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Unit 1.2. International Civil Aviation Organisation (icao) Text 1

Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian.

The history of the International Civil Aviation Organization

Already, in the early years of aviation (before World War I) people with foresight had realized that the advent of the airplane added a new dimension to transport which could no longer be contained within strictly national confines. It was for this reason that, on the invitation of France, the first important conference on an international air law code was convened in Paris in 1910. This conference was attended by 18 European States and a number of basic principles governing aviation were laid down.

Needless to say that the technical developments in aviation arising out of World War I created a completely new situation at the end of the hostilities, especially with regard to the safe and rapid transport of goods and persons over prolonged distances. However, the war had also shown the ugly potential of aviation and it had therefore become much more evident that this new, and now greatly advanced means of transport required international attention.

For obvious reasons, the treatment of aviation matters was a subject at the Paris Peace Conference of 1919 - and it was therefore entrusted to a special Aeronautical Commission, which hat its origin in the Inter-Allied Aviation Committee created in 1917. At the same time, civil air transport enterprises were created in many European States and in North America, some of which were already engaged in international operations (Paris-London, Paris-Brussels). Also in 1919, two British airmen, Alcock and Brown, made the first West-East crossing of the North Atlantic from Newfoundland to Ireland and the "R-34", a British dirigible made a round trip flight from Scotland to New York and back.

Exercise 1. To enrich your vocabulary find in the dictionary all possible meanings of the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) means; 2) development; 3) treatment; 4) subject; 5) operation.

Use these words in the sentences of your own.

Exercise 2.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Ми не могли передбачити появу такого транспортного засобу. 2. Саме з цієї причини була скликана конференція з питань кодексу повітряного права. 3. Можна навіть і не згадувати про те, що нові винаходи у технічній сфері створили зовсім нову ситуацію в світі. 4. Ця комісія розглядає питання пов'язані з авіацією. 5. Ми заявили про свою участь. 6. Були закладені основні принципи, що регулюють цивільну авіацію. 7. Цe питання вимагає багато уваги. 8. Наша авіакомпанія безпечно і швидко перевозить пасажирів і вантажі на великі відстані. 9. До другої світової війни це підприємство займалося виробництвом дирижаблів. 10 Стало очевидним, що ми можемо доручити найважливіші питання спеціальній Аеронавігаційній комісії.

Text 2

Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian.

Foundation of the International Civil Aviation Organization

The consequence of the studies initiated by the US and subsequent consultations between the Major Allies was that the US government extended an invitation to 55 States or authorities to attend, in November 1944, an International Civil Aviation Conference in Chicago. Fifty-four States attended this Conference end of which a Convention on International Civil Aviation was signed by 52 States set up the permanent International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) as a means to secure international co-operation an highest possible degree of uniformity in regulations and standards, procedures and organisation regarding civil aviation matters. At the same time the International Services Transit Agreement and the International Air Transport Agreement were signed.

The most important work accomplished by the Chicago Conference was in the technical field because the Conference laid the foundation for a set of rules and regulations regarding air navigation as a whole which brought safety in flying a great step forward and paved the way for the application of a common air navigation system throughout the world.

Because of the inevitable delays in the ratification of the Convention, the Conference had signed an Interim Agreement, which foresaw the creation of a Provisional International Organization of a technical and advisory nature with the purpose of collaboration in the field of international civil aviation (PICAO). This Organization was in operation from August 1945 to April 1947 when the permanent ICAO came into being. Its seat was in Montreal, Canada and in 1947 the change from PICAO to ICAO was little more than a formality.

From the very assumption of activities of PICAO/ICAO, it was realised that the work of the Secretariat, especially in the technical field, would have to cover two major activities:

- those which covered generally applicable rules and regulations concerning training and licensing of aeronautical personnel both in the air and on the ground, communication systems and procedures, rules for the air and air traffic control systems and practices, airworthiness requirements for aircraft engaged in international air navigation as well as their registration and identification, aeronautical meteorology and maps and charts. For obvious reasons, these aspects required uniformity on a world-wide scale if truly international air navigation was to become a possibility. Activities in these fields had therefore to be handled by a central agency, i.e. ICAO headquarters, if local deviations or separate developments were to be avoided;

- those concerning the practical application of air navigation services and facilities by States and their co-ordinated implementation in specific areas where operating conditions and other relevant parameters were comparable.

To meet the latter objective it was agreed to sub-divide the surface of the earth into a number of "regions" within which distinct and specific air navigation problems of a similar nature existed. A typical example of this process is illustrated by a comparison of the so-called "North Atlantic Region (NAT)", where the primary problems concern long-range overseas navigation, with the "European-Mediterranean region (EUR)" where the co-ordination of trans-European operations with domestic and short-range international traffic constitutes the major problem. Once the regions created, it was necessary to provide bodies which were able to assist States in the resolution of their specific "regional" problems and it was agreed that this could best be achieved by the creation of a number of Regional Offices which were to be located either in the Region they served or, if more than one Region was to be served by such an Office, as close as possible to the Region concerned.

As a consequence of the above ICAO adopted the concept of Regions and Regional Offices on the understanding that any regional activities could only be undertaken provided they did not conflict with the world-wide activities of the Organization. However, it was also recognised that such activities could vary from Region to Region taking into account the general economic, technical or social environment of the Region concerned.

Exercise 1. To enrich your vocabulary find in the dictionary all possible meanings of the following words and give their Ukrainian equivalents:

1) matter; 2) rule; 3) degree; 4) to adopt.

Use these words in the sentences of your own.

Exercise 2.Translate the following sentences into English.

1. У результаті уряд США надіслав запрошення на конференцію 55 країнам світу. 2. Наша організація підписала всі необхідні нормативні документи. 3. Результатом цієї конференції стало підписання конвенції. 4. ІКАО стала засобом забезпечення міжнародного співробітництва на найвищому рівні. 5. Конференція заклала підвалини для розробки низки правил та нормативних документів. 6. Ці рішення проклали шлях до покращення аеронавігаційної системи у всьому світі. 7. Тимчасова організація без затримки почала співпрацювати з іншими організаціями, надавати технічну та консультативну допомогу. 8. Через декілька років виникла постійна організація. 9. Після оголошення організації-наступниці тимчасова організація була ліквідована. 10. Ми прийняли на себе відповідальність за всі рішення. 11. Наша організація охоплює такі важливі сфери, як підготовка та ліцензування персоналу, системи комунікації, питання льотної придатності. 12. Уникнути відхилень від цих процедур можна лише за умови дотримання загальних стандартів. 13. Наша компанія обслуговує внутрішні рейси. 14. Було визнано, що такі види діяльності можуть відрізнятися залежно від регіону.

Text 3

Read and translate the following text into Ukrainian.

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