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Select Bibliography

This bibliography only includes writings by the authors considered in Part I and Part II of this textbook.

Aldington Richard (1892–1962)

"Death of а Него"

"All Men Are Enemies"

"Very Heaven"

"The Colonel's Daughter"

Amis Kingsley (1922 – )

"Lucky Jim"

"That Uncertain Feeling"

"I Like It Here"

"Take a Girl Like You"

"One Fat Englishman"

"Antideath League"

Christie Agatha (1890-1976)

"The Murders in the Rue Morgue"

"The Mysterious Affair at Styles"

"Ten Little Niggers"

"Sing a Song of Sixpence"

"The Listerdale Mystery"

"A Pocket Full of Rye"

"Four and Twenty Black Birds"

"How Does Garden Grow?"

"The Regatta Mystery"

"Five Little Pigs"

"One, Two, Buckle My Shoe"

"The Hound of Death"

"Hickory, Dickory, Dock"

"The Pale Horse"

"Passenger to Frankfurt"

Conrad Joseph (1854–1924)

"Heart of Darkness"


"The Secret Sharer"

"The Secret Agent"

"Almayer's Folly"

"An Outcast of the Islands"

"The Rescue"

"An Outpost of Progress"

"The Nigger of the 'Narcissus"

de la Mare Walter (1873–1956)

"Songs of Childhood"

"The Listeners"

"Peacock Pie"

Eliot Thomas Stearns (1988–1965)


"The Waste Land"

"Ash Wednesday"

"Four Quarters"

"Murder in the Cathedral"

"Family Reunion"

"The Cocktail Party"

"The Use of Poetry"

Golding William (1911 -1993)

"Lord of the Flies"

"The Inheritors"

"Free Fall"

"Pincher Martin"

Greene Graham (1904-1991)

“A Burnt-Out Case"

“The Man Within"

“It's Battlefield"

“England Made Me"

“The Heart of the Matter"

"Stamboul Train"

"The Confidential Agent"

"Our Man in Havana"

"The Quiet American"

Housman Alfred Edward (1859-1936)

"A Shropshire Lad"

"Last Poem"

"When I Was One-and-Twenty"

"The Name and Nature of Poetry"

Huxley Aldous (1894-1963)

"Crome Yellow"

"Antic Hay"

"Point Counter Point"

"Brave New World"

"After Many a Summer"

"Time Must Have a Stop"

"The Island"

Joyce James (1882–1941)


"A Portrait of the Artist as Young Man"


"Finnegan's Wake"

Lawrence David Herbert (1885–1930)

"Sons and Lovers"

"Birds, Beasts and Flowers"

"The White Peacock"



"The Plumed Serpent"

"Lady Chatterley's Lover"

"Studies in Classic American Literature"

Masefield John (1887-1967)

"Salt Water Ballads"

"The Everlasting Mercy"

"Reynard the Fox"

Maugham William Somerset (1874–1965)

"Liza of Lambeth"

"Of Human Bondage"

“The Moon and Sixpence"

“Cakes and Ale"

“A Grand Old Man of Letters"

“The Summing Up"

“The Lotus Eater"

“A Friend in Need"

Murdoch Iris (1919-)

"Against Dryness"

"Under the Net"

"The Flight from the Enchanter"

"The Sandcastle"

"The Bell"

"An Unofficial Rose"

"A Severed Head"

"The Unicorn"

"The Time of the Angels"

"The Sea, the Sea"

"Fairly Honourable Defeat"

Osborne John (1929 – )

"Look Back in Anger"

"The Entertainer"

Priestly John Boynton (1894 –1984)

"Good Companions"

"Angel Pavement"

"Dangerous Corner"

"Time and the Conways"

"Jonson over Jordan"

"An Inspector Calls"

"They Came to a City"

"Bright Day"

"Home Is Tomorrow"

"It's an Old Country"

Rattigan Terence (1911–1977)

"In Praise of Love"

Shaw Bernard (1856 -1950)

Unpleasant Plays:

"Widower's Houses"

"The Eater of Hearts"

"Mrs. Warren's Profession"

Pleasant Plays:

"Arms and the Man"


"The Man of Destiny"

Three Plays for Puritans:

"Devil's Pupil"

"Caesar and Cleopatra"

"Captain Brassbaund's Address"

"Saint Joan"

"Back to Methuselah"

"Heartbreak House"


Snow Charles Percey (1905–1980)

"Time of Hope"

"The Search"

"Strangers and Brothers"


"The Masters"

Wesker Arnold (1932-)


"Chicken Soup with Barley"


"I Am Talking about Jerusalem"

Wilson Angus (1913 – )

"The Old Men at the Zoo"

Woolf Virginia (1882–1941)

"To the Lighthouse"

"The Waves"

"Mr. and Mrs. Ramsay"


Yeats William Butler (1865-1939)

"Down by the Sally Gardens"


"The Wild Swans at Coole"

"When You Are Old"