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15. Chose the correct variant. Translate into Russian.

1. She had to wait 5 minutes for traffic to stop, but in the end she … to cross the road. (could / can / was able / might) 2. ‘Why did you carry that heavy box?’ ‘You … hurt yourself!’ (may have / can / might have) 3. You … pay more attention to the people around you. (need / have / should / ought) 4. As you … remember, I was always interested in scientific experiments. (may / have to / must) 5. His name is Starfield. You … heard of him. (can / may have / should) 6. If I give in now I …. give in always (to be to / to have to / must) 7. I really think you … see a doctor. (need / have / should / ought) 8. ‘Oh, look! Mr. Thompson … be here: there’s his car.’ (must / can / would / has) 9. ‘Where are my keys?’ ‘I suppose I … them in the car.’(may have left / may leave / might leave) 10. He had an accident in his car. He … where he was going. (should have looked / should look / mustn’t have looked) 11. His test is the best in class. He … last night. (should study / should have studied / must have studied) 12. They … written their compositions yesterday. (may have / must / should)

16. Translate into English.

1. Пациент должен оставаться в постели в течение нескольких дней. 2. Если ты хочешь улучшить свой английский, ты должен много читать. 3. Джону приходится носить очки, потому что у него очень слабое зрение. 4. Анне придется продать телевизор, так как ей нужны деньги. 5. Тебе следует посетить эту очень важную лекцию, которая состоится завтра. 6. Чемоданы могли быть повреждены во время поездки. 7. Студентам разрешается пользоваться словарем, работая с этим текстом. 8. Наш поезд должен прибыть в три часа после полудня согласно расписанию. 9. Тебе следует заботиться о своем здоровье. 10. Тебе не следует класть так много перца в это блюдо. Никто не сможет его есть. 11. Мне нужен твой совет. 12. Ваша оценка плохая. Вам следовало бы учить лучше слова и грамматические правила.

Pre-text exercises

17. Look at the following international words, guess their meaning and check the pronunciation:

territory, republic, channel, climate, temperature, mile, extreme, strategic, position, factor, economy, Empire, textile, industry, steel, motor, process, population, monarch, parliament, minister, machine, to debate, capital, banking, financial, centre, leader, culture, communication, politics, metropolitan, global, business, national, function, museum, gallery, tourists. interest, park, monarch, constitutional, monarchy.

Word building

18. Translate the following derivative words:

noun / verb + -able / -ible → adjective

size – sizable, to conceive – conceivable, to notice – noticeable, to produce – producible, to count – countable; to eat – eatable;

noun-forming suffixes: -ian, -ture, sion / ssion:

academician, electrician, politician, historian; culture, structure, mixture, literature, agriculture; provision, diffusion, division, erosion, diffusion, discussion, pension, mission, session, academician.

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