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All drugs are put into one of three categories based on how dangerous they are. Class A drugs are drugs that have the most harmful effects. These drugs include heroin, cocaine, ecstasy and LSD. Class B drugs are drugs that are less dangerous than Class A ones, but they can still be harmful. Class B drugs include cannabis and some amphetamines. Class C drugs are less dangerous to the user than Class A and Class B drugs. However, they are still classed as illegal and can be harmful. Class C drugs include ketamine, GHB and some tranquillizers.

The sentences for possession of each class of drug are:

  • up to seven years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug

  • up to five years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class B drug

  • up to two years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class C drug.

These sentences can increase a lot more if you are found to be dealing in drugs or supplying them - even if it's just to friends or if no money changed hands. Punishments for supplying drugs are a lot tougher than those for possession. Supplying drugs doesn't just apply to dealers. If the police think you intended to share drugs with your friends that are still considered to be supplying. The police are more likely to charge you if they suspect you intended to supply drugs, but will still take into account the amount of drugs that you had and your criminal record.

The maximum sentences for intent to supply drugs are:

  • up to life in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class A drug

  • up to 14 years in prison or an unlimited fine (or both) for a Class B or Class C drug.

GHB - gamma-hydroxybutyrate, a designer drug with anaesthetic properties - гамма-оксимасляная кислота (ГОМК)

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