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Теоретическая часть – Theoretical part

В рамках предлагаемого практического занятия студенты работают с текстом: чтение и перевод. Для построения монологического высказывания на английском языке о методах бурения необходимо владеть лексикой, данной в Зад.1 предыдущих практических занятий, уметь строить предложения и употреблять правильно времена. По грамматике – повторе-ние времени Perfect (Present, Past,Future).

Задания- Activities

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

Activity 1. You should learn these words and phrases:

widespread широко распространенный

glaciers ледники

peculiar advantages особые преимущества

percussion drilling ударное бурение

rotary drilling роторное бурение

explosion drilling взрывное бурение

hydraulic drilling гидравлическое бурение

coiled tubing drilling койл тюбинг

core drilling колонковое бурение

wildcat drilling поисковое бурение

to keep up with справляться с

sophisticated современный

for digging down чтобы добраться до

bottom hole забой

tough steel прочная сталь

to channel направлять

flushing промывка

cuttings removal отбор шлама

worn out изношенный

assembly сборка, монтаж

steel rope стальной трос

wedge bit клинообразный бур

blow удар

to accumulate собирать

bucket ковш, ведро

drillstem бурильная колона

flexible гибкий

to create weight создать вес

to save экономить

round trips подъемы и спуски

to coil наматывать

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Activity 2. Read and translate the text:

Methods of drilling

Oil and gas drilling has become as widespread and universal as a man himself. The bit has drilled Arctic tundra region, North and South poles glaciers, desert sands and open plains, ocean depths and mountain tops as well as the surfaces of Moon and Mars. Almost all types of conditions have been met but there is always something new in drilling. There are some general methods of oil wells drilling and each with its peculiar advantages. They are percussion drilling, rotary drilling, explosion drilling, hydraulic drilling, coiled tubing drilling, vibration drilling and core drilling, wildcat (prospect) drilling and development drilling.

When it becomes harder to find oil due to its deep location, the drilling industry keeps up with the driller’s needs and provides them with more efficient sophisti-

cated drilling equipment for digging down to the oil. Modern drilling equipment is classified under the term “ drilling rig”. Drilling rig is a complex of integrated parts which work together to keep the drill/bit on bottom hole. Modern drilling bits are used today to cut effectively through the earth crust. Drill string made of tough steel pipe rotates the bit and channels drilling mud down for flushing and cuttings removal. The bit should be replaced when it is worn out. There is a large number of water, mud and air lines on any rig. All the rigs are designed for a certain capacity depending on the volume of works. They drill effectively to a given depth varying with the size of drill pipe used, pump overall size and casing weight to be run. At present the assembly of drilling equipment on derrick is carried out by industrial method, when drilling equipment is mounted on three metal platforms which are moved from one oil well location to another is it is required. The most primitive but efficient drilling is percussion drilling when a wedge bit is used. The wedge bit is fixed on a steel rope or metallic rods by means of which the bit is made to give successive blows on the formation. When sufficient cuttings are accumulated on the bottom, a special bucket with a valve extracts the cuttings from

the hole. Nowadays there are special transportable rigs for percussion drilling. This

drilling method is not used widely in Russia, but in USA 10% of total drilling is carried out with this method. A new method of drilling is drilling on flexible drillstem ( flex-stem ) and it is also called coiled tubing. It was introduced several years ago. A continuous flexible hose of a large length is used as a drillstem. Mud is pumped through the flex-stem or coiled tubing. One turbo or electric drill may drive the bit which is fixed several meters below the drill collars to create weight on the bit. The main advantage of this method is saving in expensive steel pipes and time for round trips. When the bit is pulled out, the coil tubing is coiled on the drum. This drilling method and necessary equipment are manufactured in USA and other countries and it is widely used in Alaska pools and other regions but in Russia it started to make first steps in this field.

Задание 3. Поставьте номера перед вопросами согласно содержанию текста.

Activity 3. Write numbers of questions according to the text:

……. What is drilling on flexible drillstem?

……. Where has the bit already used to drill the surface?

……. What does the drilling industry do when it becomes harder to find oil?

……. What are the main methods of drilling?

……. How is the drilling equipment assembly carried out presently?

……. Where is coiled tubing method widely used?

……. What is the most primitive drilling?

Задание 4. Поставьте глагол в скобках в нужном времени(Present/Past/ Future Perfect и закончите предложения:

Activity 4. Put the verb in brackets in correct form and complete sentences:

  1. I ( to read/not) ……………………………… much recently.

  2. They stood on the shore until the ship ( to disappear) ………………………

  3. We (to pass) …………………………….. all our tests by the end of May.

4. I’m sure that they (to complete) …………………………….. their work by June next year.

5. I (to know) ……………………. Him for three years.

6. Before I left the room I (to turn off) ……………………………… the light.

7. He (to be ill) …………………… for several days when I came to visit him.

8. Pete (to invite)…… already ……………. Me to the party.

9. Mr. Smith (go out) ……. just ……………… and you needn’t waiting him.

Задание 5. Переведите предложения с русского на английский язык.

Activity 5. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Нефтяное и газовое бурение стало широко распространенным и универ-сальным в мире. …………………………………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………………………….. .

2.Во время бурения встречались почти все типы условий. ……………….

……………………………………………………………………… .

3.Есть несколько основных методов бурения нефтяных скважин. .………

……………………………………………………………………… .

4.Нефтяная промышленность обеспечивает буровиков более эффектив-ным современным оборудованием согласно их нуждам. ……………………..

……………………………………………………………………………………. .

5.Буровая колона, сделанная из прочной стали, вращает бур и направляет буровую жидкость для промывания. ……………………………………………

…………………………………………………………………………………….. .

6.В настоящее время монтаж бурового оборудования на вышке произ-водится индустриальным методом. ……………………………………………..

…………………………………………………………………………………… .

Задание 6. Перескажите тест, используя вопросы из Зад.3 и предложения из Зад.5. Составьте план пересказа.

Activity 6. Retell the text using the questions from Act.3 and sentences from Act.5 and make a plan of your story.


Learn by heart: В одном месте не получилось, получится в другом.

Практическое занятие 11 ( 17) Unit 11


Теоретическая часть – Theoretical part

Данный лексический материал предназначен для того, чтобы студенты

выучили новую лексику, используя ее в рассказе о классификации скважин, по грамматике- повторение времен.

Задания – Activities

Задание 1. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

Activity 1. Learn the following words by heart:

borehole буровая скважина

to exceed превышать

well head устье буровой скважины

dia = diameter диаметр

caving обрушение

at some bevel под некоторым наклоном

prospecting разведка, разведочный

key hole опорная скважина

poor explored плохо исследованные

deposit distribution распределение месторождения

accumulation накопление

predicted предсказанный

to perform comparative evaluation сделать сравнительную оценку

shortened core sampling отбор укороченного керна

oil-gas content содержание нефти и газа

full core sampling отбор с полным керном

to extract добывать, извлекать

injection well нагнетательная скважина

observation well наблюдательная скважина

Задание 2. Прочитайте и переведите текст:

Activity 2. Read and translate the text:

Classification of wells

As we know, an oil well is similar to any other borehole drilled for the purpose to get water or other fluids from under the ground. Well is a deep hole in the ground usually lined with brick or stone for obtaining water from under the ground.

The well length exceeds many times its diameter. The well hole at the surface is called well head and its lower part is called bottom hole. The depth of an oil well is controlled by the depth of oil field or reservoir. The well diameter is different: at

the surface the dia is about 16-18 inches and it is reduced progressively to 6 inches

at the bottom. The oil string diameter depends on the expected well capacity. Any oil well drilling system provides different drilling means to fracture rocky formations without problems during drilling process as well as some equipment for removal of crashed rocks and water after drilling. It is also necessary to protect well walls from cavings and to seal off underground water and gas. Wells are usually drilled vertically or at some bevel. It should be deep enough to reach oil pool and of the proper cross section to install there a pump unit of sufficient capacity. Wells are drilled to carry out regional prospecting, search and development of oil fields and are divided into the following types: key/ pioneer holes, parametric holes, search wells, prospecting wells and operating holes.

Key holes are designed to study main characteristics of deep-seated formation of poor explored areas, to determine common laws of stratigraphic & territorial deposit distribution convenient for oil-gas accumulation. As a result of test-key well drilling the estimation of predicted oil & gas reserves is given by geologists.

Parametric holes are drilled to study deep-seated formation and to perform

comparative evaluation of oil-gas accumulation in possible areas of oil-gas capa-

city prospects. The holes are drilled with shortened core sampling.

Search wells are designated to prospect oil & gas fields at new areas. During search wells drilling a full core sampling is provided in the limits of productive horizon and on the stratigraphic sections bounds.

Prospecting wells are drilled on the areas where good results have been obtained after search drilling. When we start prospecting drilling we know oil-gas content of this area.

Operating holes/wells are drilled according to the oil-gas fields exploitation project. These wells are designated to extract oil & gas from oil pools/ reservoirs.

This type also includes injection wells, estimation wells, observation holes and pressure observation wells.

Injection wells are used to inject water, gas or air into productive pool. Estimation wells are used to estimate/ evaluate the productive horizon traps.

Observation & pressure observation wells are designated to watch on pressure changes and water - oil contact during pool operation.

Special wells are designated to drain flushing water, elimination of open oil gushers, prospecting & mining of service water.

Задание 3. Переведите предложения с русского на английский.

Activity 3. Translate the sentences into English:

1.Длина скважины превышает намного раз ее диаметр.

2.Любая система бурения скважин предусматривает нужное оборудова-ние для удаления пород и воды после бурения.

3.Опорные скважины предназначены для изучения основных характери-стик глубоко залегающих формаций.

4.Параметрические скважины бурятся для проведения сравнительной оценки нефтегазового накопления.

5.Разведочные скважины бурятся на площадях, где были получены хоро-шие результаты после поискового бурения.

6.Эксплуатационные скважины предназначены для добычи нефти и газа из нефтяных бассейнов( месторождений).

7.Специальные скважины предназначаются для слива промывочной воды и для устранения открытых нефтяных фонтанов.

Задание 4. Задайте по одному вопросу к каждому абзацу. Начните вопрос с вопросительного слова, стоящего в начале вопроса:

Activity 4. Write one question to each passage. Starting word id given:

  1. What ……………………………………………………………………….

  2. How ……………………………………………………………………….

  3. From what …………………………………………………………………

4. How many …………………………………………………………………

5. What ……………………………………………………………………….

6. What ………………………………………………………………… for ?

7. What types of ………………………………………………………………

8. What ………………………………………………………………….. for ?

Задание 5. Раскройте скобки и переведите в нужном времени, обращая внимание на согласование времен.

Activity 5.Open brackets and write in proper form:

1.Yesterday on my way to the drilling site I (встретил)……………. my old friend Pete whom I (не видел) ………………………… for ages.

2.Pete ( сказал) ……………, he (окончил) ……………………………… from

Oil-Gas Institute 2 years before and (работает) ……………….. as a specialist on drilling at Surgut scientific-research Insitute.

3.We (не говорили) ………………………..long as Pete (боялся) ……………….

to miss his bus. 4.He (собирался) ……………………. to see his brother who (на-ходился) ………………. on holiday not far from Tomsk. 5.Pete (обещал) ….….

……………. to return back in a few days. 6. He (спешил) ……………………….

and (сказал) …………….: As soon as I (вернусь) …………………. ,I (позвоню)

……………………. you up. 7.He (думал) ………………… that by the end of the week he (закончит) …………………….. his work and (надеялся) ………………

that he (приедет) ………………………….. to Surgut on Saturday and we (встре- тимся) …………… and (посидим) …………………….. in a restaurant to chat.

Задание 6. А теперь постарайся пересказать этот текст, используя новые слова и выражения.Составьте план пересказа, используя Зад.4.

Activity 6. And now try to retell this text using new words and phrases. Make a plan using Act.4.


Learn by heart: Конец – делу венец.

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