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Упражнения к фильмам (для студентов).doc
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Discussion of the film.

  • What is the main idea of the film?

  • Speak about the actors, their play;

  • What is your favourite episode of the film?

  • What character did you like/ dislike most?

  • What Siam’s customs did you find out?

  • Would you like to visit this place? As a guest or a teacher?


Write an essay on one of the following topics:

”First impressions can often be misleading.”

  • Travelling makes the border wider.

  • It’s important for everyone to find the place she/ he belongs to.

  • Sometimes meaningful moments of life do not seem meaningful indeed.

  • You are always to move on.

  • One woman/ man could replace the others.

  • “Life is suffering.”

  • Keep your friends close, but enemies closer.

  • ‘Everything has its own time.”

Point break

Have a glance at the photos below. Describe what you see there. What do you think this film is about? Have you recognized the actors?


I. “Who is Who?” Match the characters to their names.

Johnny Utah

a. Utah’s girlfriend

  1. Angelo Pappas

b. FBI agent’s partner

  1. Bodhi

c. A head of robbers’ gang

  1. Tyler

d. FBI agent

II. True/ False statements:

  1. Johnny Utah was from Ohio

  2. People in bank robbery are allowed to drink and smoke and not to keep fit.

  3. The bank robbery searched for robbers with the help of crime-scene and lab work and importantly data-based analysis.

  4. Harp found Utah young and clever.

  5. Angelo Pappas had been in the field for 19 years.

  6. Pappas was glad to be saddled with a partner from Quantico.

  7. The robbers had the masks of clowns upon their faces.

  8. 60 seconds were enough for robbers to commit the crime.

  9. The robbers never get greedy so they strictly stick only to the cash drawer.

  10. The robbers left their car so that it looked parked from a distance.

  11. Pappas got happy that Utah and he were to deal with a drop car.

  12. The Ex-Presidents were sailors.

  13. The Ex-Presidents robbed banks since May to October.

  14. Angelo Pappas compared surfers to school of fish.

  15. To keep balance is enough to learn to surf.

  16. Tyler’s parents deceased in airplane crash in 1984.

  17. Tyler advised to Johnny to go in for football or volleyball.

  18. Utah wanted Tyler to teach him to surf since he liked her.

  19. Being in school team, Utah stopped playing football because of his broken ankle.

  20. Pappas said to Johnny that shooting at the raid had difference with paper targets.

  21. Johnny Utah missed as he was scared.

  22. Utah didn’t tell Tyler what he was since it was not planned.

  23. Johnny has jumped with parachute before.

  24. Bodhi and some more people knew where Tyler was.

  25. Bodhi couldn’t call Rosie to let Tyler go as it was his principle.

  26. A man who started shooting at the robbers was a guard.

  27. The rights for FBI agent are to remain silent or say anything that will be against the law and no lawyer.

  28. While flying Johnny dropped his gun since he didn’t want to shoot at Bodhi.

  29. Utah let Bodhi go because wanted to be promoted.

III.“Who said the following?” Match the phrases with the characters’ names: Angelo Pappas (A), Johnny Utah (J), and Bodhi (B).

  1. “Last time you had a feeling, I had to kill a guy, and I hate that. It looks bad on my report.”

  2. “Rock’n’roll”

  3. “It’s a state of mind”

  4. “We show them that the human spirit is still alive”

  5. “Life is short”

  6. “You got to earn trust”

  7. “You are just as sharp as a razor”

  8. “Fear causes hesitation and hesitation will cause your worst fears to come true”

  9. “Why be a servant to the law when you can be its master?”

  10. “There is one thing that I learned …Respect for my elders”

  11. “This game we both lose”

  12. “Life sure has a sick sense of humor, doesn’t it?”

IV. Put the events in the right order.

  1. Utah and the surfers’ gang are skydiving.

  2. Tyler’s blackmail

  3. Angelo reveals to Johnny his theory about the robbers.

  4. Utah rescues Tyler

  5. Utah missed while shooting at Bodhi.

  6. Pappas’ death

  7. Legend about 50-year storm


I. Answer the questions:

  1. What phrase did the robbers always say before rushed into the bank?

  2. How many banks were robbed by Ex-Presidents for three years?

  3. What did the robbers use the wax for?

  4. How did the robbers use robbed money?

  5. Why did Utah imagine all this story about his parents’ accident?

  6. Why did Utah and Pappas decide on getting a sample of hair?

  7. How did Tyler describe Bodhi to Johnny?

  8. What was surfing according to Bodhi’s words?

  9. What were those guys that hit Utah?

  10. What was 50-year storm?

  11. Why didn’t Utah want Angelo to come into the house?

  12. Who Dietz turned out to be?

  13. What Tyler’s words reminded Johnny about the robbers?

  14. What do you think why Utah didn’t shoot Bodhi?

  15. What did Tyler say about Johnny’s look?

  16. How did Bodhi explain to his band what bank robbery was for them?

  17. What was the robbers’ ceremony which they did at the end of the summer? What was Speedstar?

  18. Who packed Utah’s chute?

  19. Why did Johnny want to pull his rip cord first?

  20. Why was Tyler blackmailed?

  21. In what case, as Bodhi said, Tyler would be fine?

  22. What does dog psychology mean?

  23. Why was Johnny given a gun without any bullet?

  24. What went wrong during the last robbery?

  25. How many people were killed during the robbery?

  26. Why couldn’t either Utah or Pappas shoot or arrest the robbers?

  27. How was the police going to nail Bodhi and the rest?

  28. Where did Johnny find Bodhi? (what country?)

  29. What do you think why Utah released Bodhi?

II. Imagine you are an interpreter. Try to interpret this blurb.

На фоне манящих пляжей Атлантического океана разворачивается неожиданный по напряжению детективный сюжет. Таинственная банда серферов, среди бела дня, совершает ограбления банков. Полиция и ФБР поражены профессионализмом и молниеносностью совершений преступлений. Следствие ведет молодой претенциозный агент ФБР, который, рискуя жизнью, внедряется в банду и раскрывает это дело. Но неожиданно для самого себя он осознает, что вернуться к нормальной жизни он уже не сможет