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задание по домашнему чтению (97-2003).doc
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Chapter 13

1. Find the sentences with the following word-combinations in the chapter and translate them into Russian:

1) a yelp of agony 2) a vestry meeting 3) the cry of a stern warrior 4) a blatant bumptuousness 5) mechanical monstrosities 6) riparian boors.

2. Find English equivalents of the following word-combinations in the chapter and use them in the sentences of your own:

1) поставить себя в ужасно глупое положение 2) щекотать 3) ад кромешный 4) жилистое животное 5) вероломный убийца 6) не испытывать недостатка в смелости 7) быть безрассудно храбрым 8) кровь застыла в жилах 9) волосы встали дыбом.

3. Compare the Medmenham and the Cistercian monks. What fraternity appeals more to the author and to you?

4. Write out of the text words denoting different canine breeds, translate them into Russian, describe the appearance of some dogs.

5. Speak about Montmorency's attitude towards cats and tell how his meeting with a tomcat changed it.

6. Describe the accident in the lobby of the Haymarket Stores as if you were one of the participants.

7. Speak about the attitude of three friends to steam-launches. What is the reason for it?

8. Translate into Russian: "What the eye does not see, the stomach does not get upset over". Recollect the initial variant of the proverb and comment on it using your personal experience.

9. Speak about strange disappearance of Harris and a pie.

10. A passage for reading and translation: from "Marlow..." up to "The famous..."

Chapter 14

1. Find English equivalents of the following word-combinations, translate the sentences in which they are used in the chapter:

1) завещать 2) музей восковых фигур 3) такое трудное дело 4) обрезки и остатки 5) смесь благоговения, подозрения и ненависти 6) бренчать 7) играть на волынке 8) он не привык к роскошной жизни 9) отогнать.

2. Make some questions on the details of the contents of the chapter.

3. Speak about an Irish stew using the following plan:

  1. Ingredients.

  2. The process of cooking.

  3. The result.

4. Speak about George and banjo. Recollect the situation when a banjo was mentioned for the first time in the book.

5. Speak about Harris and swans. Where were his friends at that time?

6. Compose a dialogue btw George and Jerome sharing their emotions after they have heard the story about swans.

7. Write the summary of the chapter.

8. A passage for reading and translation: from "I knew..." up to "Harris was disagreeable..."

Chapter 15

1. Find the following expressions in the text, translate them from Russian into English and use them in the sentences of your own:

1) поддержать мысль 2) жаждать работы 3) настойчиво требовать работы 4) не соответствовать компании 5) назначить кем-либо 6) осыпать шутками.

2. Find the following expressions in the text and translate the sentences in which they appear in the text into Russian:

  1. I was beginning to feel strongly on the subject.

  2. Fancy old George talking about work!

  3. It is the way of the world.

  4. to bet smb ten to one

  5. a shock-headed youth

  6. He had grown quite cheeky over the business.

  7. We learned experience that is always cheap at any price.

3. Answer the following questions:

  1. What is Jerome's attitude to work?

  2. What experience can you get while doing rafting?

  3. What accident happened to Jerome's friend the first time he went punting?

  4. What pleasures of friendship can be experienced while on the river?

  5. What facts prove that sailing is a thing that wants knowledge and practice?

  6. What were the reasons why the two boys were not drowned?

4. Speak in details about

  1. scepticism of the new generation

  2. the method of old boatman's rowing.

5. Prepare good reading and translation of the passage:

from "George never went..." up to " Harris is more accustomed..."

6. Write a composition about some experience of your own about which you can say that it is really cheap at any price.

Chapter 16

1. Read the chapter and write its summary.

2. Passage for good reading and translation: from "At Reading Lock..." up to "I couldn't get either..."