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A giant for a day

Ex.1. Read the article.

Can you imagine a city where you can cross rivers with one step or where you can pick up a house? In Holland there is a place like that. It is a tiny city called Madurodam. It looks just like a real Dutch city – with one exception. It is very, very small.

Madurodam has got everything a real city has. There are houses and shops, one next to the other. You can see people in the street, cars on the roads, trains that move and ships in the harbour. There is even an airport there. The whole town is full of life.

Around this tiny city you can admire the beautiful Dutch countryside. There are canals, windmills and fields with little sheep, just a giant’s step away from the city center. All the beauty of Holland is in front of you.

Madurodam is a unique tiny city, the city that all the Dutch are proud of. So, next time you are in Holland, visit Madurodam and be a giant for a day.

Ex.2. Read the answers and write questions with where / what.

1. ___________________? Madurodam is in Holland.

2. ___________________? You can see houses and shops there.

3. ___________________? Around the city you see canals, windmills and fields.

4. ___________________? You can be a giant for a day in Madurodam.

Section 3. Revision

Ex.1. Think of the right questions to the given answers.

1. ___________________________

I was able to have a chat with you then.

2. __________________________

We were not able to come to see you yesterday.

3. __________________________

We’ll be able to join the party on Sunday.

4. __________________________

I’ll be able to bring my family too.

5. __________________________

He wasn’t able to get the tickets to London.

6. __________________________

They weren’t able to see the new play last week.

Ex.2. Give possible answers. Use the suggestions given as the explanation of the


Example: May I smoke here? … No, you mustn’t. (The children are here.)

1. May I open the window? … (It’s very cold)


2. May she not do the job now? … (It’s very important to do it in time)


3. May Kate play the piano? … (Father is writing his report)


4. May she switch off the light? … (I’m going to work)


5. May the pupils leave the room? … (The lesson isn’t over yet)


6. May I look some words up in the dictionary? … (You are writing a testpaper)


7. May I stay away from the classes? … (You are not ill)


Ex.3. Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Мой брат не умеет водить машину.


2. Он не смог запомнить мой адрес.


3. Старые люди не могут забыть войну.


4. Вы говорите по-французски?


5. Я не смогу поверить вам, пока вы не покажете мне это письмо.


6. Ты не можешь петь, если у тебя нет слуха.


7. Она сможет тебя проводить.


8. Вы сможете это сделать сейчас?


9. Она не смогла написать диктант.


10. Джейн умеет рисовать.


11. Мальчик не может читать быстро.


Ex.4. Change these sentences into the interrogative and answer them using

may not / must not.

1. You may take this pencil for a moment. _________________________

2. You may clean the blackboard. _________________________

3. You may change seats with Kate. _________________________

4. You may take these books. _________________________

5. You may speak now. _________________________

6. You may turn on the light. _________________________

7. You may open the window. _________________________

8. You may have a glass of lemonade. _________________________

9. You may go home now. __________________________

10. You may sit here. __________________________

Ex.5. Choose must / mustn’t.

A: Mr. Welsh has got a cold and is coughing a lot.

The doctor is telling him what he must or mustn’t do.

1. You _________________ stay in bed.

2. You _________________ go to work.

3. You _________________ take some medicine.

4. You _________________ eat soup.

5. You _________________ drink cold drinks.

6. You _________________ eat ice-cream.

7. You _________________ stop smoking.

B: Must / mustn’t.

Mr. Brown has problems with his heart.

The doctor is telling him what he must / mustn’t do.

1. You _______ lose weight.

2. You _______ eat sweets.

3. You _______ eat so much.

4. You _______ eat vegetables.

5. You _______ smoke.

6. You _______ work too hard.

7. You _______ walk a lot.

8. You _______ take some exercise.

9. You _______ drink beer or wine.

10. You _______ go to bed early.

11. You _______ take some medicine.

12. You _______ go out in cold weather

Ex.7. Fill in have to / must into the correct space.

1. must

3. have to

5. had to

7. will have to

2. mustn’t

4. don’t have to

6. didn’t have to

8. won’t have to

1. You can stay out late if you like. You ______ come home early.

2. He might ______ take his younger brother out to football match.

3. The bus came on time so we _______ wait long at the bus stop.

4. The rules for basketball say:

A: you ______ run while holding the ball;

B: you ______ bounce the ball;

C: you ______ stand holding the ball for as long as you like;

D: you ______ do something within five seconds.

5. We read a long poem in the class yesterday. It was boring.

I’m glad we _______ learn it by heart.

6. Jack has already cleaned his bicycle so he ______do it tomorrow.

7. You ______ be here by 9. 00 if you want to be sure of a seat.

8. You ______walk on the grass.

9. Once or twice we lost our way and ______ ask a policeman for directions.

10. You ______ put your entry into the box before Friday if you want to enter the contest.

Ex.8. What would you advise a friend who…?

1. Eats too much and is overweight. ____________________________

2. Is unhappy in her / his job. ____________________________

3. Often has a sore throat. ____________________________

4. Spends much time watching TV. ____________________________

5. Is often late for work. ____________________________

6. Has an old car, which always breaks down. ____________________________

7. Wants to know English. ____________________________

8. Is going on a journey around the world. ____________________________

9. Is going to marry the man you disapprove of. ____________________________

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