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Assignment № 2 Chapter II “Fire on the Mountain” (pp. 73-93 / 32-47) Chapter III “Huts on the Beach” (pp. 94-106 / 48-57)

  1. Learn the pronunciation of the following words:

to seize, dubiety, to caress, maintenance, grotesque, incompetence, horizon, silhouette, tumult, opaque, spear

  1. Explain the meaning of the following words and word combinations. Use them in the situations from the book:

to look round challengingly 74 (33), to break the rules 75 (33), to be about to do smth. 77 (35), to twist into oneself 77 (35), to keep up with 82 (38), to be the first to do smth. 83 (39), to find room for smth. 83 (39), to break into a cheer 85 (41), to keep a look-out 88 (43), to lose one’s temper 91 (45), on all fours 94 (48), to take smb. seriously 100 (53), to get fed up 103 (55), to cock one’s ears 106 (57).

  1. Give English equivalents to the following phrases:

влезть в разговор (32), голосовать поднятием руки (33), взрыв смеха (35), искать поддержки (36), неподтвержденный доказательствами (37), потерять нить разговора (37), перекричать (43), завизжать, запищать (44), выйти из себя (45), жестикулировать, пытаясь подобрать подходящее слово (50).

  1. Situations of encouragement.

  1. Fill in the gaps with prepositions:

1. Ralph surveyed the wreck __ distaste. 2. He rolled __ and peered __ Jack’s fierce, dirty face. 3. He screwed __ his eyes and swung __ __ search the horizon. 4. The ground was hardened __ an accustomed tread and as Jack rose __ his full height he heard something moving __ it. 5. He squatted __, parted the leaves and looked __ __ the clearing. 6. I wonder how far __ you could see that.

  1. Comment on the following sentences:

  1. Until grown-ups come to fetch us we’ll have fun (77\35). 2. Once more … was shed that glamour, that strange invisible light of friendship, adventure and content (83\39). 3. But you can feel you are not hunting, but – being hunted (101\53). 4. Jack had to think for a moment before he could remember what rescue was (101\53).

  1. Topics for discussion:

  1. The meeting and the decisions taken at it.

  2. Making a fire on the mountain.

  3. Dwell upon the symbolic meaning of the conch.

  4. You are Piggy. Make up your speech on top of the mountain.

  5. What was the attitude of the boys towards Simon and to what he said? Why?

  1. Give a written translation of the extract on p. 83 (39) from “They found a likeliest path” … up to “Not for the two of us”.

Assignment № 3

Chapter IV “Painted Faces and Long Hair” (pp. 107-130 \ 58-75)

    1. Learn the pronunciation of the following words:

flood; assembly; triumphant; filthily; diameter; involuntarily; taboo; opalescence; malevolently; perpendicular; exhilaration; vicious; opaque; squeal

    1. Give synonyms or explain the following words and word-combinations; use them in the situations from the book:

to adjust oneself to smth. 108\59; natural belligerence 109\60; to feel the unease of wrong doing 110\60; to scavenge over the beach 111\61; to pull smb.’s leg 116\65; to be at home 117\65; to impose one’s will upon smb. 123\70; to keep smth. going 124\71; to go red 124\71; to drive smb. to violence 125\71; to give way 126\72; to put oneself in the right (wrong) 126\72; to break silence 129\74.

    1. Situations of encouragement.

    1. Comment on the following sentences:

1.… the mask was a thing of its own, behind which Jack hid, liberated from shame and self-consciousness (115\64).

2. By the time the pile was built, they were on different sides of a high barrier (127\73).

    1. Comment on the author’s allusion to the events in the big world: “civilization that knew nothing of him and was in ruins” (113\62). Is there any relevance between the outbreak of the war and the situation on the island?

  1. Give some facts to prove the following statements. Quote the text if necessary:

1. The littluns led quite a distinct life of their own. 2. There had grown an opinion that Piggy was an outsider. 3. Ralph began to lose his authority as chief. 4. The children might have been saved by a passing ship. 5. It was Jack’s fault that the fire had burnt out. 6. Jack played a dirty trick on Piggy.

  1. Give a character-sketch of Roger.

  1. Give a written translation of the extract on p. 121\68 from “A procession had appeared … up to … spill her blood” p. 69.

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