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2. Fill in the table of derivatives.



deprive discover



variety protection




speculative awake


Two of the words in each column are similar in meaning. Check the word which doesn't belong.

l.drop 2. protection 3. ordinary 4. occur

decrease defence simple exist

reach investigation complex happen

5. remarkable 6. rapid 7. occasional 8. distinct

interesting slow accidental clear

wonderful quick temporal complicated


Translate the 1st paragraph of the text below into Russian


Even if we don't yet know how to help people change through their dreams, we can profit by studying how their dreams are influenced by the circumstances (обстоятельства) of their waking lives. One recent survey, for example, asked people whether the amount of time they spent dreaming at night was influenced by what they were feeling during the day. Out of 271 women, 80 percent said there were times when they were aware of dreaming more than their usual amount, and 47 percent said there were times that they were dreaming less. The women dreamed more, they said, during "times of undue stress" and "blue and upset moods" and less "when things were going especially well". This may mean only that when we are upset we are likely to sleep more lightly, and so are more likely to awaken and become aware of our dreams. However, it is also probable that in times of stress, dreams seem to have more work to do in resolving our problems and are thus more salient (характерный) and memorable. When things are going well by day, we appear to have less need to dream about such weighty matters.

If dreams do help us work through tensions and problems from the previous day, then we should wake up feeling better than when we went to sleep. This mood regulation function of dreaming has been confirmed by Milton Kramer and Thomas Roth, working at the university of Cincinnati. Kramer and Roth studied the moods of some subjects before and after they went to sleep. They found that in cases in which a person's mood improved after sleep it was usually related to specific aspects of what they had dreamed.



Pick out sentences with Complex Subject from the text "The Mystery of Sleep" and translate them. The Notes below will help you. 89

XIV. Read the notes and translate the examples given.

If you change sentence (1) into the Passive Voice you get sentence (2). Compare the sentences:

I expect Mr. Parker to arrive on Friday. (Active) Mr. Parker is expected to arrive on Friday. (Passive)

a) The Complex Object in the first sentence becomes the subject of the Passive sentence (2). The subject is expressed by a noun (or pronoun) and the Infinitive and is called the Complex Subject. The Complex Subject is used:

  1. if the speaker doesn't express his own opinion and the action becomes impersonalized,

  2. to express the degree of certainty.

b). The Complex Subject is used with the groups of verbs: to believe, to know, to suppose, to expect, to see, to hear, to observe, to watch and the verbs to say, to report, to announce in the Passive Voice and with the verbs to seem to appear, to happen in the Active Voice.

She is said to have obtained good results.

She is believed to have passed her exams.

She is known to be a good psychiatrist.

He appears to know the problem well.

The sleeper seems to be actually looking at something.

He happened to have been knocked down by a car.

c). Similar Construction can be found with to be (un)like-ly, to be sure, to be certain, where the speaker expresses the degree of certainty about the action of the Infinitive.

e.g. She is certain to prove her hypothesis.

He is unlikely to have translated the article. They are sure to take part in the conference.

The English simple sentence is rendered by a Russian Com­plex sentence beginning with:говорят, полагают, считают, оказалось, что, (мало)вероятно, по-видимому

XV. Compare the forms and tell the difference in meaning.

1). The summit conference is known to be held in December.

2). The summit conference is known to have been held in


3). The problem of nuclear disarmament was expected to be

discussed at the summit.

4). The problem of nuclear disarmament was said to have

been discussed.

5). The two powers are expected to sign the agreement.

6). The two powers are expected to have signed the agreement.

7). Five countries are reported to take part in the conference.

8). Five countries are reported to have taken part in the conference.

9). He is likely to be reading for his report. He is certain to

have read quite a lot for his report.


Choose the appropriate form while reading the passage.

Even though investigators do not yet completely understand dreams, modern methods of study have answered a great many questions about them. Here are some questions that are known (to have been answered, to be answered).

Does everyone dream? Although many people do not recall dreams in the morning, "recallers" and "nonrecallers" appear (to dream, to have dreamt) equally often. Two hypotheses have been proposed to account for the differences in recall of dreams. One is that "nonrecallers1' are believed (to be having, to have) an inherent (врожденный) difficulty in recalling dreams. (Lewis and others, 1966). The other hypothesis is that some people awaken more readily in the midst of REM


and thus report more dreams. In other words, the reason we remember dreaming is that we happened (to be waking up, to wake up) while we were dreaming. Regardless of the fate of these hypotheses everyone is certain (to have dreamt, to dream).

How long do dreams last? Occasionally dreams seem (to have been, to be) instantaneous (мгновенный). However, when subjects are asked (to be described, to describe) or panto­mime a dream, the time it takes for them to do so is directly proportional to the length of time they were in REM sleep before being awakened. (Dement and Wodperf, 1958).

Do people know when they are dreaming? Subjects arc likely (to train, to be trained) within one night to discriminate between periods of dreaming and non-dreaming. One test is to have the subject hold a switch in one hand while sleeping, with instructions to close it while dreaming. (Salamy, 1970).


Make up sentences matching the suggested parts. Use the following verbs: to suppose, to seem, to expect, to know, to be likely.

Psychologists to sign the document;

The results obtained to have proved the hypothesis;

The participants of to have come to mutual

the conference agreement;

The discussion to be good judges of man's character;

The student to have been conducted;

The leaders of the two to be held in the atmosphere

powers of mutual understanding;

The experiment to be answering a question.


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