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Easy reading (final variant)(Домашнее чтение).doc
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  1. Translate the following words and word combinations; recall the situations they were used in the text: a health farm, to take the matter to a court of law, adj. purple, a hut, a spade, a witness, to come forward, to afford, to be in sight, n. pl. looks, life insurance, n. writing.

  2. Consult the text or a good dictionary and insert the prepositions if necessary.

  1. Eric asked me to marry …him, but my parents married me … a wealthy landowner.

  2. The dialect of the common people of a region, differing … various respects from the standard language of the rest of the country.

  3. The police are appealing for witnesses … the accident.

  4. Studios are rushing … monster movies to take advantage of our new-found enthusiasm for them.

  5. They can’t just walk away … the deal: we have been planning the merger with Bell for months.

  6. Blake clicked his fingers at a passing waiter, who hurried … to them.

  7. I was only average academically, but was good … sports.

  8. I was determined to hold to my point of view, to remain secure… position without breaking or giving way.

  9. Are you seriously jealous … Erica?

  10. I didn’t want to be part of their game ... the other hand I didn’t have much choice if I wanted to study at that school.

  1. Paraphrase words in italics, try to choose a synonym in each case, change the structure of the sentence if necessary, but mind to keep the sense unchanged.

  1. The next house is almost exactly the same, and that belongs to Emily's sister Millicent.

  2. She is very strong-minded and likes to control everyone around her, including Emily.

  3. She doesn't claim to be very clever.

  4. But Millicent had been watching me closely.

  5. You look as white as a sheet. You seem frightened.

  6. That's nothing to do with you, Millicent.

  7. I went for a walk through the woods.

  8. I was still breathing hard as I walked back to the supermarket.

  9. I do have an aunt in Chicago.

  10. She pointed at a small, rather fat woman.

  11. But then you changed your mind.

  12. This ground is very hard.

  13. Millicent was responsible for the false 'Emily'.

  14. I would be ashamed!

  15. None of my clothes will fit me.


  1. The text is full of dialogues, turn them into indirect speech using verbs given below, and mind that they not only mean ‘speaking’, but denote some of the emotions as well. You are not to use all the verbs.

To denote

To insist

To remind

To warn

To boast

To ponder

To instruct

To reply

To exclaim

To stammer

To yell

To whine

To contemplate

To infer

To warn

To report

  1. Discussion

  1. Remember the task at the beginning of the text, look through your list of facts and decide which of them go well with Albert’s plan and which seem quiet strange.

  2. What was the origin of this plan to send Emily to a health farm and play a trick to Millicent? Did Albert love Emily or did he want to earn some fortune through this marriage? Quote the text to prove your point of view.

  3. Did Albert plan it all from the very beginning to the very end? Or was it rather a play of chance that Emily had decided to lose weight and Millicent started to watch Albert closely when he had an idea of how to earn on Millicent’s curiosity? Remember to quote the text to support your point of view.

  4. What kind of people do you imagine after reading the first descriptions of sisters? Continue their descriptions in 6 more sentences of your own.

  5. Give your own explanation to the fact that despite having the same houses and land sisters had such a different income.

  6. What were the relations between sisters? Use the text to prove your ideas.

  7. What was Millicent’s attitude to Albert? What was Emily’s attitude to him? Why did Emily want to be better than his first wife? Did Albert somehow show Emily that his first wife was better or she felt so due to her weight?

  8. The first wife of Albert left him quiet a lot, why didn’t he invest that money into Emily’s estate? Did he spend them all long before his second marriage? What was Albert’s way of earning a living?

  9. Could you continue the story of Albert and Emily after they receive money from Millicent? Explain your choice.

  10. Remember the structure of a typical crime story. Do you think this text complies with it? Is there a criminal and a victim?

  11. What is the main idea of this text?


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