboratory (to test) of a drug is a compulsory stage of drug (to manufacture).

3. All drugs (to meet) the NF standards are included into this listing.

4. Thousands of medications are available today for (to prevent) various diseases.

5. (to prescribe) this drug to the patient the physician said it would relieve the pain.

6. (to take) this medicine, be careful of side effects.

2. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в форму Participle I. Переведите предложения на

русский язык.

1. I advise you to take this drug. (to dissolve) in the stomach immediately it will give you

considerable relief.

2. This pharmaceutical company (to produce) drugs for this type of flu is getting more and

more popular.

3. The doctor looked at the patient’s blood analysis, sat at the table (to think) and without (to

say) a word left the room.

4. The physician prescribed him a (to heal) ointment which he could order at the nearest


5. One mustn’t confuse drugs, because (to cause) untoward reaction they may do harm to

man’s health.

6. (to ensure) a good quality of its goods this company protects people against many diseases.

3. Раскройте скобки, поставив глагол в форму Gerund. Переведите предложения на

русский язык.

1. In addition to (to aid) in the treatment of infectious diseases such as pneumonia,

tuberculosis, influenza, and sexually transmitted diseases, these medicines also help

prevent and treat cardiovascular diseases, asthma, diabetes, and cancer.

2. (to have) a drug reference is necessary for every pharmacist.

3. A drug addict has been jailed after (to steal) a priest's car.

4. The law states that anyone convicted of (to possess) more than EUR13,000 worth of drugs

should receive the 10-year term.

5. “How many people die of (to smoke) cigarettes?”

6. "What are the effects of (to use) psychotropic agents?” “They affect the brain and body”.

4. Переведите предложения на русский язык, укажите в предложении форму Participle I и


1. The principal problems involve the use of prescription drugs without a physician's

supervision, and the danger of buying drugs of unknown origin and quality.

2. When choosing a drug at the chemist’s check the “active ingredients” section on the label.

3. Be very careful when giving more than one medicine to a child.

4. To reduce your child's risk of medicine poisoning, keep medicines out of reach and out of

sight of children.

5. Since children tend to imitate adults - avoid taking medications in their presence.

6. Avoid drinking medicine from a bottle.

7. Always turn the light on when giving or taking medicine to be sure you have the right

medicine and the correct measure or count of the dosage.

8. Insist on safety packaging for prescription medicines.

9. The benefits of medicines are helpful effects you get when you use them, such as

lowering blood pressure, curing infection, or relieving pain.

10. Despite my warnings she continued taking this medicine causing huge damage to her


5. Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя формы Participle I или Gerund.

1. Продажа нелегальных лекарств является растущей проблемой в США.

2. Многие думают, что наркоман может прекратить употреблять наркотики в любой


3. Выписывая лекарство пациенту, врач должен знать точный диагноз.

4. Неудивительно, что многие фармацевтические компании, производящие лекарства,

получают огромную прибыль в период эпидемий.

5. Никогда не начинайте и не прекращайте принимать лекарства, не поставив в

известность вашего лечащего врача.

6. Не зная, как лекарство действует на организм человека, врач не имеет права

назначить его пациенту.

7. Это лекарство может подействовать только путем введения его внутримышечно.

6. Преобразуйте предложения, используя, где возможно, конструкции с Gerund или

Participle I и предлоги (by, for, of, while, when), где необходимо. Переведите

составленные предложения на русский язык.

1. In the countries which are developing rapidly the top pharmaceutical companies produce

5 new drugs annually.

2. People, who search for the best remedy for their disease, may find it in the national

drug reference.

3. To administer the better treatment the physician must examine you carefully.

4. When I was in hospital I learnt a lot about my disease.

5. Doctors all over the world are trying to find a way how to treat some rare types of


6. The teacher who was delivering the lecture on manufacturing of sodium and potassium

compounds told the students about the way how to use them in pharmacy.

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