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Task 38. "to be re....Ed" Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The whole of the city centre has been redeveloped.

2. The church was carefully restored after the war.

3. The ruined abbey was eventually reconstructed.

4. The pier was soon rebuilt.

5. The city's museum was being refurbished.

6. Their apartment is being renovated.

7. The building has been much altered and remodelled.

8. The lounge had been redecorated since his last visit.

9. The furniture has been rearranged.

10. This cooker is new, but the others have just been reconditioned.

11. The older ships were refitted and rearmed.

12. The manuscript is to he revised.

13. Their theories are continually being refined.

14. The battery has just been recharged.

15. Your azalea should be repotted.

16. The Cabinet was reshuffled at once.

17. The meeting will have to be rescheduled.

18. Fossil fuels cannot be recycled.

19. The article was reprinted and used for propaganda.

20. The opportunity could not be recreated.

TASK 39. Complete each sentence with one of the Past Participles below. Translate them into Russian.

disallowed, disbanded, discovered, discredited, dis­missed, disorganized, dispelled, disregarded, dis­rupted, dissipated, distracted, disturbed

1. Everyone's attention was easily ...

2. The lesson was once again ...

3. My whole morning schedule was ...

4. The notice about walking on the grass was ...

5. His air of dignified calm was seldom ...

6. Unfortunately, the beautiful legend was ...

7. All such doubts were now ...

8. Metal and other objects were ...

9 After 20 years, the organization was ...

10. The problems can no longer be ...

11. By the lime he was 30, his fortune had been ...

12. The appeals to the electoral court were ...

TASK 40. "TO BE MIS....ED" Translate the sentences into Russian.

1. The newspaper was misinformed.

2. People have been misled by the advertisement.

3. My work is misinterpreted a great deal.

4. His views were misrepresented in the pamphlet.

5. Like all satire, it can be misunderstood.

6. This word is often mispronounced.

7. The name, she noticed, was misspelt.

8. The term seemed to be misapplied.

9. In some cases, pesticides are deliberately misused.

10. No animal has ever been mistreated in this circus.

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