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    1. Watch some other videos on the young persons’ issues and prepare a summary of one of them for the group (including a list of new words).

The shortenings used in the Chapter:

  1. BLD – Black’s Law Dictionary. Definitions of the Terms and Phrases of American English Jurisprudence, Ancient and Modern, 1990.

  2. CALD – Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary // dictionary.cambridge.org

  3. CED – Collins English Dictionary // www.thefreedictionary.com

  4. JDEL – Jowitt’s dictionary of English law by the late the right honourable the Earl Jowitt and Clifford Walsh, V.1, 1977.

  5. LEC – Longman Exams Coach. Pearson. Longman.

  6. MW - Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary

  7. MWDL – Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary of Law, 2001 // research.lawyers.com

  8. NPELD – Nolo’s Plain-English Dictionary // www.nolo.com

  9. OCLD – Osborne’s Concise Law dictionary, ninth edition, 2001.

  10. АРЮС – Англо-русский юридический словарь. Около 50 000 терминов. С.Н. Андрианов, А.С. Берсон, А.С. Никифоров, 1993.

The Internet-resources used in this part of the booklet and that are useful for further additional research on the topic YOUNG PERSONS

  1. www.baaf.org.uk

  2. www.cafcass.gov.uk

  3. www.childrensrights.ie

  4. www.cps.gov.uk

  5. www.dictionary.law.com

  6. www.dictionaryreference.com

  7. www.encarta.msn.com

  8. www.en.wikipedia.org

  9. http://www.hmcourts-service.gov.uk

  10. www.inthehouse.co.nz)

  11. http://www.judiciary.gov.uk/publications-and-reports

  12. www.lawcouncil.asn.au

  13. www.nspcc.org.uk

  14. www.opsi.gov.uk

  15. www.research.lawyers.com/glossary

  16. www.sfla.co.uk/welfarechecklist

  17. www.youtube.com


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