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Туризм 11 класс.doc
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3. Work in groups. Discuss which part of the brochure the information below would go to.

- oldest national Park of Europe

- Western part of Belarus within Grodno and Brest provinces along the state border with Poland and partially on the territory of Poland

- name comes from Belovezha Castle ("belo" - "white" and "vezha" - "tower" in Polish and Belorussian) situated in Poland.

- area of 85 000 hectares (from North to South - 65 km and from West to East for 10 to 30 km.

- protected area since the 15 century (was reserved exclusively for hunting for Polish kings (1410-1794) and Russian tsars (1794-1914).)

- 900 species of plants, 55 species of mammals, more than 200 species of birds, 11 species of amphibia, 7 species of reptiles, the biggest animal in Europe - European bison called "zubr" in Belorussian.

- a museum (paintings with episodes of medieval hunting, stuffed animals from Pushcha, etc), restaurant with exotic dishes, special hedged areas and cages with bisons, elks, wild boars, volves, foxes, bears, etc.

- 1979, UNESCO World Heritage Site, - Biosphere Reserve

- Great Mamamuszi. 690 cm, height 34 m. One of the thickest oaks in the forest, beautiful column-like trunk.

- By bus (Shuttle buses Brest - Kamenets – Kameniuky) Bus station inquiry: 114

- By car (From Brest – take Brest-Kameniuky Highway (Р83) – 65 km.)

- hotel, zoo, museum at the National Park Headquarters at Kamieniuki

- Ded Moroz (operates all year round), residence created by Belarusian masters, gained great popularity

- "Belavezhskaya Pushcha" restaurant

4. A) Work in groups. Decide which information block each student is going to write.

b) Work individually. Write an information block for the brochure about Belovezhskaya Pushcha using the facts above.

c) Work in groups. Put your information together to make a brochure.


1. Work in small groups. Follow the steps below to produce a travel brochure.

1. Planning stage

a) Look at sample brochures you or your class have collected. Identify those that have a style or format you might like to imitate or borrow.

b) Decide on the sight in Belarus, you are going to produce a brochure for.

c) Collect as much information about this sight as possible (its location, history, events schedule, working times, pictures and publication about it in English, etc. Reviews from visitors and amateur photographs may also be of use.)

d) Put all the information you’ve found together. Distribute the work between your team members.

2. Formation stage

a) Note down the main features of your sight that you want to highlight in the brochure.

b) Create a list of topics to include in the brochure and write the information to be provided under each topic.

c) Write headlines and subheads. Write the descriptive text. Make lists.

c) Write short, concise sentences, being careful to use proper punctuation, spelling and grammar.

3. Design stage

a) Select the photos for inclusion in the travel brochure. Your photos need to convey a story that complements the text you wrote. Also remember that people love to look at pictures of other people's faces so include as many face photos as possible.

b) Lay out the travel brochure by placing the copy, photos and other graphics in a sensible, logical manner. Again, have your staff and a member of the organization whose brochure you're creating look it over again as a final proof.