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Vocabulary check

Exercise 8. Place the adjectives from the boxes in their proper places in the sentences.

wavy long

  1. Emma has_______, _________ hair, with a centre parting BrE/ center part AmE. She has freckles, and wears her hair pushed back behind her ears.

fair spiky bushy short thick

  1. Roald has ______, ________, ______ hair. He’s got ______ ______ eyebrows, a five o’clock shadow and sideburns.

shoulder-length brown dark straight

  1. Kaory has _______, __________ hair, a side parting BrE/ side part AmE and a short fringe BrE/ short bangs AmE. She has ______, ________ eyes and high cheekbones.

wispy blonde pointed

  1. Sue has ______ hair with a _____ fringe. She has a beauty spot and a ______ chin.

Receding small dark long graying straggly

  1. Eduardo is clean-shaven with _______ hair and a ________ hairline. He has a ______ scar on his jaw and a dimple in his chin. His wife, Nadia, has _______ _______ _______ hair.

Roman half-moon wavy

  1. John is slightly tanned, with ______ hair and ______ nose. He has stubble, a double chin and wears __________ spectacles BrE/ reading glasses AmE

lank goatee pale

  1. Nick has ______ hair, a _______ complexion and is growing a ________ beard.


Exercise 9. Read the descriptions one more time and make sure you know all the features mentioned. Match the features with the definitions on the right. If necessary, consult the dictionary.

sideburns the part of you hair that hangs over your forehead

freckles hair that rows around a man’s chin

a five o’clock shadow small brown spots on your skin, caused by the sun

fringe the dark colour of a man’s chin where the hair has

grown a little bit during the day

beauty spot a small hollow place on your cheek or chin,

especially one that forms when you smile

scar hair growing down the sides of a man’s face in

front of his ears

dimple a permanent mark that is left after you have had

a cut or wound

stubble hair that grows around a man’s chin

beard short stiff hairs that grow on a man’s face if he

doesn’t shave

There are a lot of compound adjectives in English. Here are some common ones using the –ed form: warm-hearted, kind-hearted, hard-hearted, etc.

Exercise 10. From these jumbled words, find combinations for describing people. Some of the combinations are hyphenated. Use a dictionary if necessary.

Exercise 11. Look at the list of similar compound adjectives below and guess what they mean. For instance shoulder-length hair hangs down to you shoulders; a fair-haired boy is a boy with hair light in colour.

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