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Посібник, Віннікова, Гуковська.doc
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4. Answer the following questions:

1. What is Michael Faraday famous for?

2. Where and when was he born?

3. When was Faraday elected to be a member of the Royal Society?

4. What discoveries did he make in chemistry?

5. What was the Faraday’s greatest work?

6. What formed the foundation of electric motor technology?

7. What phenomenon was named diamagnetism?

8. What was Faraday’s contribution into the world science?

5. Translate the following sentences:

  1. The student knows that Michael Faraday was an English chemist and physicist who contributed to the fields of electromagnetism and electrochemistry.

  2. The author tells us that Faraday made a special study of chlorine, and discovered two new chlorides of carbon.

  3. It is known that in 1831 Faraday began his great series of experiments in which he discovered electromagnetic induction.

  4. It was shown in the 20th century that the atom had a complex structure.

  5. Alchemists were sure that the “philosopher’s stone” would change iron into gold.

  6. Faraday’s demonstrations established that a changing magnetic field produces an electric field.

  7. Faraday also found that the plane of polarisation of linearly polarised light can be rotated by the application of an external magnetic field aligned in the direction the light is moving.

  8. Faraday discovered that many materials exhibit a weak repulsion from a magnetic field.

  9. It was observed that the electron did not always behave like a solid ball.

  10. He did not know by whom those reports had been translated.

  11. He said he was no longer interested in the discussion of that problem.

6. Change from direct into indirect speech:

Model: The doctor said, “You will have to rest for at least a week”. – The doctor said that I would have to rest for at least a week.

1. Michael Faraday wrote in his notebook, "I have at last succeeded in illuminating a magnetic curve or line of force and in magnetising a ray of light".

2. Faraday said, “I refuse to participate in the production of chemical weapons for the Crimean War citing ethical reasons”.

3. Michael Faraday said, “I used the principle to construct the electric dynamo, the ancestor of modern power generators”.

4. Faraday's diary has been published, where he wrote, "One day sir, you may tax it." It was Faraday's reply to William Gladstone.

5. Early men believed, “Gods govern Nature”.

6. At the meeting the chairman said, “Our company is facing many problems”.

7. The assistant said, “Read the instructions before you switch on the machine”.

7. Speak about Michael Faraday unit25. Euclidean geometry

1. Memorize the following words:

to attribute – приписувати

to assume – припускати, гадати

to invoke – звертатися до, приводити в дію

segment – відрізок, сегмент

angle – кут

congruence – конгруенція

to extend – простягати, розширити

to draw – проводити (лінію або риску), робити висновок

to intersect – пересікати

dimension – вимір, розмір

comprehensive – зрозумілий

subsequently – послідовно

to deem – вважати

to facilitate – сприяти, полегшити

implicitly – що припускається, мається на думці

2. Translate the following international words without a dictionary

Geometry, mathematical system, discussion, axiom, theorem, radius, sum, deductive, logical, status, ellipse, parabola, hyperbola