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IV. Fill in the gaps using the combinations in the right hand column

  1. 1. Others saw it as a formulation of the underlying - principle on which all ideas of citizens' rights and political and religious liberty were based.

нарушения прав человека

Great Charter established the right of widows who owned property to choose not to remarry, and established principles of due process and equality before the law.

узники совести

  1. 3. Other regional groups formed after military takeovers in Chile in 1973, in East Timor in 1975, in Argentina in 1976.

Вопросы, вызывающие обеспокоенность в области защиты прав чел.

Regional human rights watchdog groups often operated under extremely difficult conditions, especially those in the Soviet Block

основополагающий принцип

Amnesty International does not take positions on many issues which many people view as human rights concerns (such as abortion) and does not endorse or criticize any form of government.

законный порядок

  1. Early staff members and volunteers got involved in partisan politics while working on human rights violations in their own countries.

сопротивление без применения насильственных методов

  1. The appeal told the stories of six "prisoners of conscience" from different countries and of different political and religious backgrounds.

группы наблюдателей за правами человека

Gandhi and King, in particular, developed their ideas on non-violent resistance to unethical government actions from this work.

- военные перевороты

V. Look at the dictionary the following words and use them in the sentences below:

appeal ; right ; freedom; crime; belief; law

  1. After this report was forbidden journalists claimed that they were being denied their freedoms

  2. Actions of this sort have lost their appeal… for me

  3. Every shareholder will receive an invitation to the meeting as of right

  4. According to the power to do, say ,think, or write whatever one wants President Roosevelt spoke of two of the four freedoms… in 1941.

  5. She committed the unforgivable crime of voting against her own partying the defense debate

  6. The governments then pointed at bombings, strike-related violence, and growth in violent crime and social disorder as reasons why a stern approach toward dissent was necessary.

  7. To release the these people they had to receive a personal appeal… of the President on behalf of the‘’ prisoner of consience’’.

  8. belief… is an idea which is considered true, often one which is a part of a system of ideas

  9. Neither the emancipated American slaves nor the freed Russian serfs saw any real degree of freedom or basic rights for many more decades, however.

  10. In first half of the twentieth century, though, human rights activism remained largely tied to political and religious groups and beliefs.

  11. He took the law… into his hands and shot the person expressing the ideas of non-violent resistance.

  12. The people there are fighting to gain their.freedom from foreign control.

  13. This document set forth a simple plan of action, calling for strictly impartial, non-partisan appeals to be made on behalf of these prisoners and any who, like them, had been imprisoned for peacefully expressed beliefs.

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