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Employment strategy in great britain

The Government's employment strategy is to maintain an economic, financial and industrial climate in which businesses can operate successfully and create jobs. It tries to improve the labour market by encouraging better training, removing regulatory barriers which hinder recruitment by firms, and providing an extensive range of measures for those most affected by unemployment (particularly the long-term unemployed and the young) to help them into the productive work. In Great Britain responsibility for employment policy and for the payment of unemployment benefit rests with the Department of Employment.

The Government has adopted a number of objectives in connection with helping people who have been unemployed for six months or more and other unemployed people who experience difficulties in entering in labour market (such as people with disabilities and those from ethnic minorities). Help includes an offer of training, a place in a Jobclub and help in setting up in self-employment.

Employment protection

Employment protection legislation provides a number of safeguards for employees. For example, most employees are entitled to receive from their employers written information on their terms and conditions of employment, with minimum periods of notice when employment is to be terminated are laid down for both employers and employees. Employees with a minimum period of service of two years are entitled to lump-sum redundancy payments if their jobs cease to exist (for example, because of technological improvements or a fall in demand) and their employers cannot offer suitable alternative work. Protection against unfair dismissal is provided by machinery under which an employee who has been in continuous employment, normally for two years or more, may complain against an employer for unfair dismissal, and, if successful, obtain reinstatement, re-engagement or compensation.

Read the text and answer the questions: Are employers' organizations necessary? Explain your opinion. Are there such employers' organizations in Russia? What are the main aims of them?

Employers' organizations

Many employers in Britain are members of employers' organizations, some of which are wholly concerned with labour matters, although others are also concerned with commercial matters or trade associations. The main aims of such organizations are:

- to help to establish suitable terms and conditions of employment, including proper standards of safety, health and welfare;

- to promote good relations with employees and the efficient use of manpower.

Employers' organizations are usually organized on an industry basis rather than a product basis, for example, the Engineering Employers Federation. A few are purely local in character or deal with a section of an industry or, for example, with small businesses; most are national and are concerned with the whole of an industry. In some of the main industries there are local or regional organizations combined into national federations. Most of these national organizations belong to the Confederation of British Industry.

Read the text. What new information have you learned about selection methods?


Approaches to selection vary significantly across cultures. There are differences in the ways that applicants are tested and interviewed for the desired qualities.

In Great Britain assessment centres, intelligence tests and measurement of competencies are not very common. British companies usually do not rely on astrology, personality tests and handwriting analysis. There is a great tendency to use interviews and references from previous employers. It is very important how much the individual can contribute to the tasks of the organization. The emphasis is also made on the quality of education in a specialist function.

During interview communication and social skills are examined. Seldom more than one interview can be. The key selection criteria is known as 'SWANs': people who are Smart, Willing, Able and Nice.

Sum up what the text says about selection methods in Great Britain.

Are these selection methods common in Russia? Make a report about popular selection methods in Russia.

Study information about selection methods in Great Britain. Fill in information about selection methods in Russia. Find out what selection methods are the most popular in these two countries. Why are they so popular?