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Computer System.

A computer system is a collection of components that work together to process data. A functioning computer system combines hardware elements with software elements. The hardware elements are the mechanical devices in the system which performs physical function. The software elements are the programs written for the system.

Usually, a computer system requires three basic hardware items: the computer, which performs all data processing; a terminal device, used like a typewrite; and a storage medium for the storing programs and data.

Optional peripheral devices are added to a computer system according to the specific needs of the system users.

Peripheral devices are categorized as input or output devices since the functions they perform provide information to the computer, accept information from the computer, or do both.

System software is an organized set of supplied programs that effectively transform the system hardware components into usable tools.

System software always includes an operating system, which is the “intelligence” of the computer system. Usually the system software includes one or several language processors.

Computer Literacy.

We live in the Information Age. The availability of a powerful and easy-to-use personal computer may be a source of new information. The computer literacy encompasses three aspects: awareness, knowledge, and interaction with computer.

The function of a programmer is to develop the software or to create the instructions for the computer. The function of user is to be able to use the instructions to get your work done.

Computer literacy is not question of human abilities. It’s quite possible for anyone to become computer literate, because only after a couple of lessons novice computer user are not only using the computer but enjoying experience in both working and playing video games.

Very often fellow students share their experience with novice users in the classroom. Besides, computer literacy courses are provided by many schools, colleges and universities.

The Generation of Computers.

The first generation of computers of 1950’s using vacuum tubes could perform thousands of calculations per second.

The second generation of computers of 1960’s which were smaller and faster could perform work ten times faster then their predecessors because they use transistors instead of vacuum tubes.

The third generation of computers appeared in 1965 could do a million calculations a second and were smaller and more dependable because they are controlled by tiny integrated circuits.

The fourth generation of computers based on IC’s reduced in size were 50 times faster than third generation.

A major advance in the development of computer technology was the creation of microprocessors and microcomputers. The fifth generation of computer arrived in the middle of 1990’s and the key areas of ongoing research are artificial intelligence, expert systems and natural languages.

Hackers and their role in information technology.

The word “hacker” combines two meaning: one is negative – “cracker”, and the other –positive and is perceived as “master” or “expert”.

The first hackers were the students of Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). Instead of creating a better circuit hackers began to create a faster and more efficient program – with the least numbers of lines of code. Soon they formed a group and worked out the first set of hacker’s rules, called the Hacker’s Ethics. They worked at MIT’s Artificial Intelligence laboratory and over the years introduced many innovations.

The first generation hackers of 1960’s – the 1970’s converted general-purpose computers (mainframes) into virtual personal computers.

The second generation hackers of the late 1970’s are associated with the invention and production of personal computers.

The third generation hackers of the early 1980’s created a lot of educational, application and video games programs for personal computers.

The present generation of hackers is the fourth generation which transformed the military Arpanet into a total digital world called The Internet.

But in the late 1990’s the word “hacker” began to associate with the word “cracker”. They cause great damage to economics, business, banking and many other aspects of people’s relations.

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