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Local and General Tendencies to Colds

A local tendency to colds is caused by chronic hypertrophies and congestions of the nose and throat, by subacute or chronic catarrhs of these areas. Colds may be produced by any condition of the lungs or heart that may cause congestions of these mucous membranes, and particularly by such a condition of nose or nasopharynx mucous membranes which will cause mouth breathing more or less constantly. Such patients are more sensitive to acute infections of the throat and lungs than are those who breathe through their nose.

A general tendency to colds is produced by hypersensitivity or decreased resistance of the body to microorganisms and dust particles in the atmosphere.

1) What is a local tendency to colds caused by? 2) What is a general tendency to colds produced by?


1. Find the word-building elements. Translate the words:

a) painful – painless; restful – restless; hopeful – hopeless;

b) breathlessness, sleeplessness;

c) intercostals, intramuscular, interspace, intrapleural

2. Translate the following sentences. Define “ing-forms”:

1) A tooth is covered with a thin layer of enamel preventing it from being destroyed.

2) The increasing flow of blood into the lungs is associated with breathing out.

3) The partial pressure of carbon dioxide being higher in the venous blood enables the passing of carbon dioxide into the alveolar air.

4) Being associated with the amount of carbon dioxide in the blood the respiratory rate and its depth change according to it.

5) On having been formed in the cortex conditioned reflexes determine many actions of the human being.

3. Translate the following sentences paying attention to the meaning of the word “both”:

1) Both the description of the course of the disease and all the changes in the patient’s condition are written down in his case history.

2) Both investigators came to the same conclusion having studied the structure of this substance.

3) The examination of the blood includes both the determination of the red and white cell count.

4. Translate paying attention to the words in bold type:

1) The doctor did not expect that the patient would recover so soon.

2) The nurse was waiting for the surgeon to begin the operation.

3) When do you expect to finish your investigation?

4) Who are you waiting for?

5. Choose the appropriate verb. Translate the sentences:

1) When does the physician (expect, wait for) to discharge this patient from the hospital?

2) Please (wait for, expect) the doctor a little. He will be back soon.

3) The scientist (expected, waited for) that his investigations would enable him to determine the origin of the infectious process.

6. Translate the following word combinations:

1) я пошел в стационар; он ходит в аптеку; он только что ушел в поликлинику; 2) врач прощупал пульс; я чувствую себя хорошо; испытываемая боль; 3) снять электрокардиограмму; сестра измерила температуру; сестра только что взяла у меня кровь для анализа; 4) врач выписывает рецепты; врач выписал рецепты этому больному; врач только что выписал мне рецепт на микстуру от кашля

III. Лабораторная работа № 2.*

1. Замените инфинитивы, данные в скобках, герундием:

1) After the recovery the patient stopped (to lose) his weight.

2) When did you begin (to accumulate) this valuable information?

3) My brother had to give up (to smoke) due to chronic bronchitis.

4) The young physician tried (to introduce) various new ways of treatment.

5) You must avoid (to catch) a cold as you have just been ill with pneumonia.

6) What has prevented you from (to attend) this lecture?

2. Запомните перевод предлогов перед герундием в функции обстоятельства. Предложения переведите:

1) Предлог переводится “in” – при

In entering the lungs the blood becomes oxygenated.

2) Предлог переводится “on (upon)” – по, после

On taking electrocardiograms cardiac impairments are revealed.

3) Предлог “by” переводится – путем, при помощи

The vital capacity of the lungs can be determined by estimating the amount of the air breathed in.

4) Предлог “through” переводится – благодаря, при помощи

a) An unfavourable response developed through administering the remedy in too large dose.

b) The respiratory rate may increase through running quickly.

5) Предлог “without” – без – часто переводится отрицательной формой деепричастия.

The inflammatory process in the lungs could not be stopped without giving the patient streptomycin injections.

6) Иногда герундий с предлогами “in, on (upon), by” переводится деепричастием.

By giving up oxygen to all the tissues of the body red blood cells feed them.

3. Переведите предложения, используя при переводе выделенных слов герундий с предлогом:

1) При назначении любого лекарства лечащий врач указывает дозу, которую нужно принимать.

2) Ученые научились предупреждать некоторые заболевания путем изучения их причин.

3) Правосторонние боли в груди были сняты благодаря применению банок.

4. Ответьте на вопросы, используя слова в скобках:

1) How long does it take the doctor on duty to make the evening round of the wards? (not less than two hours)

2) How long did it take the nurse on duty to give an intravenous injection to the patient? (about five minutes)

3) How long will it take the cardiologist to take an electrocardiogram? (a little more than a quarter of an hour)

5. Закончите предложения:

Every in-patient department has different specialized rooms:

1) The room where the patient admitted to the hospital is examined by the doctor on duty is … .

2) The room where the admitted patient is washed is … .

3) The room where the patient is directed to after being admitted to the hospital is … .

4) The room where the patients are X-rayed is … .

5) The room where the patients are operated on is … .

6) The room where different analyses are made is … .

6. Ответьте на альтернативные вопросы:

1) Does the term “aetiology ” mean the causes of the disease or the mechanism of its development?

2) Is urinalysis instrumental or laboratory study?

3) Is pathogenesis a mechanism of the development of a disease or its treatment?

4) Are haemorrhage and vomiting subjective or objective symptoms?

5) Is a productive cough associated with the discharge of sputum or is it dry?

7. Переведите следующие предложения:

1) В каком медицинском учреждении работает ваш отец?

2) Кроме лекарства для приема внутрь врач прописал внутривенные инъекции глюкозы.

3) Чей температурный лист заполняет сейчас сестра?

4) Дежурный врач всегда должен делать вечерний обход палат.

5) Ядовитые лекарства нужно хранить в специальном отдельном аптечном шкафу.

8. Соедините предложения, выбрав один из указанных союзов: “after, as soon as, if, until”. Сделайте необходимые преобразования:

1) You will be on a sick-leave. You will feel well again.

2) The patient will feel an immediate relief. He will take this remedy.

3) The patient will not complain of any pain in his stomach. He will follow a light diet.

4) The physician will administer you the necessary treatment. He will make a proper diagnosis.

9. Вставьте необходимые парные союзы: either … or, neither … nor, both … and.

1) When one is healthy … the blood analysis … the urinalysis show abnormal findings.

2) Listening to the patient’s lungs the therapeutist did not reveal … moist … dry râles.

3) Some remedies are indicated … in case of cardiac … pulmonary diseases.

4) A district doctor may go out to the calls … before … after his consulting hours at the polyclinic.

10. Переведите парные союзы:

1) Normally the layer of the cellular tissue on the abdomen is (или) 1 cm (или) 1.5 cm thick.

2) (Ни) the X-ray examination (ни) the numerous electrocardiograms showed any changes in the size of the heart and its functions.

3) One must remember that considerable changes in the body weight may be associated with (или) the increase of the amount of fluid in the body (или) with edema which occurs particularly in heart and kidney diseases.

IV. Информативное чтение. Прочтите текст “What is Cough?”. Будьте готовы ответить на вопросы по этому тексту на следующем аудиторном занятии:

irritation – раздражение

stethoscope – стетоскоп

expression – выражение

defense – защита