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Europe very important in the move towards détente then

Instead of the confrontational policies of Kruschev, which had been proved to be a failure during the Missile Crisis and the Berlin Crises, rationalism began to dominate in the Soviet Union. This was greatly helped by a change of leadership at the top in the Soviet Union. Kruschev had been considered to be a failure as a result of Berlin and Cuba, and his domestic reforms regarding agriculture and industry had not succeeded as he would have liked, he was also considered to be unpredictable. This led to K being replaced in October 1964.

If détente was pushed for by the States in 1963 and then increasingly by Europe from the mid-1960s what was happening between the Soviets and the Americans from 1964-8?

The ground was ripe for détente in 1963 with the signing of the Test Ban Treaty. However moves towards détente Between 1964 to 1968 were however only gradual, this was as a result of a number of important factors we are going to look at in a minute. Whilst both The main détente moves in this period were as follows. In April 1964 the new American president Lindon Baines Johnson and Kruschev agreed to reduce production of fissionable uranium which could be used to create nuclear weapons. In June 1964 a treaty between the two powers removed some travel restrictions between the countries – although this was not ratified until 1967.

Continued moves to limit arms control. In January 1967 the two powers signed the Outer Space Treaty which agreed to demilitarise the moon and the cosmos in general.

A further move towards détente was In June 1967 USSR and the USA agreed to meet up at Glassboro, New Jersey to talk about US-Soviet relations. Here Linden Baines Johnson and Alexei Kosygin discussed issues such as arms control, specifically relating to the reduction of Anti-Ballistic missiles (missiles which the two powers used to defend themselves in event of a nuclear attack). Despite a lack of agreement regarding arms control there was in general a good atmosphere at the conference, something called the ‘Glassboro spirit’, generally positive for US-Soviet relations.

A major breakthrough in ussr-Soviet relations came with the signing of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty in 1968

This move continued to show their willingness to work together (and progress towards a more peaceful world) was the signing of the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty in 1968 (signed in July 1968). Here the idea was to prevent the spread of Nuclear Weapons to countries which did not have them, which was supposed to maintain security in the world. This showed the US and Soviets urge to prevent conflict and come to the table. At the same time there were issues with the NPT as many of the countries looking for nuclear weapons were unwilling to sign the treaty. This was however a strong move towards co-operation.

Finally in 1968 plans were made to move towards a general US-Soviet treaty regarding arms limitations (SALT), concerning Anti-Ballistic missiles, Intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) and Submarine-launched ballistic missiles (SLBMs), but this was left to the future

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