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The Article

with parts of the body

Ex 41 Study the chart.

She has a weak heart.

The heart of the patient needs an operation.

When the heart stops, the man dies.

Don't take the news close to heart.

Ex 42 Fill in the blanks with the words given in brackets with an appropriate article (where necessary).

1. (і) You can hear — of this announcer every day on the radio. (ii) She speaks in — pleasant — with a slight accent. (voice). 2. (і) The student must always keep a dictionary close at — . (ii) We shook —. — she gave me was dry and cold. It was — small — for an athletic-looking person, (hand). 3. (і) — of the woman looks familiar to me. (ii) A boy with — sunburnt — , a rucksack on his back, stood in front of me. (face). 4. (і) The child had big blue eyes and — turned up — . (ii) — of the elephant is called the trunk, (nose). 5. (і) He had — of a thinker. (ii) The boy has — good — on his shoulders, (iii) Who is at — of the expedition? (head). 6. (і) You don't have to learn the text by — , just retell it in your own words, (ii) She has — good — for a woman her age. (heart).

Ex 43 Make up sentences of your own on the chart with the nouns 'mouth', 'eye', 'ear', 'foot'.

Ex 44 Fill in the blanks with the definite article or a possessive pronoun.

1. The old man put — hand on — shoulder of his grandson and they slowly walked away. 2. The doctor took the sick man by — hand and felt — pulse. 3. Take the child by — hand when crossing the street. 4. I was watching — face of the man, — face was red with anger. 5. The boatman pulled the man out of the water by — hair. 6. — hair is golden, like her mother's. 7. I looked at the man sitting in front of me. — neck was strong, it was — neck of a boxer. 8. She liked — face; it was — face of a man who knew his mind. 9. He gave the door a hard push with — shoulder. 10. The singer was famous not only for — voice, he was a fine actor as well. 11. — voice behind the closed door asked us what we wanted. 12. He put — foot in the door and it wouldn't close.

Ex 45 Translate the following.

1. Give me a hand and we shall finish the work in no time. 2. The young man has a good head for figures. 3. The child made a face when she saw the bottle of medicine. 4. A hunter needs a dog with a good nose. 5. Will you keep an eye on the child? 6. The pupil is at the foot of the class. 7. She is known as a woman with a kind heart. 8. I don't have the heart to tell him the whole truth. 9. I have no voice in the matter. 10. You have described him to a hair. 11. He is a good man at heart.


Ex 46 Read the text, and do the assignments coming after it.


In analyzing a novel, we note a number of basic elements which the author has developed in his narrative. These elements are theme, plot, characterization, setting, and conflict.

The theme is the main idea behind the story presented in the novel. This is sometimes described as the author's "message" or "thesis" or the "moral" of the book. In most novels, the theme is not stated in so many words, but if the author has handled his materials well, the reader is in no doubt as to what the novel must tell him. Thus, the theme of Uncle Tom's Cabin is the evils of slavery; the theme of The Catcher in the Rye is the feelings of a teenager in conflict with the society in which he lives.

A novel is basically a story. The plot of a novel is the sequence of imaginary events which make up the story. The novelist must plan this sequence of events carefully, not only to hold the interest of his reader but also to show the psychology of his characters and to express the idea or theme which lies behind the story. As the plot develops, it reaches a high point or climax, which is followed by a dénouement. To be effective, the plot must be believable. The reader must believe that the events described are really taking place, and that each event develops naturally from those that come before it.

Some novelists give more importance than others to the plot or story line. W.Somerset Maugham, for example, said that the heart of every novel lies in its story.

The characters, of course, are the people in the novel, presented to the reader by the author. It is through the people that the theme is expressed and the action of the novel is carried forward. The reader can be interested in a novel and can be moved only if the novelist can make the characters "come alive".

To make us "see" and understand his characters, a novelist uses description, dialogue, and the reactions expressed by the other characters. Perhaps the most important method of portrayal is the way in which the character reacts to the situations and problems presented in the novel.

(From "Comprehensive English in Review" by Joseph R. Orgel)

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