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Thistle Emblem

The thistle has nothing pleasant in it, especially if you carelessly touch its thorns. But it has an important meaning for the people of Scotland. It is the Scottish national emblem. Scotland, as you may know, is now part of Great Britain.

Why did the Scottish people choose this thorny plant as the national emblem of their country?

The answer is interesting, and it can be found in the history of Scotland. The people of that country chose the thistle as their national emblem because it saved their land from foreign invaders many years ago.

People say that during a surprise night attack by the invaders the Scottish soldiers were awakened by the shouts of the invaders as their bare feet touched the thorns of the thistles in the field they were crossing.

This, of course, was a good reason to choose the thistle as a national emblem.

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Variant 3

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The Names of the Months

The English names of the month are of Latin origin. The ruler of Rome, Julius Caesar, arranged the year in six month of 31 days and six of 30 days. The first month of the year in those days was March. December was the tenth, January the eleventh and February the twelfth. It was King Charles IX of France who, in January 1563, decided that the year should begin of January 1st. January was named after Janus, the god of Time and War, February after Februs, in honour of whom, in ancient Rome, a great festival «Febra» was celebrated. March was called after Mars, the god of War. April got its name from the Latin word aperire, which means «to open». It is the month when the earth opens itself and nature returns to life. May was named after goddess Maia, the daughter of Atlas and mother of Mercury. June takes its name from Juno, the wife of Jupiter. July was named after Julius Caesar. The month of August took its name from Augustus, the first Roman emperor. September, October, November and December are the 7th, 8th, 9th and 10th months in the Jullian calendar and they were given their names by the number they represent.

The Days of the Week

It is interesting to know how the names of the week came to have such names. These names are very old: people chose them long, long ago in the days when they worshipped a different god each day.

Sunday was the Sun's day and the next day was the Moon's day of Monday. Tuesday was called after Tieu, the god of war. Wednesday was Woden's day, one highest god of the Teutonic peoples. Thor was the thunder god, his day was called Thor's day, or Thursday.

His wife insisted on having a special day of her own. Her name was Freya, so her day came to be called Friday. Saturn was the Roman god of the fields, his day was Saturn's day, or Saturday.

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Variant 4

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Cinemas in London

London is full of cinemas and cinema clubs, some of them showing a large number of continental films. Cinema-going is a regular habit for a considerable number of people in London; the number of cinema-goers is much larger than that of theatre-goers. Unfortunately, the cinema in Britain is looked upon as rather an entertainment than «the arts». As a result, comparatively few films of international standard of quality are shot in Britain, and if they are, they are often a commercial failure.

If you want to know which films are on, there are many publications to help you. Any daily newspaper will have a short list of films and shows; some newspapers on sale in the middle of the day give the full list of films supplied with the hour when they begin.

Some cinemas show films in the afternoon, early evening and late evening; others have continuous programmes from about two o'clock in the afternoon till late at night.

In case you want to watch a film which is a hit of the season, with a popular actor or actress starring, and can't get to the cinema early enough to get tickets, you can buy them in advance in most large stores and hotels.