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10. Составьте одно предложение из каждой группы предложений, как показано в образце.

a) I got on a train. I wanted to go to a station. The train didn't stop there.

The train I got on didn’t stop at the station I wanted to go to.

b) I read a book. You recommended a book to me. This was the book.

The book I...................................................................................................

c) The ship hit an iceberg and sank. Warning messages had been sent to it. The ship ignored these.

The ship, ......................................................................................................

d) The postman realised I was on holiday. You had sent me a parcel. The postman left it next door.

The postman, ...............................................................................................

e) I used to own a dog. People came to the door. The dog never barked at them.

The dog I......................................................................................................

f) I bought my car from a woman. She lives in a house. You can see the house over there.

The woman I................................................................................................

g) We went to a beach on the first day of our holiday. It was covered in seaweed. This smelled a lot.

The beach we...............................................................................................

h) My neighbours have three small children. The children make a lot of noise. My neighbours never apologise.

My neighbours, ...........................................................................................

i) I bought a new typewriter. It cost me a lot of money.

The new........................................................................................................

j) I lost my wallet last week. It was found by a workman. He was digging a hole in the street outside our house.

The wallet.....................................................................................................


1. Длинные и сложные предложения с относительными придаточными редко употребляются в речи. Более употребительно соединение простых придаточных при помощи союзов.

2. В речи относительные местоимения обычно ставятся в дополнительных придаточных предложениях.

This is the book I told you about.

Это книга, о которой я тебе говорил.

3. В устной речи принято заканчивать относительные придаточные предложения предлогом.

That's the girl I live next door to.

Это девушка, рядом с которой я живу.

Смотри также: Unit 17 Промежуточный тест 3



1. Падежные предлоги (соответствующие родительному, дательному, творительному, предложному падежам в русском языке)

Р.п. – of a cup of tea, a friend of mine

Д.п. – to, for Give it to me! It is interesting for me to know…

Т.п. – by, with a poem written by Shakespeare, cut with a knife

П.п. – about about my family