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Английский язык_Тесты.doc
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2. Выберите правильный вариант:

  1. The United Kingdom includes Great Britain and...

  1. the Independent Irish Republic

  2. Iceland

  3. Canada

  4. Northern Ireland

  1. Great Britain has some mineral resources, and the most important of them is... .

  1. silver

  2. coal

  3. gold

  4. diamonds

  1. Great Britain is...

  1. a democratic state

  2. a republic

  3. a monarchy

  4. a parliamentary monarchy

  1. Stratford is situated on the river...

  1. Clyde

  2. Thames

  3. Avon

  4. Grant

  1. In what lake is a monster supposed to live?

  1. Loch Ness

  2. Derwent

  3. Otters

  4. Ullswater

  1. Washington, the capital of the USA, does not belong to any state; it occupies...

  1. The District of Columbia

  2. Milwaukee

  3. Maryland

  4. Florida

  1. The home of the US Congress and the Supreme Court is...

  1. the White Hall

  2. The Capitol

  3. The Pentagon

  4. Constitution Avenue

  1. Washington lies on the river...

  1. Mississippi

  2. Potomac

  3. Tennessee

  4. Ohio

9. What territory was sold by Russian czarist government to the USA over a century ago?

  1. Hawaii

  2. Arctic Circle

  3. Alaska

  4. Bering Island

  1. In the south of... you will meet the stars of films and television, tycoons of film industry. What is the name of the state?

  1. Colorado

  2. Carolina

  3. Texas

  4. California

Критерии оценки:

1 – 5 ошибок


6 – 20 ошибок


21 – 50 ошибок


более 50 ошибок



Тест остаточных знаний


КРАСИКОВА Надежда Николаевна

Корректор: Борисова О.Б.

Компьютерная верстка: Сенько Н.В.

Методическая литература Уральского гуманитарного института

Подписано в печать 25.03.03 г. Уч.-изд. л. 0,5 п.л.

Формат 60х84\16. Тираж 30 экз. Зак № .

Издательство УрГИ 620078, Екатеринбург, ул. Комсомольская, 63, к. 207.

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