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Personnel management in indian forest service

1. The success of an organization depends on the capacities (возможности) and capabilities (способности) of its personnel. Unless (пока не) an organization devotes enough resources (выделяет средства) on the development of its human resource, it would not get the required output (желаемая отдача) from its personnel. An organization’s commitment (обязательство) to the development of human resource has to be reflected (должно отражаться) in its policies, procedures, practices, customs (обычаи) and ideals.

2. Regular annual recruitment (ежегодный набор на работу) to the service is done through a separate all India competitive examination (конкурсный экзамен) open to only graduates from science and technology backgrounds (образование). The number of candidates recruited fluctuates (меняется) from year to year. There had been heavy intake (набор) to the service from 1984 to 1987, when about 600 candidates were selected for appointment (должность).

3. The syllabus (программа) and pattern (система, структура) of training is reviewed (пересматривается) after about a decade. Such revision (коррекция) is necessary to keep the training process up to date (на уровне современных требований), improve its quality and meet new challenges (принять вызов). The present of training was introduced (была внедрена) during 1994 and which consisted of the five phases during the probation period (испытательный срок) of three years. The five phases included (включенные) are: the foundational course (основной курс), “on-the-job training” of the probationer (стажер), an advanced (продвинутый этап) management phase. During the course 34 subjects with 1418 classroom lectures, and field exercises (занятия на местах) are covered (включены). About 180 days are spent on field tours (производственная практика) to different parts of India.

4. Since 1986, the Government of India has been enhancing the efforts (увеличивают усилия) of the State Governments for capacity building (формирование компетенций) of Indian Forest Service officers (служащий) through sponsoring of short-term refresher courses (краткосрочные курсы повышения квалификации) for officers of various seniorities (ранг, старшинство). State governments also organize courses for participation (участие) in various short-term refresher courses within India and abroad (за границей). From 1998 to 2004, Government of India have decided to regularly organize short duration (небольшая продолжительность) (23 weeks) promotion linked (связанные с продвижением по службе) training courses on Advanced (передовой, прогрессивный) Forest Management (AFM) for the officers in their 10th, 17th , and 21st years of service.

City government

1. City government is a system of governmental institutions (учреждения) that serve (обслуживают) an urban area (городскую территорию) or urban municipality. Modern cities are almost (почти) always contained within the boundaries (находятся в пределах) of national states, and their governments form (являются) parts of a larger constitutional regime that usually includes (включает) state or provincial governments and a national government.

2. A city government’s most important functions are to provide (обеспечить) law enforcement (обеспечение правопорядка) and fire prevention (предотвращение пожаров); elementary and secondary education; water supply (водоснабжение), sewage (канализация), and refuse collection and disposal (сбор и вывоз мусора); construction (строительство), maintenance (текущий ремонт), and lighting of the streets (освещение улиц); regulation (регулировоние) of building safety and housing standards; the provision (обеспечение) of public housing (государственное жилищное строительство); various welfare services (услуги в области социального обеспечения) for the needy (нуждающиеся); health protection (здравоохранение), medical care environmental services (медицинская экологическая служба). Cities also provide museums, parks, playgrounds (игровые площадки), and other recreational facilities (места отдыха и развлечений). Pubic-utility services (предприятия коммунального хозяйства) that supply (обеспечивают) water, electricity, gas and public transport may be provided (обеспечиваться, предоставляться) by a city government or by commercial companies regulated by the government.

3. City planning is another important function. City government typically achieve (достигают) their land-planning goals (цели) by enacting (предписывая) zoning laws (муниципальные правила районирования) that govern (определяют) the use of land and buildings, the density (плотность) of population, and the height (высоту), bulk (величину), and spacing (расположение) of structures (строений). Planning also involves (включает) the use of subdivision controls, which subject (вносит, представляет) the initial (превоначальный) laying-out (план) of vacant land to public regulation (государственное регулирование).

4. The mayor-and-council form (система городского управления «мэр-совет») is the oldest and most prevalent type (самый распространенный вид) of city government (управления) in the U.S. Both the mayor and council are elected (избираются) directly by the voters (непосредственно избирателями). The mayor typically has strong administrative and executive powers (исполнительная власть), and he presides over (руководит) the council and can veto its legislative acts. A newer type (более современная система), the city-manager system, typically consists of a small elected council that passes ordinances (издает указы), decides the budget (составляет бюджет), sets rates of taxation (устанавливает ставки налогооблажения), and appoints (назначает) a manager, who is in his turn (в свою очередь) responsible for (отвечает за) the day-to-day (ежедневное) administration of the government.