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Иностранный язык в сфере юриспруденции 4-11.doc
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4). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в одном из времен группы Indefinite пассивного залога:

1. In the USA the proposed legislation, or bill, is first introduced in the House of Representatives, then referred to one of the standing committees, which organize hearing on it and may approve, amend or shelve the draft.

2. His opinion was often referred to.

3. This big loan will be used for structural reforms in the financial and social spheres, and part of it will go to the coal sector.

4. Parents are expected to teach their children what is tight and to make sure they behave correctly.

5. When a violation occurs, the offender will be arrested, held in jail until the court decides on the appropriate punishment, and then sent to prison if found guilty or released if found innocent.

5). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в одном из времен группы Continuous пассивного залога:

1. The most interesting research in this field is being carried out by the English scientists.

2. The witness and the defendant were being cross- examined during two hours.

3. The kidnapped children are usually being held captive until their parents pay the ransom demanded by the criminal.

4. In the USA the Uniform Commercial Code is being widely adopted.

6). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните глагол-сказуемое в одном из времен группы Perfect пассивного залога:

1. In the meeting arranged attention will have been called to the details of the case.

2. These business letters haven’t been posted yet.

3. This accident has been much written about.

4. She said that her remark had not been taken notice of.

5. It’s awful! I have just been told that Robert is accused of a murder. Oh! Is it true?

7). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните инфинитив. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции он употреблен: а) подлежащего, б)составной части сказуемого, в) определения, г) обстоятельства цели:

1. The intention of the author has been to show some newly developed methods of investigation.

2. To explain this fact is not so easy.

3. It took him practically only one brilliant speech in court to win the case.

4. The lecture to be followed by an experiment is to take place at our University.

5. To evaluate deviant behavior we must take into account both the direction and the degree of the deviance.

8). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово that. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (союза, союзного слова, указательного местоимения):

1. A group of practices instead of focusing solely or the troublemaker’s interactional behavior, attempted to control other’s reactions to and interpretations of that behavior.

2. These accommodations recognized that there could be serious consequences in the reactions of outsiders — non-members — to the troublemakers.

3. One of the Code’s most interesting innovations is its m position of a requirement that merchants perform and enforce their contracts according to standards of commercial reasonableness.

4. It’s obvious to everyone that, in a community such as the one in which we live, some kind of law is necessary to try to pre vent people from committing crimes.

5. In GB anyone who feels that he has been unfairly treated by the central government can complain to their local MP (Member of Parliament) who will do his best to see that the problem is solved.

9). Перепишите следующие предложения, переведите их, подчеркните слово one. Укажите, в какой грамматической функции оно употреблено (местоимения (в качестве слова заместителя), неопределенного артикля, числительного):

1. In 1981 China began a «one-couple, one-child» policy.

2. When one person wants to be liked by another person, he usually tries to seem better than he really is.

3. Carl is one of the best workers you supervise.

4. The results of this month’s inquiry are much more interesting than the ones we got last month.