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Story Mode Script.doc
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In this conflict.

Quan Chi bursts out laughing.

RAIDEN: They would agree.

QUAN CHI: You are cavalier with other men's souls.

He turns away and prepares to leave.

RAIDEN: Not just others! I offer my own soul as well. If I die, you

will have it.

Quan Chi stops and turns around.

QUAN CHI: How noble, Raiden. Yet utterly pointless.

He channels his magic and makes the warriors who fell in battle

reappear before them. All have their eyes glazed over with white and

their bodies a sickly grey in colour, with cracks across their skin

and clothing.


QUAN CHI: You see, their souls are already mine. Shao Kahn's payment

for Netherrealm's allegiance.

RAIDEN: No! This was not meant to be!

QUAN CHI: Earthrealm has lost, Raiden. Now so shall you. Finish him.

Jax, Stryker and Kabal walk forward.

JAX: As you command, my master.

They fight. With no choice, Raiden has to battle Jax and defeat him.

No sooner does he manage this, when Stryker attacks. After he repels

the former police officer and takes him down, Kabal charges in. Raiden

again is forced into battle, whereupon he defeats Kabal as well.

RAIDEN: May the Elder Gods watch over you.

QUAN CHI: The Elder Gods cannot help them. Their souls are mine.

Kitana. Nightwolf. Kung Lao.

KITANA: You sealed our fate in this place, Thunder God. You have

condemned us all.

They fight. Raiden is forced to fend off Kitana's assault, and as

soon as she goes down, Nightwolf jumps into battle. Raiden takes care

of him and then faces down Kung Lao. After another reluctant battle,

Raiden manages to defeat him as well.

RAIDEN: Curse you, Quan Chi.

QUAN CHI: Shao Kahn's victory is nearly complete. Soon he will arrive

In Earthrealm.

RAIDEN: No! The Elder Gods cannot allow it.

QUAN CHI: The Elder Gods are toothless. Your world is near destruction,

yet they do not act.

RAIDEN: They must! Only through Mortal Kombat may Shao Kahn merge the

realms. Lest he face the judgment of the Elder Gods...

Raiden realises what he's just spoken.

RAIDEN: ...Lest he face the judgment of the Elder Gods! He must win!

QUAN CHI: It is you who face judgment, Raiden.

Jade, Smoke and Cyber Sub-Zero walk toward Raiden, preparing to fight.

RAIDEN: Thank you, Quan Chi. I now know what must be done.

He teleports away in a flash of lightning. Quan Chi smirks as he does

so. Raiden reappears on the rooftop Stryker and Kabal were at earlier

In the day. The area is now devastated from Outworld's assault and a

giant portal has been opened on the rooftop. Shao Kahn's throne has

already been placed on the rooftop. Liu Kang runs onto the rooftop and

spots Raiden, folding his arms in disgust.

LIU KANG: Back from the Netherrealm empty-handed, I see.

He begins to walk toward the portal.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang! Liu Kang, I now realise what we must do. We must

allow Shao Kahn to merge the realms!

LIU KANG: That is insane!

RAIDEN: The Elder Gods forbid it without victory in Mortal Kombat.

When he does, the Elder Gods' fury will fall upon him.

Liu Kang shakes his head in denial.

RAIDEN: Defeating Shao Kahn before the merge is but temporary. He

will return, bringing Armageddon. I have foreseen it!

LIU KANG: Enough, Raiden!

A sound from the portal catches their attention. Shao Kahn is

beginning to walk through it.

LIU KANG: He is here.

He moves toward the portal but Raiden grabs his arm.

RAIDEN: No! Do as I say! Have faith in the Elder Gods.

He releases Liu Kang's arm.

RAIDEN: Have faith in me.

Liu Kang shakes his head and starts for the portal. Again Raiden

stops him.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, I cannot let you fight Shao Kahn!

LIU KANG: Then you are my enemy!

They fight. Raiden is forced to defend himself against Kang's

furious assault. Fueled by desperation, both kombatants fight with

all of their strength, and it is an even match due to the merger

weakening Raiden's powers. However, Raiden manages to get an

advantage and he knocks Liu Kang to the floor.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, do not interfere!

Liu Kang struggles to his feet. Shao Kahn is still wading through

the portal. Johnny Cage and Sonya arrive at that moment to witness

Liu Kang get to his feet and rush toward the portal.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, stop!

Raiden blasts lightning at Liu Kang's feet to stop him. In response,

Liu Kang charges up his fist with his signature fire.

JOHNNY CAGE: Liu Kang! Raiden! No!

Johnny and Sonya run forward.

LIU KANG: Enough of your madness! If you must die, so be it!

Liu Kang charges forward with the intent of running through Raiden

as he did Shao Kahn. In self defense, Raiden generates a shield of

lightning. As Kang collides with the shield, the resultant backlash

not only blasts Liu Kang with lightning, but his own fire as well.

Kang screams as his body is both electrified and scorched at the same


RAIDEN: By the gods, NO!!

Raiden rushes to Liu Kang's side as he falls over, the electricity

and fire wearing off. He cradles Kang's head in his hand.

RAIDEN: No. This was not meant to happen.

JOHNNY CAGE: What did you do?!

Liu Kang is having difficulty breathing and he is blinded in his

left eye, but the look of hatred on his face says everything.

RAIDEN: Liu Kang, forgive me...

LIU KANG: You... have killed us... all...

He gasps for air and dies. Raiden closes his eyes sorrowfully.

Meanwhile, Shao Kahn has finally stepped through the portal.

SONYA: C'mon! It's up to us!

Sonya and Johnny run forward to face Kahn, but he laughs and blasts

them away with his magic, knocking them both unconscious. Seeing

Kahn approach, Raiden gets up and bows to him.

SHAO KAHN: Ah, Raiden. You have come to your senses.

RAIDEN: Earthrealm's citizens suffer. Further resistance serves no


SHAO KAHN: All these ages you have fought me. You denied me my

rightful claim. Not this time.

He uppercuts Raiden across the rooftop. Raiden lands hard on his

back, his hat falling from his head. The scene briefly flashes

forward to Armageddon, where the same happens to Future Raiden,

before fading back into the present.

SHAO KAHN: The Elder Gods fear me now!

He laughs and picks Raiden up. Again the scene flashes to the

parallel scene from Armageddon.

SHAO KAHN: Their pathetic Mortal Kombat shackles me no longer!

Kahn methodically pounds Raiden across the face, with the scene

flashing between the present and Armageddon. In the present, Kahn

throws Raiden across the rooftop and his amulet falls, shattering

into pieces. Raiden lands on the very edge of the rooftop and Kahn

stalks over to him. His hammer magically appears in his hand.

SHAO KAHN: They masquerade as dragons, but are mere toothless worms.

As Raiden rolls over, Kahn slams his boot into his chest. Again the

scene flashes to the same one in Armageddon.

SHAO KAHN: I know you can feel it. It is the end of all things.

In the present, Kahn glows green with the energy of the souls he

has consumed.

RAIDEN: Elder Gods, where are you? Why do you forsake me?

Shao Kahn picks Raiden up again. The scene flashes to Armageddon

once more.

SHAO KAHN: Your time has passed.

In the present, he throws Raiden across the rooftop.

SHAO KAHN: Ages wasted in foolish resistance.

Raiden struggles to his knees.

SHAO KAHN: I have won.

RAIDEN: Yes... you have won.

SHAO KAHN: Now, Raiden. Your world ends.

Kahn lifts his hammer up and prepares to deliver the finishing blow.

Before he can, golden lightning flashes before his feet. More

flashes strike the rooftop around them, and from a portal from the

heavens, six golden dragons fly out and around Raiden's body, lifting

him into the air and revitalising him. With a final flash, Raiden

stands before Shao Kahn, his wounds healed and his hat back on his

head. The dragons still surround him and when he speaks, his voice is

of the Elder Gods.

RAIDEN: You violate our will, Shao Kahn. You merge realms without

victory in Mortal Kombat. Our penalty is clear.

Raiden charges up a golden variation of his lightning and blasts Shao

Kahn with it. It has no effect and Kahn laughs out loud.

SHAO KAHN: An anemic effort from ineffecualt deities. Today, I become

THE Elder God!

They fight. The battle is truly epic, with neither the repowered

Raiden or Shao Kahn getting any clear advantage for the majority of

it. For what seems like an age, the two titans with everything they

have, but eventually the Thunder God prevails and knocks Kahn to the

floor. As he struggles to his feet and tries to charge again, Raiden

blasts him once more with the golden lightning.

This time, the blast has an effect, and the dragons surround Kahn as

he is blasted. They begin biting into his body at various places,

causing him to scream in pain. His body is scorched by their magic

while Raiden is finally released from their control. As he falls

forward in exhaustion, the Elder Gods' assault on Shao Kahn cause the

warlord to explode in a flash of golden light that reaches to the

heavens. The Elder Gods immediately depart in the same light, and as

the portal dissipates, the dark clouds surrounding the sky clear away,

leaving the sun to shine through.

Raiden remains on his knees, and looks to his amulet one more time.

Finally, the cracks adorning it are removed, and it remains as it once


RAIDEN: It is over.

He places the amulet back on his chest as Sonya and Johnny Cage help

him to his feet.

RAIDEN: But only at the gravest of costs.

They all walk over to Liu Kang's body.

RAIDEN: So many are gone. Their light has sunk into the earth. I am

responsible for their loss.

SONYA: You did what you had to. To protect Earthrealm. Losses in

war... are... are inevitable.

RAIDEN: Come. Let us tend the fallen. Then we must help our realm

rebuild. Our work has only just begun.

He teleports himself, Johnny, Sonya and Liu Kang's body away in a

flash of lightning. Only Shao Kahn's war helmet remains on the

rooftop, forgotten by all... except the one who walks through an

unseen portal and picks it up; Quan Chi. As he examines the trophy,

another being fades into existence before him.

QUAN CHI: Your plan worked to perfection, Lord Shinnok.

SHINNOK: Shao Kahn was blinded by rage. How easily was he convinced

that the Elder Gods would ignore his merging the realms.

QUAN CHI: Yet the Thunder God still lives.

SHINNOK: No matter. Neither Earthrealm nor Outworld can now

withstand the Netherrealm's onslaught. It is time. Soon I will be

free. Earthrealm and Outworld will be ours.

Cut to black.




Coming whenever anyone decides to ask me some questions. :D




Well, writing this Game Script Guide took a lot longer than I thought it

would, but that always seems to be the case with my FAQs as well. :)

Feedback is welcome provided you can write in good English. My e-mail

address, as it has now stood for 10 years now, is


Unfortunately, my Hotmail account can get quite filled with junk as well,

so PLEASE ensure that any mail you wish to send me has the words "Mortal

Kombat Game Script Guide" clearly printed in the subject

title somewhere, otherwise I might mistake it for spam mail and delete it.

Thanks go out to the following people:

Me (no one reads this bit, so why not) for taking what spare time I have in

my life to constantly update this Game Script Guide. :)

Netherrealm Studios and Warner Interactive for creating this great game.

Youtube user RolandGamingHD for uploading all of the game cutscenes to

Youtube in high quality (and with subtitles) for my viewing.

GameFAQs for allowing me to put this Game Script Guide on their site.

And finally I give thanks to YOU, the adoring fan / Mortal

Kombat fanatic who decided to read all the way through this guide of mine.

You guys are the reason I do and will continue to update this guide until

no more can possibly be said about one of the greatest fighting games to

ever hit the PS3 / XBox 360.

So then, all that's left to say is "Ciao for now, peeps".

Daniel James Gallagher

AKA Minty Fresh Death

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