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1 курс 2010Unit_2_HOUSING_NOV_2009.doc
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4. FurNiture, appliances and gadgets

4.1 What is there in your room?


Task 1. Where do you find them?

Task 2. Similar but different. Complete the sentences by putting the correct word in the blanks.

1. cushion/pillow

Both can be square and filled with feathers, but you put the a) __________ under your head in bed, and the b) __________ behind you on a chair.

2. carpet/rug

Both are laid on the floor, but the a) __________ goes across the room from wall to wall, and the b) __________ is much smaller.

3. sheets/blankets

Both can be put on the bed, but the a) __________ are put under you and over you and are often made of cotton, and the b) __________ are put on top to keep you warm and are often made of wool.

4. towel/flannel

Both can be found in the bathroom, but you use the small a) __________ to wash yourself, and the large b) __________ to dry yourself after the bath or shower.

5. curtains/blinds

Both are used to keep out the sun and can be closed at night, but a) __________ are made of soft material and you pull them across the window, and b) __________ are made of plastic or hard material and you usually pull them down the window.

6. napkin/tablecloth

Both are found on the table, but the large a) __________ covers the table, and the small b) __________ is used to wipe your mouth and hands after the meal.

Task 3. What do you use?

  1. You want to find a plate or glass. Where do you look? ___________________________________

  2. You want to find your suit. Where do you look? ________________________________________

  3. You want to sit close to someone. Where do you sit? ____________________________________

  4. You want to sit comfortably and read a book. Where do you sit? ___________________________

  5. You want to wash your hands. Where do you do it? _____________________________________

  6. You want to wash your knife and fork. Where do you do it? _______________________________

  7. You want to keep something cold. Where do you put it? __________________________________

  8. You want to keep something very cold for a long time. Where do you put it? _________________

  9. You wash plates, glasses etc automatically in a dishwasher, where do you wash clothes? ________

  10. The person who prepares the meal is the cook. What machine does he or she cook on? _________

Task 4. Ordinary, everyday objects are often difficult to name and are often not listed in dictionaries. Here is just a sample of such words. Read them, fill in the gaps in the sentences below and answer the questions using these words.

  1. Is there a ____________ where I can plug in this radio?

  2. You'd better have a ____________ under your drink in case you mark that side-table. It's an antique.

  3. The waste-bin's full again. I'll empty it. Are there any more ____________? Where are they?

  4. How can you make very small pieces of cheese to sprinkle on a dish?

  5. What might you fetch if someone dropped a saucer and it broke into small pieces on the floor?

  6. What could you put under a dinner plate to prevent it marking the table?

  7. How can you switch off the TV without leaving your chair?

  8. How can you cut vegetables without marking the kitchen work-surface?