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7. Expand on the basic values of the am nation. Explain their importance. Expand on the notion “the frontier heritage”, the heroes. What is political correctness?

7 values:

  • material wealth

  • hard work

  • individual freedom

  • self reliance

  • equal opportunity to succeed

  • competitions

  • lack of formality

The heritage of the frontier is still very much alive in the USA today. The frontier spirit is one of the national values of America. The frontier experience began when the first colonists settled on the east coast of North America in 1600s. It ended about 1890 when the last western lands were settled. The American frontier consisted of the unsettled regions of the US, usually found in the western part of the country. Here, both land and life were more rough or rugged and primitive than in the more settled eastern parts. The rush for gold in California, for silver in Montana, and for good land in all the western territories provided endless stories of adventure. The frontiersman depended on himself. He had to build his own house, hunt, look after the farm, make his own clothes and the things which he needed for his home. The hero is a man who is physically strong, tough and rugged because of frontier life, kind and polite to women and children, very independent.

There are 2 types of heroes: of the-early period before the civil war - the main struggle was against the wilderness or the forces of nature. Daniel Boone explored the wilderness in Kentucky in the 1760s and 1770s. In 1778 was captured by Indians, - who were so impressed with his physical strength and skills that made him a member of their tribe. Later he managed to escape. He became a hero because he was a brave man who conquered the wilderness.

The second period - 1860s until the end of the 19th century. The struggle of man against man. The hero of this period is a strong, tough man who can easily defeat two or three men at one time, a defender of good against evil. Jesse James and Wyatt Earp. Political correctness: it’s concerned with avoiding attitudes, actions, forms of expression, which suggest prejudice and are likely to offend people. Human being instead of man, Afro-American – black, Native American – Indian. With limited physical abilities – invalid. With limited mental abilities - fool in 1812). The solution was Confederation. The initiators of it - Fathers of Confederation, met in 1864 in Charlestown to work out details. The eventual result was the British North America Act of 1867 which brought about confederation of the provinces of Ontario, Quebec, Nova Scotia &New Brunswick. The idea of a federal system with one central government for each of the provinces was accepted by 4 founding provinces. Constitution act in 1867: colonies were welcome to join Canada in the future.

8. Analyze growing antagonism between the North and the South. Examine the chief events of the Civil war, its consequences. 1820 - the American Congress agreed on a compromise on the question of slavery in the new state of Missouri and the Arkansas territory. Slavery was permitted here, but banned everywhere west and north of Missouri-. But it wasn't fulfilled in a proper way.

1850 - the Congress passed an unpopular Act which gave the southern slave-owners the right to catch and return the slaves who had run away to the free states. 1854 - the Congress permitted the settlement of American citizens on the territory of Nebraska and Kansas and allowed the inhabitants to solve the question of slavery within these territories themselves which was against the Missouri Compromise of 1820. As a result - struggle between pro-slavery and anti-slavery settlers. The struggle in Kansas spread to other parts of the country, 1859 - in Virginia John Brown who was against slavery tried to raise a revolt of the black slaves. The attempt was crushed by the government, J.B. was executed. The antislavery movement became a mass movement in the country. In 1854 during the period of struggle in Kansas the Republican Party was formed. It united the industrialists of the North, the free fanners and many inhabitants of the towns who were all against slavery. Abraham Lincoln became a leading figure in the party. In 1860- the R. Party won the presidential elections and A.L. became the president of the USA. The south decided to leave the American Union. In December 1860 South. Carolina announced that it was leaving the Union. Soon it was joined by 10 more southern states. These 11 states proclaimed themselves an independent nation - the Confederate States of America with its own president,, government and army. The American Civil war begin (1860-65). January 1 1864 - Lincoln, Emancipation Proclamation, granted freedom to all slaves.

1863, summer - Confederate invasion of Pennsylvania is stopped at Gettysburg in July where the greatest battle of the Civil War took place which eventually led to the victory Of the North [general Grant). 1865, April 9- General Lee surrendered to General Grand at Appomattox and the Civil War was over. 1865 - Lincoln is assassinated by John Booth during the celebrations in Washington. 1865 - Slavery abolished by Amendment XIII to the Constitution. Consequences: abolition of slavery USA is a single united nation

The victory of North contributed to the further development of the US & Great progress in the development of industry, trade, agriculture.

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