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§ 20. Nouns in set expressions used without an article.

1) out of doors—на дворе, на The children spent most of the time out of doors.

улице, вне дома

2) to take to heart — принимать близко к сердцу. Don’t take things too much to heart.

3) to take offence — обижаться. If he had heard your remark he would have taken offence.

  1. to give (to get, to ask) per­mission —

дать (получить, I asked permission to keep

про­сить) разрешение. the book a little longer.

  1. to lose heart — терять муже­ство, He found the subject very

приходить в уныние. difficult at first, but he didn’t lose heart.

6) at present —в настоящее время. You may go home, we don’t want you at present.

7) from morning till night — с утра до вечера. He worked in his little garden from morning till night.

8) from head to foot — с головы. She was dressed in furs from

до ног. head to foot.

9) from beginning to end — с на­чала до конца. The whole story is a lie from beginning to end.

10) at first sight — с первого взгляда. He fell in love with her at first sight.

11) by chance—случайно. They met quite by chance.

12) by mistake—по ошибке. I have bought the wrong book by mistake.

13) for hours—часами. He could read for hours.

14) for ages—-целую вечнос I haven’t seen you for ages.

15) by land, by air, by sea — су­шей, I like travelling by sea.

по воздуху, морем .

16) to go to sea—стать моряком. My sister wants to be a doctor, and my brother wants to go to sea.

17) on deck—на палубе. We spent hours on deck.

18) to keep house—вести хозяй­ство.A housemaid keeps house for her.

19) at sunrise - на рас We left the town at sunrise.

20) at sunset — на закате. We arrived at the village at sunset.

21) at work—за работой. Whenever I come, he is always at work.

22) at peace—в мире. We want to be in peace with all countries.

23) by name—по имени. His cat, Snowball by name, was playing on the carpet.

24) in debt — в долгу. Mr. Smith was always in debt.


§ 21. The use of articles with predicative nouns.

As stated above (see § 2) a predicative noun is used with the indefinite article if the speaker states that the object denoted by the noun belong to a certain class.

If a predicative noun is modified by a particularizing attribute, the definite article is used.

He is the student you wanted to speak to.

If a predicative noun denotes a post, which can be occupied by one person at a time, either no article or the definite article is used.

Mr. Henderson is manager, not under-manager any longer. (Lindsay)

Montanelli was director of the theological seminary at Pisa. (Voynich)

Comrade N. is the dean of our faculty.

No article is used with predicative nouns after the verbs to turn, to commence, to appoint, to elect.

Compeyson turned traitor.

Компейсон стал предателем.

Shakespeare commenced actor.

Шекспир начинал как актер.

They appointed him head-teacher.

Его назначили старшим преподавателем.

A predicative noun sometimes has an adjectival character, espe­cially when it is followed by the adverb enough. In this case no article is used.

Surely Bolla isn't fool enough to believe that sort of stuff? (Voynich)

Неужели Болла настолько глуп, чтобы поверить подобному вздору?

When a predicative noun in an adverbial clause of concession is placed at the head of the clause, no article is used.

Child as he was, David understood that Creakle was an ignorant man.

Хотя Давид был ребенком, он понимал, что Крикль—невежест­венный человек.

The nouns son and daughter used predicative1y take the defi­nite article when modified by an of-phrase, though there may be several sons and daughters in the family.

Lomonosov was the son of a fisherman.

Becky Sharp was the daughter of an artist.

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