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Open up open up & opens up opening up opened up opened up

1. open ...up p.v. When you open something up, you reveal what is inside so that people can see it.

Sofia opened the box up and looked inside.

Mike's going to open up his computer to try to find the problem.

2. open ... up p.v. When you open a room or building up, you unlock or open the doors so that people can enter.

The office closes at 12:00 for lunch and opens back up at 1:00.

The manager was late and didn't open up the store until 10:30.

3. open ... up p.v. When a new business starts, it opens up or is opened up by someone.

/ was driving through town, and I noticed that a new book store has opened up on Maple Street.

Jimmy wants to open up a restaurant near the new office building.

Put together put together & puts together putting together put together put together

1. put... together p.v. When you assemble the parts of something, you put it together. Put together is the opposite of take apart.

Sally got a bicycle for her birthday, and her father put it together after dinner.

It was easy taking my car's engine apart, but putting it back together was a lot harder.

2. put... together p.v. When you organize some ideas, plans, or suggestions in order to show them to someone or discuss them with someone, you put them together.

Mr. and Mrs. Flores want to redecorate their house, so they asked an interior designer to put some ideas together.

I have an interesting idea for a new business, and I'm putting together a proposal.

3. put... together p.v. When you position people or things so that they are close to each other or touching, you put them together.

The teacher told Timmy and Mike to put their desks together so they could work on their project.

When you plan your dinner party seating arrangement, put Heather and Jimmy together.

Shut off shut off & shuts off shutting off shut off shut off

1. shut... off p.v. When you shut off an electrical or mechanical device, you cut the power going to it so that it stops operating. Turn off and switch off are similar to shut off.


Timmy's mother told him to shut off the TV and go to bed.

I'm freezing. Would you mind shutting the air conditioner off?

shut off part.adj. After you shut off an electrical or mechanical device, it is shut off. Turned off and switched off are similar to shut off.

Well, no wonder it's so cold in here — the heat's shut off.

shutoff n. When you shut off something, or when something shuts off, this action is a shutoff. When you shut off something, you use the shutoff switch, button, valve, and so on.

The electricity shutoff lasted twenty minutes.

In case of emergency, turn this shutoff valve here.

Start up

start up & starts up starting up started up started up


1. start ...up p.v. When an electrical or mechanical device starts up or someone starts it up, it begins to operate.

My car's engine died at a red light, and it wouldn't start up again.

You push this button here to start the computer up.

start-up n. When you start up something, or something starts up, this action is a start-up. When you start up something, you use the start-up switch, button, and soon.

To start the computer up, push this start-up button.

If your computer's hard disk crashes, you can use a floppy as the start-up disk.

2. start... up p.v. When you start up a new business or company, you take the steps necessary to begin a new business or company.

You should have a detailed business plan before starting a business up.

Jane borrowed the money she needed to start up her business from her uncle.

start-up n. A start-up or start-up business or company is a new business or company.

Most start-up businesses aren't successful.

EXERCISE 26a Complete the sentences with phrasal verbs from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Your important papers are all over the house. You should ________ them _____ and keep them in a safe place.

2. It was so cold this morning that it took half an hour to ________ my car ______.

3. This is awfully complicated. Could you ________________ it one more time?

4. The police ordered the people in the house to ________ the door________.


5. The sergeant ________ ________ the hill to look for the enemy soldiers.

6. The account executive was asked to ________ some ideas ________ for a new advertising campaign.

7. I'm trying to sleep. Would you please ________ ________ the lights?

8. Linda saw her favorite movie star, but she was too shy to ________ ________ to him and ask for his autograph.

9. I'll ________ you ________ ________ a little secret.

10. I'm going to___________to Todd's house to help him with his math homework.

11. This calendar is useless—it________________only to August.

12. Thank you for your application. I will________________it carefully and call

you in a few days.

13. This jigsaw puzzle has 1,000 pieces. It'll take forever to ________ it ________.

14. If that big discount store ________ ________ outside of town, all these little shops will go out of business.

15. The level of water in the river always falls during the summer but ________ back ________ the next spring.

16. Sam's idea of giving all the workers a 10 percent pay raise didn't ________ ________well with management.

17. I know you're upset, but you have to ________ yourself________.

18. On Saturday nights Mike usually ____ _____ with some friends and plays poker.

19. As soon as we arrived at the party, David ________ ________ to the buffet table and grabbed a plate.

20. Without the combination, there's no way to ________ this safe ________.

21. _______ all your Spanish books ________ on the same shelf.

22. This road ________ ________ to the next town, but that's where it ends.

23. I'll need around $25,000 to ________ ________ my new business.


EXERCISE 26b Write three sentences using the objects in parentheses. Be sure to put the objects in the right place.

1. I wish they would open up near me. (a branch office, one)

________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________

2. Lydia put together, (the food processor, it)




3. Do you know how to shut off? (the photocopier, it)




4. Push this button to start up. (the generator, it)




EXERCISE 26c Write answers to the questions using phrasal verbs and nouns from this section. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense.

1. Frank read my report carefully. What did Frank do to my report?

2. In Question 1, what did Frank give my report?

3. Judy walked toward the king, stopped next to him, and gave him the petition. What did Judy do to the king?

4. Mike told me a secret. What did Mike do?

5. Bill and some friends are going to meet and spend some time together. What are Bill and his friends going to do?


6. In Question 5, what is this activity called?

7. My computer begins to operate from the hard disk. What does my computer do from the hard disk?

8. In Question 7, what would you call the hard disk?

9. The mayor's plan to fight crime in the streets was very successful with the voters. What impression did the mayor's plan have on the voters?

10. The heater stops operating automatically when the temperature reaches a certain point. What does the heater do automatically?

11. In Question 10, what is the temperature that makes the heater stop operating called?

12. You quit your job so that you could begin your own company. Why did you quit your job?

13. In Question 12, what would you call your new company?

14. You assembled all the parts of your model airplane. What did you do to your model airplane?

15. This airplane schedule gives flight times until December 31. What does the airplane schedule do?

16. The supermarket unlocks its doors and lets people in at 7:00 a.m. every day. What does the supermarket do at 7:00 a.m. every day?

EXERCISE 26d, Review Complete the sentences with these phrasal verbs from-* previous sections. Be sure the phrasal verbs are in the correct tense. To check their meanings, review the section number given after each one.

do with, 25

have on, 25

look over, 21

settle for, 25

end up, 20

hurry up, 25

pick on, 21

show off, 24

go off, 20

knock over, 25

plan ahead, 25

take out on, 21

go on, 20

lighten up, 25

put on, 1

think up, 25

1. I'm asking $10,000 for my car, but I'll ________________ $8,500.

2. That new manager is really hard on the employees. He ought to ______ ______.

3. At the supermarket, Tom hit the stack of boxes with his shopping cart and ________ them ________. 201

4. We had planned to go to France on our vacation, but we ________ ________ going to Spain instead.

5. Will you ________ ________! If we don't leave soon we're going to be late.

6. Mark hates his job, and he comes home every night and ________ it _______ ________ his family.

7. My doctor got the test results from the lab, and she ________ them ________ very carefully.

8. ________ your coat ________. It's cold outside.

9. Don't wait until the last minute to make your vacation airline reservations. You have to _______ ________.

10. The detective didn't believe that the gun had ________ ________ accidentally.

11. I hated my older brother when I was a kid. He always ________ ________ me.

12. How are we going to get $500 in two days? We need to ______ _____ a good plan.

13. I didn't understand everything the computer shop guy said, but it had something to ________ ________ memory.

14. Jim tries to answer every question the teacher asks. He's always_____ ______.

15. That meeting was so boring. It seemed like it was going to _____ _____ forever.

16. The police officer must be off duty; he doesn't ________ his uniform ________.

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