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Adverbial modifier of purpose

Ex. 1 Use the words in brackets to answer the questions:

MODEL: Why did you go out? (buy some bread) …………………..

I went out to buy some bread.

  1. Why do you have to go to the bank? (change some money)………………..

  2. Why did she knock on your door? (wake me up) ..........................................

  3. Why are you saving money? (go to Canada) ………………………………..

  4. Why is Ron going into hospital? (have an operation) ………………………

  5. Why are you wearing two pullovers? (keep warm) …………………………

  6. Why do you go to the beach every week? (like swimming) ………………..

  7. Why did she moved to London? (find work) ……………………………….

  8. Why is he leaving home? (going to University) …………………………….

Ex. 2 Combine each pair of sentences into one using an infinitive or infinitive phrase in the function of an adverbial modifier of purpose:

  1. When he left Mrs. Otter Philip went. She wanted to buy drawing materials.

  2. At last Lawson, exhausted, got up. He decided to go home.

  3. It occurred to him that his information might be used. He wanted to help the girl.

  4. I read about your problem and came. I wanted to see if I could help.

  5. He made up his mind. He decide to be more reasonable.

  6. He left the room he wanted to avoid trouble.

  7. He looked at me. He wanted to see what I meant.

  8. His niece put her face up. She wanted to be kissed.

We can use infinitive to say why somebody does something

She sat down to rest. (NOT…for rest. OR …for resting).

In order to…and so as to …are common before be, know and have; and before other verbs in a more formal style.

I got up early in order to be ready to leave at eight.

She studied English in order to have a better chance of getting a job.

I came to Britain so as to know more about British culture.


In order and so as are normal before not to.

I spoke quietly so as(in order) not to frighten her. (NOT I spoke quietly not to…)

Ex.3 Use the infinitive as an adverbial modifier of purpose using ‘so as’, ‘in order to’ Use positive and negative sentences.

MODEL: I read the story the second time ...

  1. I read the story the second time to understand it better.

  2. I read the story the second time so as to understand it better.

  3. I read the story the second time in order to understand it better.

1. I read the story the second time ...

2. He had to work hard ...

3. We must hurry (so as not) ...

4. After classes we stayed at the university ...

5. Has he come ... ?

6. I called on him yesterday ...

7. We stopped ...

8. He came immediately ...

9. Write down this rule ...

10. I won't play the radio loudly (so as not) ...

11. He stepped aside politely ...

12. I've opened the door ...

Ex.3. Write sentences to say why people go to some of the following places.

Begin You go…

MODEL: a library – You go to a library to borrow books.

  1. a bookshop

  2. a cinema

  3. a theatre

  4. a swimming pool

  5. a gymnasium

  6. a driving school

  7. a station

  8. an airport

  9. a travel agent’s

  10. a church

  11. a football stadium

  12. a bank

  13. a post office

  14. a restaurant

  15. a supermarket

  16. a garage

  17. a newsagent

*Ex 4 Write a sentence to say why you are learning English.

(to get a better job? To study something else? To travel? To…?) If you can work with other students, find out why they are learning English.

Ex.5 Translate into English.

  1. Все было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его.

  2. Он вызвал такси, чтобы отвезти нас на вокзал.

  3. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать на поезд.

  4. Я написал ему письмо, чтобы напомнить ему о его обещании.

  5. Вы приехали для участия в конференции?

  6. По дороге домой я зашел в аптеку, чтобы купить зубную щетку.

  7. Все вышли, чтобы проветрить комнату.

  8. Я пришел, чтобы проститься с вами.

  9. Я не буду упоминать об этом, чтобы не обидеть ее.

  10. Он сказал это, чтобы спасти своего друга.

  11. Она приехала в Лондон навестить своих родственников.

  12. Я хотел увидеть их, чтобы сообщить о приезде Тома.

  13. Я зайду к тебе сегодня, чтобы забрать свою книгу.

  14. Мы вышли, чтобы дать им спокойно поговорить.

  15. Он улыбнулся ей и пошел помочь Филиппу упаковать вещи.


Too has a negative meaning. It shows that something is more than enough, necessary or wanted. It is used in the following patterns:

a) too + adjective/adverb + to -infinitive

e.g. It is too cold to go swimming.

b) too ... for somebody/something

e.g. This coffee is too sweet for me.

c) too ... for somebody/something + to -Infinitive

e.g. This house is too small for us to live in.

Enough has a positive meaning. It shows that there is as much of something as is wanted or needed. It is used in the following patterns:

a) adjective/adverb + enough + to -Infinitive

e.g. She is old enough to go out on her own.

BUT: not + adjective/adverb + enough + to -

Infinitive (negative meaning)

e.g. He did not run fast enough to win the race.

b) enough + noun + to -Infinitive

e.g. We've got enough room to put you up.

Ex. 1. Complete the sentences with too or enough and the adjective in brackets:

1. A: Did you go to the beach yesterday?

B: No. It wasn’t ….warm enough … to go to the beach. (warm)

2. A: Do her new shoes fit her?

B: No. They are ……………. (small)

3. Have you finished your homework?

B: I can’t. It’s ………. (difficult)

4. Did you hear the announcement?

B: No. It wasn’t ……………(loud)

5. Can you open the window, please?

B: I can’t. I’m not ……….. to reach it (tall)

  1. A; It’s ……………. in here. (hot)

B: Why don’t you take your coat off, then?

7. A: Did you enjoy the party last night?

B: No. We were …………… to enjoy it. (tired)

8.Why don’t you drink your tea?

B: It’s not ……………… for me to drink. (sweet)

Ex. 2. Paraphrase the sentences:

1 He is very short. He can’t be a basketball player. He is too ...short to be a basketball player.

2. She has saved enough money. She can go on holiday. She has saved ............................

3. This tea is very hot. I can't drink it. This tea is ......................................................

4. Daisy is very young. She can't go to school. Daisy is ....................................................

5. They have got lots of space. They can have a party. They have got ...............................

6. Paul is rich. He can buy a yacht. Paul is ......................................................................

7. It's hot outside. You can't wear a coat. It's ...........................................................

8. Mary is mature. She can make her own decisions. Mary is ............................................

9. This flat is small. We can't live in it any more. This flat is .............................................

10. Ron has a lot of patience. He can look after the children. Ron has...............................

Ex. 3. Translate the sentences from Russian into English using the Infinitive as adverbial modifier of purpose or result.

  1. Я встал в 6 часов, чтобы не опоздать на утренний поезд.

  2. Я написал ему письмо, чтобы напомнить ему о его обещании.

  3. Ребенок выбежал навстречу матери.

  4. Вы приехали для участия в конференции?

  5. Все было сделано для того, чтобы спасти его.

  6. Он вызвал машину, чтобы отвезти нас.

  7. Я не настолько хорошо себя чувствую, чтобы встать с постели.

  8. Она достаточно хорошо говорит по-английски, чтобы не нуждаться в переводчике.

  9. Слишком она молода, чтобы принимать ее всерьез.

  10. Я стоял слишком далеко, чтобы слышать, что она говорит.

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