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Helpful hints plot

We use the term plot (сюжет) to refer to the way a writer arranges the events in a story. Many fairy tales, with their "once upon a time" beginnings and "happily ever after" endings follow chronological order, where the events they take place one after the other.

Very often, however, a writer plays with time by interrupting the chronological order of events. He can start a story in the middle of things and not at the very beginning. Flashback (ретроспекция, «обрати кадр») and foreshadowing (проспекция. предвосхищение событии) are two common devices that write use to introduce past and future events. By recognizing these devices, you can follow a story more closely and better understand your reactions to characters and events.

A writer may manipulate time for a variety of reasons — for example, to give you a deeper sense the characters and conflicts or to keep you wondering what will happen next.

Jeffrey Archer starts the following short story in the middle of things (in medias res) and uses flashbacks to refer to previous events.

She waved at me across a crowded room of the St Regis Hotel in New York, I waved back realizing I knew the face but I was unable to place it. She squeezed past waiters and guests and had reached me before I had a chance to ask anyone who she was.

"How are you, darling?" she cried, and threw her arms around me.

"I'm well, thank you," I said. "And you?" i inquired as my opening gambit.

"I'm just fine, darling," she replied, taking a glass of champagne from a passing waiter.

"And how's the family?" I asked, not sure if she even had one.

"They're all well," she replied. No help there. "And how is Louise?" she inquired. "Blooming," I said. So she knew my wife. But then not necessarily, I thought. Most American women are experts at remembering the names of men's wives. They have to be, when on the circuit they change so often it becomes a greater challenge than The Times crossword.

"Have you been to London lately?" I roared above the babble. A brave question, as she might never have been to Europe.

"Only once since we had lunch together." She looked at me quizzically. "You don't remember who I am, do you?" she asked as she devoured a cocktail sausage. I smiled.

"Don't be silly, Susan," I said. "How could I ever forget?" She smiled.

I confess that I remembered her name in the nick of time. Although i still had only vague recollections of the lady, I certainly would never forget the lunch. I had just had .my first book published and the critics on both sides of the Atlantic had been complimentary, even if the cheques from my publishers were less so. My agent had told me on several occasions that i shouldn't write if I wanted to make money. This created a dilemma because I couldn't see how to make money if I didn't write. It was around this time that the lady, who was now facing me and chattering on oblivious to my silence telephoned from New York to heap lavish praise on my novel...

Love stories, adventure stories, detective stories, horror stories: writers never seem to run out of ideas for stories. Although each story is unique, many of them share some basic elements.


Conflict is the driving force behind many plots. It can be internal or external.

• An internal conflict conies from inside. It's a struggle within a character's mind. The struggle usually centers on a choice or decision the character must make. Should she tell the truth? Can he overcome his jealousy?

• An external conflict is a clash between a character and an outside force, such as another character1 society, or a force of nature. Will he defeat his bitter rival? Will the traveller survive in the desert?


Suspense is also an important element in many plots. The clearest example of suspense can be f-in detective stories, where the author does not reveal the identity of the murderer until the very last moment. Suspense is often created through the careful ordering of events in the story.


The part in a story when the conflict reaches the highest point of interest or suspense is called climax (кульминация).


In some stories the main plot is accompanied by a subplot - a second story that is complete in its own right. The subplot is usually linked in some way to events in the main plot and generally helps to deepen our understanding of it.


Are the events in the plot chronological? Does the plot begin at the start of the story or in madias

Is the story based on conflict?

Does the conflict come from outside or inside? What are the conflicting forces?

Is suspense created in the plot? If so, how?

Are there any flashbacks in the story? What purpose do they serve?

Can you identify the climax of the story?

Are there any subplots? What are their functions?