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9. Comprehension questions.

1. What capabilities should data-processing systems combine when designed?

2. What are the main advantages of computers?

3. What do you know of computer accuracy?

4. What is the function of communication networks?

5. Give examples of data communication network.

6. What do you understand by capacity storage?

7. What other values of computer data processing do you know?

8. What is an important objective in the design of computer data processing systems?

9. What is the most effective computer data processing system?

10. What is the best way of responding to the challenges and opportunities of our post-industrial society?

10. Finish the following sentences according to the content of the text and translate them.

1 Computer data processing systems ... .

2 Once data have been entered correctly … .

3 Computers, when properly programmed, … .

4 A travel reservation system is … .

5 Another example is … .

6 The speed, at which computer data processing … .

7 An important objective in the design … .

11. Find in the text the English equivalents to the following word – combinations:

Система обробки інформації комп’ютером; система орієнтування на обробітку даних комп’ютером; сполучать можливість людини і машини; обмежувати керування; навряд чи допустіть помилку; залишатися уразливим; недопустимі данні; легкість здійснення зв’язку; сеть передачі інформації; системи засновані на використаних супутниках; службові по резервуванню житла; отримати мгновену відповідь; наводити довідки; сховище даних; корпоративна база даних; об’єм пом’яти; запам’ятовувати велику кількість інформації; добувати інформацію; добавити значення; згадане вище; доля хвилини; схильний до помилок; економічні виправдання.

12. Read the following word – combinations o understand and match them with the titles given below. Choose the right variant to state the advantages of computers.

Accuracy Ease of Communications Data Storage Speed

- To take advantage of computer’s abilities;

- Not to make computational errors;

- Data communication network;

- To receive instant response;

- Reservation systems;

- To eliminate human’s manipulation;

- To reduce the possibility of error;

- To do job effectively;

- To free humans from routine, error-prone tasks;

- To store information on magnetic discs;

- To organize and retrieve information in the best way;

- To store a vast amount of information;

- To provide users with access to a data reservoir;

- To respond to the challenges and opportunities of our information-dependent society.

13. Fill in table to talk about the advantages of data processing system for computer users. Work in teams a and b. Make up your story.

Information-dependent spheres.

Educational students’ activities.


14. Choose the right variant of your answers paying attention to the meaning of verb forms in the Active Voice.

Waite a project on the topic:

1 Computer data processing system _______ (frees; responds; eliminates) humans from routine error-prone tasks.

2 Computers can store vast amount of information to organize it and _______ (to travel; to retrieve; to respond) it.

3 An office communications system _______ (provided; processed; sent) our executives with access to a reservoir of data base.

4 The amount of data stored on magnetic discs is constantly _______ (increasing; decreasing; eliminating)

5 Dr. john Neumann, professor of mathematics _______ (developed; created; operated) the concept of storing instructions as well as data in the memory of the computer.

6 We hope, the company _______ (will make; does; provide) an enquiry about transportation or lording next month.

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