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The british cinema


The Bridge on the River Kwai

the British Board of Film Censors

the British Film Institute

Burton, Richard

Chaplin, Charles

Connery, Sean

Ealing comedy



Guinness, Sir Alec

Hitchcock, Alfred

Laughton, Charles

Lean, David

Leigh, Vivien

the National Film Theatre


Olivier, Laurence


the Pinewood Studios

The Private Life of Henry VIII

Redgrave, Vanessa

Sellers, Peter

Taylor, Elizabeth

"U certificate"

Ustinov, Sir Peter

"X certificate"

Going to the cinema is very popular in Britain, especially with young people. In 1992, over 90 per cent of 15- to 24-year-olds in Britain went to the cinema. In 1984, this figure was only 59 per cent. Since 1984, many multiplexes (cinema complexes with up to 14 screens showing a wide range of modern films) have been built. These multiplexes have encouraged more people to go to the cinema.

British men and women have different tastes in films. In a survey, most men liked action films which they watched on television or on video. Women preferred films which dealt with human relations between friends or between men and women.

There are many types of films to suit every taste: Action; Horror; Drama /Human Relations/ Comedy; Music; Cartoon; Fantasy.

The early history of British cinema is not distinguished. The only director of importance to come forward during the silent period was Alfred Hitchcock, who directed his first film in 1923, and worked in England until the late '30s. Charlie Chaplin, a British actor and director worked mostly in America.

Some actors emerged as film stars in Britain in the 1930s, they included Michael Redgrave and Ralph Richardson. The most ambitious British films made before the war were those produced by Alexander Korda, especially The Private Life of Henry VIII with Charles Laughton.

John Grierson and Humphrey Jennings directed many fine documentaries during the Second World War for the Ministry of Information.

After the war several successful comedy films were made, many of them with the actor Alec Guinness. They include The Lady-killers and Kind Hearts and Coronets. Laurence Olivier made distinguished film versions of Shakespeare (Henry V, Hamlet, Richard III).

Other leading directors since the war have included Anthony Asquith, David Lean (Great Expectations, Brief Encounter, The Bridge on the River Kwai, Dr Zhivago) and Carol Reed (The Third Man). Those who have had success since 1960 include Lindsay Anderson and John Schlesinger (Billy Liar, Darling).

Many British or British-born actors have had distinguished film careers — D. Bogarde, R. Burton, S. Connery, A. Guinness, M. Mcdowell, V. Redgrave, E. Taylor, P. O'Tool, P. Ustinov.

Topics for discussion:

  1. History of English cinema.

  2. British films after World War II.

  3. Some of the best English films.

  4. Famous film actors and actresses.

  5. Charlie Chaplin.

  6. Well-known film directors and producers.

  7. Alfred Hitchcock.

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