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Telephone conversations

Ex.12. a) Read the dialogue and learn to the expressions in italics.

Secretary: Hello, Phillips Company. Can I help you?

Klimov: Good morning. I’d like to speak to Mr. Smith, please.

Secretary: Mr. Smith? Who’s calling, please?

Klimov: My name is Sergey Klimov from TST Systems, Minsk, Belarus.

Secretary: Hold on, please. I’ll find out if he is in… Hello? This is Mr. Smith’s secretary speaking.

Klimov: Yes… Klimov here.

Secretary: I’m sorry; Mr. Smith is very busy at the moment. Can you tell me you telephone number, Mr. Klimov? Mr. Smith will call you later.

Klimov: Of course. Just put it down: + 375-17-227-6534. Let me repeat it. 375 – this is an area code of Belarus, 17 – this is for Minsk, and 227-6534 is the number in the city of Minsk.

Secretary: Correct. All right, thank you for calling and Mr. Smith will call you back later.

Klimov: Thank you very much indeed.

Secretary: You’re very welcome, sir.

  1. Add the missing phrases to the following phone conversation.

A: Hello, Procter and Gamble. Can … ?

B: ………. I’d like ….

A: Who… ?

B: My name is……

A: Hold on, please. ……… . This is ……..

B: Yes ….

A: I’ sorry …… Can you give me ……

B: ……. It’s +375-17-284-1600.

A: Correct. All right, …….

B: ……….

A: ………..

  1. Your business partner is calling you from England. Do the following:

-- спросите какую компанию он представляет;

-- попросите у него прощения и скажите, что Вы в данный момент очень заняты и попросите перезвонить попозже;

-- спросите из какого города он звонит;

-- узнайте его телефонный номер и код город, из которого он звонит;

-- скажите, что перезвоните ему через два часа.

d) Act out a similar dialogue.

Ex.13. a) Learn how to make an appointment on the phone.

Secretary: Good morning. Mr. White's office.

Belov: Good morning. I'm Belov of the Belarus Trade Delegation. I'd like to speak to Mr. White.

Secretary: He is not here at the moment. Could I take a message for him?

Belov: Yes, could you tell him Mr. Belov phoned and wanted to speak to him about our offer for MAZ trucks?

Secretary: Certainly, Mr. Belov.

Belov: Thank, you. Good-bye.

Secretary: Good-bye.


Secretary: Good afternoon. The Belarus Trade Delegation.

White: Good afternoon. This is White calling. Could I speak to Mr. Belov?

Secretary: Just a minute, please.

Belov: Good afternoon, Mr. White. How are you?

White: I'm fine, Mr. Belov. How are you?

Belov: Pretty well too, thank you.

White: Mr. Belov, I'd like to tell you that the trucks which we bought from you two years ago were of high quality and met our customers' requirements.

Belov: Glad to hear that.

White: This year we'd like to buy some trucks from you too. I'd like to meet and discuss some business matters.

Belov: Very well. Could you come to the Belarus Trade Delegation on Friday at 10.30?

White: Yes, I think so. See you on Friday then. Good-bye, Mr. Belov.

Belov: Good-bye.

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