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II. Prepare a short report on British drama. Name the best known British playwrights and their world famous plays, e.G. W. Shakespeare, r. Sheridan, o. Goldsmith, b. Shaw, s. Beckett.

III. Choose three quotations from the play (use your previous notes of paradoxes and witty sayings) that best describe each of the main characters, learn them by heart and include them in character-sketches.

IV. 1. Questions for discussion:

1. How can you account for the fact that “The Importance of Being Earnest” is a most frivolous play? How is the double meaning of the title brought to mind in different situations in the course of the play?

2. What is the role of the language in creating a unique atmosphere of Oscar Wilde’s play? What language means make criticism of upper class morals both witty and entertaining?

3. How does Jack Worthings’s idea of duty and responsibility characterize him?

How do you understand moral duty, social responsibilities, family duties? How do your views compare with Jack’s.

4. What does Algernon’s character reveal about young aristocrats of O. Wilde’s time: the life they lead, their set of values and views on marriage, family, society, literature, education, and occupation, business, work, etc.

5*. Jack and Algernon’s views might be taken as typical of their time and class. Compare their views on marriage, family; education; duty; occupation, business, work with the way we understand them today.

6. At the beginning of the play Jack appears to be a most earnest looking young man, whereas Algernon seems to be talking nothing but nonsense. How do the two characters develop throughout the play? What are the defining characteristics of each of the two young men? Compare them with your first impressions.

7. Does the fact that Jack and Algernon turn out to be brothers seem believable to you? Give your reasons.

8. Describe the difference between the ways of London high society and society in the country? Consider Gwendolen’s first meeting with Cecily and Lady Bracknell’s remarks in Act One and Three. Explain the reasons for the difference. Speak on the community of people in the capital and that living in any other place.

9 *Do you, your friends or group mates come from a place other than Moscow? Do you or your friends find life in Moscow hard? Outline the difference between the people and the way of life in Moscow and any other Russian town or area.

10. Gwendolen is a refined girl from an aristocratic family, whereas Cecily is less sophisticated, rather more practical and her social position is lower than Gwendolen’s. Can we say that the girls’ ideas and behaviour are as different as their (social) backgrounds suggest?

11. How does the girls’ ideal of a young man characterize them? What is the girls’ idea of a young man of their dreams? What is your idea of a perfect young man? Make a short-list of today’s idols and things they are admired for. Would you say that contemporary ideals aren’t really different from those of Cecily and Gwendolen?

12. What was the girls’ main objection to marrying the young men? How does that characterize them as members of the upper classes? Is O. Wilde critical of them?

13. Judging from the play how were marriages among the upper classes arranged in Wilde’s time? What are modern views on arranged marriages? What are advantages and disadvantages of these arrangements?

14. Could Lady Bracknell’s concerns about her future relatives be shared by parents at the present time? Are her major requirements very different from modern parents’ desires? What about your own parents?

15. When Lady Bracknell is looking for an eligible young man for her daughter, she expects him to meet a whole set of requirements. Yet she considers her nephew Algernon to be an eligible young man only because he is an aristocrat. How can that attitude be described? To what other aspects of life does Lady Bracknell apply double standards? Can we say double standards are still common in contemporary society?

16. Discuss Lady Bracknell’s views on education, knowledge, experience; marriage, engagements, family; (high) society, fashion and style.

17. What makes Lady Bracknell a real representative of London high society?

Sum up all the facts and write an essay on the topic, using active vocabulary and quotations.

18. What does the episode in which Jack mistakenly takes Miss Prism for his mother tell us about the attitude to what we now call single mothers?

19. How do Miss Prism’s remarks characterize her? Does she have qualities necessary for a good governess? What should a good governess be like in your opinion?

20*. Could Miss Prism’s story be repeated in contemporary Britain (would she manag to find employment after losing a baby in her charge)? What do you know about requirements for a person working in education or childcare in contemporary Britain? Compare them with the situation in this country.

21. How does O. Wilde criticize the British clergy of his time? How does the author manage to make Canon Chasuble’s “deep” religious feelings and profound knowledge seem ridiculous? Could we really consider Dr. Chasuble an intelligent and highly educated person?

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