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Five Questions to Ask Yourself Before Choosing a Career

In addition to looking at outside resources for job information, it is important to examine your personal preferences as well. Reflect on the skills, interests, and values that make you unique, and then consider how these personality traits might translate into a job. Before settling on an occupation, ask yourself:

1. What am I good at?

A job should utilize your existing aptitudes, and use these skills to build new ones. If a job involves doing something that you like to do, or that you know you are good at, you are more likely to find the work satisfying and engaging. (

2. What are my likes and dislikes?

If you dislike interacting with people, a career that's heavy on teamwork or customer service may not be the best choice. Similarly, if the thought of sitting still for long periods of time sends shivers down your spine, try to think outside the cubicle. Identifying your criteria and deal-breakers is one sure way to quickly eliminate careers that don't seem like a good match.

3. Why do I want to pursue this career?

If the answer to this question has more to do with outside pressures––parents, money worries, or a sense of obligation––than with your personal interest in the job, you may want to reconsider your path. Only pursue a career that you feel passionate about, otherwise you may burn out quickly and find yourself back at square one of the job search process. (

4. What is the job outlook?

Before signing on to a job, ensure that both the company and the position are reliable, and not likely to lay you off or disappear. Make sure the career you choose is in demand, otherwise you may invest time and money in education only to find that your chosen field has become obsolete.

5. What kind of life can I have with this career?

This question speaks to several levels. First, consider the logistics of the career. Will it require a great deal of travel, or frequent overtime? How long is the commute? Concerns that may seem trivial at first are often deal breakers when you consider your plans for the future, such as buying a house, or starting a family. Also consider the benefits package, and the salary. Make sure the career meshes with your lifestyle, and offers adequate compensation for the time, money, and effort you put towards schooling.

The Highest Paying Careers

Contrary to what tabloids and magazines might have you think, the highest paid people in America are not actors, musicians, or sports stars. On the contrary, the highest-paid professionals are regular people who possess a winning combination of education and experience, many of whom land in the medical or business fields. According to CNBC , the top twenty high-earning professions for 2010 are:

Surgeons ($219,770 mean annual salary)

Anesthesiologists ($211,750)

Oral Surgeons ($210,710)

Orthodontists ($206,190)

Internists, General ($183,990)

Physicians and Surgeons ($173,860)

Chief Executive Officers ($167,280)

Family and General Practitioners ($168,550)

Psychiatrists ($163,660)

General Pediatricians ($161,410)

Dentists ($153,570)

Dental Specialists ($153,570)

Podiatrists ($131,730)

Lawyers ($129,020)

Natural Sciences Managers ($127,000)

Prosthodontists ($125,400)

Engineering Managers ($122,810)

Computer and Information Systems Managers ($120,640)

Marketing Managers ($120,070)