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David livingstone (1813 – 1873)

This Scottish explorer came from a very poor family. Even so, he managed to educate himself, go to university and become a doctor. But Livingstone wasn't just interested in medicine. He was also very religious and in 1840 he went to South Africa as a missionary. At that time, slavery was common in Africa and large areas of the interior had never been seen by Europeans. Livingstone wanted to change all that. He decided to explore as much of the continent as possible. Then, he thought, more Europeans would follow and perhaps slavery might end.

Between 1850 and 1873 he made a series of extraordinary journeys. In 1851 he crossed the Kalahari desert. Between 1852 and 1856 he walked from one side of Africa to the other. (On that journey he became the first European to see one of the world's greatest waterfalls - the Victoria Falls) In 1858 he explored the Zambezi River. Then in 1866 Livingstone began yet another journey - this time to try and find the source of the River Nile. Three years later he hadn't returned. Many people believed that he was dead. Many people, but not everyone. The editor of an American newspaper, the New York Herald, sent one of his reporters to look for Livingstone. The man's name was Henry Morton Stanley and he took almost two years to find the missing explorer. Finally, though, he entered the town of Ujiji (in modern day Tanzania) on 10 November 1871. There, he found Livingstone -thin, tired and ill... but alive.

Livingstone recovered and was even able to make one last journey around Lake Tanganyika in 1872. But then he caught a terrible fever and died in a village called Old Chitambo. Two of his servants - Chuma and Susi - carried Livingstone's body over 1,400 kilometers to the port of Zanzibar. From there it was taken back to Britain by ship and buried in London's Westminster Abbey.

Task 8. Decide whether the sentences are true or false.

David Livingstone was born in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. – True/False.

Livingstone was not against slavery.- True/False.

He walked through the Kalahari desert and the Sahara desert.- True/False.

Exploration of the River Nile brought him to the disease. - True/False.

His last journey was around Lake Tanganyika in 1872. - True/False.

David Livingstone was greatly honored after his death. - True/False.

Task 9. Retell the text “David Livingston”.

Task 10. Read the text and do the tasks after it.

Roald amundsen (1872-1928)

Amundsen was Norwegian. He was also one of the twentieth century's greatest explorers. His most famous journey began in August 1910. That's when he left Norway with eight companions in a ship called the Fram. Five months later Amundsen and his men reached Antarctica. Their goal was the South Pole. They weren't the only team hoping to make history, though. Another group of explorers led by an Englishman called Robert Falcon Scott were also in Antarctica and they planned to reach the South Pole, too.

After arriving, Amundsen quickly built a camp near the Bay of Whales. Then, using dogs and sledges, he and his men began their historic journey to the most southerly point in the world. It was a long, difficult journey and the weather was often bad, but they finally succeeded on 14 December 1911, stayed for three days, then returned to camp as quickly as possible. Unfortunately, though, Amundsen's triumph was mixed with sadness. Scott and his men (who reached the Pole a month after Amundsen) all died during a terrible snow storm on their return journey.

Amundsen's name is usually connected with Antarctica, yet he also made several journeys to the Arctic. On one of them (in 1926) he even flew over the North Pole in an airship called the Norge. That made him the first man in history to reach both Poles.

Task 11. Complete the text.

His most famous journey began in _______ . Amundsen and his men reached _________ . Their ______ was the South Pole. They made their plan come true on _____ .

Amundsen’s name is usually _________ with ________ , yet he explored ________ too. That’s why he is the first man in history to ________both Poles.

Task 12. Retell the text “Roald Amundsen”.