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Becoming a Fashion Girl

For anyone who wants to enjoy the most of fashion and wants to add in to the styles and all that the world of fashion has to offer, than becoming a fashion girl is one of the best ways to show your best. This will offer you a way of showing off all of your styles and will provide you with an outlet to do what you love most by showing your fashion tastes, sense and style. If you are looking into becoming a fashion girl, there is some general knowledge about fashion that you will want to start with.

Becoming a fashion girl is more than just having the ability to sense and show fashion. There are a variety of ways that you can gain knowledge within the knowledge and industry and can apply it either to your own wardrobe or your own career. By finding out what is a part of the clothing styles and making this one of your priorities to learn about, than you can become a fashion girl who is able to find out exactly what is best on the runways and through designers.

The first step towards becoming a fashion girl is to learn everything that you can about clothes and designs. There are a variety of trends that you will be able to look into, all which will provide you with an understanding about different fits. When you are looking at the trends, you will want to glance back at some of the styles that used to be the perfect fit. You will then want to combine this with the latest designer looks that are moving into the market. Tracing how this has changed through the different years, as well as through different designers will give you a better sense of what fashion has included, and will step you into becoming a more knowledgeable fashion girl.

After you have looked into your history of being a fashion girl, you can then look at the different styles and cuts that are a part of the different styles. With this, you will want to define how the different cuts have caused figures to look differently and what this has emphasized in fashion. Whether this is for men, women's or children's clothing, understanding how the basic shape of each of the pieces of fashion work will allow you to begin creating your own understanding of how the designs will make a difference in any piece of clothing.

If you want to be a fashion girl, than you can also look into other aspects of clothing that make up an entire outfit. For instance, if there are extra pieces of cloth, bows, belts or ties that are in the piece, you can take notice of this. By defining this, you will also be able to understand how this has made a difference in a fashion sense and how it helps with the figures that are in the clothing. Along these lines, you will be able to get even more fashion girl sense by looking into the different materials and patterns that are being used with this. This will give you an idea in a change of looks that are a part of the materials and will provide you with more abilities to understand the concepts of colour and material.

The next step for becoming a fashion girl is to recognize how the industry of fashion works from the basics of the designers to the different careers that are offered. If a piece of clothing is moving from a designer and to the stores, it will move through several people in order to get the perfect fit. This will include analysis of the pieces available, people who will slightly change the fits in order to create a better look for individuals and those who will work with design and style as a last step in order to showcase the different pieces of clothing. Understanding this process as a fashion girl will ensure that you are able to understand the most of the world of fashion.

It’s not just this particular aspect that will allow you to continue to become a fashion girl, but also will include the ability to get involved in the world of fashion as your interest continues. If you want to be known as one of the best fashion girl options, than you can move into your area of interest after your basic study of fashion. For instance, if you are interested in the display of the clothes, than moving into becoming a fashion stylist will help you to become a better fashion girl. You can combine this with continuing to become knowledgeable about what makes fashion work, such as defining the clothing styles.

With all of these basics available, you will then be able to move into the world of fashion as a fashion girl with any career field in mind and with specific goals about your own designs or thoughts on designs. You can move into receiving a degree from a fashion school in order to move forward, or can try your hand at something such as modeling in order to begin to pursue your dreams. All of these will allow you to become the best fashion girl and will provide you with the ability to begin not only changing your wardrobe with different styles, but also to be a part of the wardrobe of the fashion industry.

If you like to put together outfits and have an eye to see what matches and goes on specific people, than your field of interest is one that can lead you into becoming a true fashion girl. Understanding how to analyze fashion as a first step and learning about the different types of fashion will allow you to move into the right direction of becoming a complete fashion girl. After this, you will have the ability to continue to pursue your desire for looks by examining the field of fashion and finding your place in the industry.

VIII. Read the text. Memorize the expressions in bold.

Shaking with Fear

Yesterday I saw one of the best horror films I have seen. It tells the story of a terrifying ordeal in the woods of northern USA. Some of the scenes in the film sent shivers down my spine, especially the one when the students run out of the tent in the middle of the night. When they go back, one of the guy’s rucksack has been emptied. When that same guy goes missing the next day, it gives you goosebumps.

There are some fabulous sound effects, especially the ones of the wind blowing and howling. When you hear the crying voices at the end of the film, it will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up.

Perhaps the scariest part of the film is at the end, when you see one of the surviving students literally shake with fear in the corner of the basement. It certainly frightened the life out of the girl when she saw him, and I jumped out of my skin at the end when the camera stopped filming. The film scared the hell out of me for weeks afterwards, and I’m ashamed to say that I wouldn’t go into an empty room in the house unless there was someone there with me.

IX. Read the magazine article.

What’s In A Smile?

Smiling is …

universal. In his travels Charles Darwin discovered that smiling was the only facial expression which was recognized instantly all over the world.

easy to see. It is possible to recognize a smile on someone’s face at a distance of 45 meters. You have to be much closer to decide whether the person is showing surprise, anger or fear.

simple. You only use one facial muscle to smile. This is the muscle that reaches down from the cheekbone to the corners of the lips. To look sad or angry you need to use at least two muscles.

good for you. Studies in the USA show that when you smile your heart rate slows down, your blood pressure goes down and the body begins to relax. This happens whether you are feeling happy or not. In fact, if you are feeling unhappy, the simple act of smiling is the first step to feeling better.

Real smiles and false smiles

When you smile a real smile, two things happen to your face: your lips move up towards your cheeks, and your cheeks themselves go up and gather in the skin around the eyes. And a real smile will usually only last for up to four seconds.

False smiles are seen on the faces of politicians or people who are pretending they are pleased to see you. False smiles usually appear a bit too early or too late, and they tend to last for too long.

But if you really want to know if a smile is real or false, look at the eyes. In a false smile they don’t change. Eyes are important in other ways, too. When you feel good, your pupils get larger; when you feel bad, they become small.

Laughter: the best medicine

In 1964 an American journalist called Norman Cousins developed a serious problem with his back. It turned out that he had a dangerous illness which was extremely painful and incurable. He was admitted to hospital, unable to move, and prescribed a course of strong pain-killing drugs. Cousins knew that negative emotions could make you ill, and began to wonder whether positive emotions – and particularly laughter – might make you better.

He stopped taking the drugs and moved out of the hospital into a hotel room, which was not only a more cheerful place to be but was also much cheaper. There he hired a lot of comedies and started to watch them. He found that every time he laughed, the laughter acted as an anaesthetic and gave him relief from pain. And the effect lasted some time: 10 minutes’ laughter could give him around two hours free from pain.

More important, he found that he was slowly getting better, and eventually recovered completely from the illness.

For many years, the medical profession refused to take Cousins’ claims seriously, but now things are changing and some American hospitals have “laughter rooms”, where patients can watch videos or read joke books, instead of sitting around feeling depressed.

Laughing for money

A Frenchwoman, Jullie Hette, works as a professional laugher. For a fee, she will come and laugh non-stop for you. Her record is 90 minutes. She guarantees that you will soon be laughing with her – even though you might not know what you are laughing about.

TOPICAL VOCABULARY (* optional words)

  1. admire *

  2. afraid (of)

  3. ambitious

  4. angry

  5. appearance

  6. appreciate *

  7. argumentative *

  8. ashamed

  9. athletic

  10. attractive

  11. baby

  12. bad-tempered *

  13. bald

  14. beautiful

  15. bikini

  16. blonde

  17. blouse

  18. (in a) bob *

  19. boots

  20. bored

  21. bossy *

  22. broad

  23. broad-minded

  24. bushy *

  25. calm

  26. carefree

  27. changeable

  28. cheek

  29. cheekbones *

  30. cheerful

  31. chin

  32. clean-shaven

  33. clothes

  34. complexion

  35. conservative

  36. contentment *

  37. curly

  38. dark

  39. delicate *

  40. depressed

  41. disappointed

  42. dress

  43. emotion

  44. embarrassed

  45. encourage

  46. enjoy

  47. excited

  48. eyebrows

  49. eyes

  50. face

  1. facial features

  2. fair

  3. fashion

  4. fat fear

  5. feelings

  6. figure

  7. fit

  8. flip-flops

  9. forehead

  10. freckles *

  11. frightened

  12. frown

  13. full

  14. garment *

  15. generous

  16. gentle

  17. gloves

  18. good-looking

  19. grateful

  20. grey hair

  21. guilty

  22. hard-working

  23. hat

  24. hate

  25. happy

  26. heart-shaped

  27. heel *

  28. (of medium) height

  29. honest

  30. hood

  31. ideal *

  32. (im)patient

  33. jacket

  34. jealous

  35. jeans

  36. joy

  37. jumper

  38. lazy

  39. length *

  40. lie

  41. lips

  42. long-sleeved *

  43. loving

  44. loyal

  45. manners

  46. match

  47. mean *

  48. miserable

  49. (in good/bad) mood

  50. mouth

  1. narrow

  2. narrow-minded *

  3. nature

  4. nervous

  5. nose (snub)

  6. obese

  7. old age pensioner

  8. optimistic

  9. outfit

  10. oval

  11. overcoat

  12. overweight

  13. pale

  14. personality

  15. pessimistic

  16. plain

  17. plastic surgery *

  18. pleasant

  19. pleasure

  20. pretty

  21. proud

  22. punctual

  23. pullover

  24. put on

  25. puzzled *

  26. pyjamas

  27. raincoat

  28. red-head

  29. regular beauty *

  30. reliable

  31. relaxed

  32. resemble

  33. reserved

  34. round

  35. sad

  36. sandals

  37. satisfaction *

  38. scared *

  39. scarf

  40. self-confident

  41. selfish *

  42. senior citizen

  43. sense of humour

  44. sensible

  45. sensitive

  46. serious

  47. shape

  48. shoes

  49. short

  50. shorts

  1. shoulders

  2. shy *

  3. skin

  4. skirt

  5. skinny

  6. slender

  7. slim

  8. smile

  9. sneakers

  10. sociable

  11. square

  12. stocky

  13. suit

  14. straight

  15. swimsuit

  1. sweater

  2. sweatpants

  3. sweatshirt

  4. take after

  5. talkative

  6. tall

  7. tan *

  8. tank top

  9. teenager

  10. terrified *

  11. teeth (even/regular/crooked)

  12. tee-shirt

  13. thin

  14. thoughtful

  1. tidy

  2. tie

  3. toddler

  4. tolerant *

  5. traits

  6. turtleneck

  7. ugly

  8. underwear

  9. upset

  10. waist *

  11. waistcoat

  12. well-built

  13. witty

  14. young adult

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