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15 | The Fourth Movement of Beethoven's Ninth

To tell the truth, we find the "Choral" a bit crass, as symphonies go. But at least since Beethoven's tune was adopted as the E.U.'s anthem in 1985, kids learn at least one bit of classical music. It would be even nicer if they knew the words of Friedrich von Schiller's Ode to Joy. Plus: as flags go, those gold stars on a blue field make a pretty decent one.

16 | Clean Beaches

In 2005, 96% of Europe's coastal beaches were deemed clean enough for swimming, thanks to the 1976 Bathing Water Directive - toughened up last year - which set binding minimum water-quality standards. More than 200 pieces of E.U. environmental law, aimed at staunching toxic fumes, eliminating dangerous pesticides, phasing out cfcs, protecting birds and creating the European Environment Agency have generally made the place more pleasant.

17 | Safer Food

In 2005 French President Jacques Chirac was recorded unawares by a French journalist joking with the then German Chancellor and Russian President, "the only thing [Britain has] ever done for European agriculture is mad cow disease." His point, surely, was that food scares such as bse had the salutary effect of speeding moves to set basic health and labeling standards. The European Food Safety Authority was established in 2002, and in 2006, food-labeling regulations were tightened to substantiate nutritional claims like "low-fat" and "lowers cholesterol."

18 | Taking Climate Change Seriously

Al Gore has been the Cassandra of global warming, but the E.U. was the driving force behind the 1997 Kyoto Protocol. As part of the Kyoto process, the E.U. set up its Emissions Trading Scheme, a market to trade pollution permits for carbon dioxide emissions. In recent months, Europe has aimed for even lower emissions standards through initiatives on cars and aircraft exhaust, and has already set minimum biofuel targets.

19 | A Reason to Go to Brussels

We would not go so far as to say that we love the place, but the Belgian capital deserves more respect than it gets. The food and beer are great, it's developed a nicely cosmopolitan flavor and it's more green than almost any other European capital. It is also the home of Magritte, Bruegel and Tintin, is a center of Art Nouveau and has enough Gothic architecture to do you for a lifetime.

20 | Eastward Look, the Land is Bright

There were times when it seemed bogged down in bureaucratic technicalities, but the decision after the fall of the Berlin Wall to offer membership to the former communist nations of Eastern Europe was a courageous and generous act of leadership. There are now 11 former Soviet republics and East bloc states in the E.U., and the boundaries of democracy and free markets have been decisively moved East.

Write an essay of 200 - 250 words giving your own opinions based on the article above. Could success of the European Union at least partially be copied into other countries and continents worldwide? Please continue on the following page. Your answer will be graded both according to content and to your use of English


Name _________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________

POINTS ____ / 40

Part 2 – Mathematical and Problem Solving Part o

Please answer the following twenty (20) questions. The correct answer is worth + 1 point, an incorrect and no answer are both worth 0 points. Please answer on sheet provided on the next page. You have 60 minutes to answer these.

  1. A, B, and C share a fee that they have received. A gets 1/5, B gets 2/4 while C’s share is €3,000. Calculate the share of A.

a) €600.00 b) €2,000.00 c) €2,100.00 d) Other, specify _______

  1. The price of a product was first increased by 10 % and then by 7 %, i.e. €25.20. How many per cent had the price increased altogether?

a) 16.3% b) 17.0% c) 17.7% d) Other, specify _______

  1. What is the price of which 22 % accounts for €22?

a) €88 b) €100 c) €122 d) Other, specify _______

  1. Find the single percentage increase or decrease equivalent to a 50 % increase followed by a 25 % decrease.

a) +25% b) -25% c) +12.5% d) Other, specify _______

  1. A college course involves coursework and an end term examination. The aggregate mark for the course is determined by a 40:60 weighting between coursework and examination. If a student is given 64 per cent for coursework, what is required in the examination to obtain an aggregate mark of 50 per cent?

a) 30.0% b) 40.7% c) 36.0% d) Other, specify _______

  1. A 10 % increase in the price of petrol decreased consumption by 5 %. How many per cent and in what direction did the sales returns change?

a) +4.5% b) +5.0% c) -4.5% d) Other, specify _______

  1. How will this sequence of numbers continue? 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, …

a) 24 b) 34 c) 44 d) Other, specify _______

  1. How will this sequence of numbers continue? 1, 0.5, 0.25, 0.125, …

a) 0.03125 b) 0.0625 c) 0 d) Other, specify _______

  1. How will this sequence of numbers continue? 8, -4, 2, -1, …

a) 0 b) 0.5 c) -0.5 d) Other, specify _______

  1. Solve the following equation. 10(x-2) = 4x + 6 - (1-x)

a) -5 b) +5 c) 3.571 d) Other, specify _______

  1. (x2 )4 is equal to

a) x6 b) x8 c) x16 d) Other, specify _______

  1. (2X + 2)2 – (4x+8)x is equal to

a) 4 b) -8x + 4 c) 4x2 + 12x + 4 d) Other, specify _______

  1. If you increase the price of a product by 375%, you have to multiply the original price by the factor

a) 3.75 b) 4.75 c) 2.15 d) Other, specify _______

  1. George and Vladimir invested in the stock. George earned €3,000 on an investment of €15,000. Find the return on Vladimir’s investment, if he earned twice as much as George relatively. Vladimir invested €20,000.

a) €8,000 b) €6,000 c) €4,000 d) Other, specify _______

  1. A construction job requires the labour of 15 workers for 28 days. How many workers are needed to complete the job in 8 days’ less time?

a) 11 b) 19 c) 21 d) Other, specify _______

  1. Number B is three times as much as number A. On the other hand, number B is one quarter of number C. What is number A, when number C = 36?

a) 3 b) 4 c) 5 d) Other, specify _______

17. My basic salary plus over time salary is altogether 2,500 €. My basic salary is 2,000 € more than my over time salary. What is my basic salary?

a) €1,500 b) €2,000 c) €2,250 d) Other, specify _______

18. 6 kilos of oranges cost as much as 5 kilos of apples. 4 kilos of apples cost as much as 3 kilos of bananas. 2 kilos of bananas cost €2.40. What is the price for oranges per kilo?

a) €0.50 b) €0.75 c) €1.00 d) Other, specify _______

19. 12 years ago I was 3 times as old as my son. Now I am twice as old as he. How old is my son now?

a) 12 years b) 24 years c) 36 years d) Other, specify _______

20. There is 80% of water and 4% of sugar in fresh apples. How many per cent of sugar is there in the same apples, when they have been dried so that the moisture content is 20%?

a) 1% b) 4% c) 16% d) Other, specify _______


Name _________________________________ Date of Birth: _____________

Write your answers here:

1. _________

2. _________

3. _________

4. _________

5. _________

6. _________

7. _________

8. _________

9. _________

10. ________

11. ________

12. ________

13. ________

14. ________

15. ________

16. ________

17. ________

18. ________

19. ________

20. ________

POINTS ____ / 20

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